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Öğrenen Derlemlerinin Dil Öğretiminde Kullanımı Üzerine Kuramsal Tartışmalar

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 295 - 313, 27.04.2021


Derlem, belli bir dili veya dil değişkesini temsil edebilmek amacıyla, yazılı ve/veya sözlü dil kullanımlarını dengeli ve katmanlı örnekleme yoluyla derleyip temel dilbilimsel çözümlemelerle birlikte elektronik ortamlarda sunan kaynaklardır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, öğrenen derlemlerinin dil öğretiminde kullanımı üzerine farklı yaklaşımları incelemek ve mevcut öğrenen derlemlerini çeşitli ölçütler bakımından değerlendirerek araştırmacılara kuramsal bir çerçeve sunmaktır. Ayrıca dil öğretiminde dünyada uzun yıllardır yararlanılan öğrenen derlemlerinden Türkçe öğretiminde de yararlanılması için bir farkındalık oluşturmaktır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda derlem, derlem dil bilimi, derlem türleri ve öğrenen derlemleriyle ilgili alan yazın taraması yapılmış, öğrenen derlemlerinin dil öğretiminin hangi aşamasında nasıl kullanıldığıyla ilgili saptamalar ortaya konulmuştur. Öğrenen derlemlerinin genellikle aradil çözümlemelerinde, derslerde kullanılacak ders kitabı, dil bilgisi kitabı, sözlük gibi kaynakların hazırlanmasında, dil öğrenenlerin hedef dilin kullanım örneklerini inceleme çalışmalarında, öğretimin müfredat oluşturma ve ölçme-değerlendirme aşamalarında, özel amaçlı dil öğretimi ve akademik amaçlı dil öğretimi çalışmalarında kullanıldığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • Aarts, J., & Meijs, W. (1984). Corpus Linguistics: recent developments in the use of computer corpora in English language research. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
  • Adamska-Sałaciak, A. (2012). Dictionary definitions: Problems and solutions. Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, 129(4), 323-339.
  • Adolphs, S., & Knight, D. (2010). Building a spoken corpus: what are the basics? A. O’Keeffe ve M. McCarthy (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of corpus linguistics (pp. 38-52). London: Routledge.
  • Agan, C., & Diri, B. (2016). Türkçe derlemler için söz dizimsel görselleştirme ve sorgulama aracı. Türkiye Bilişim Vakfı Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi, 9(1), 1-10.
  • Akın, L. (2015). Konuşma dili grameri ve sözlü derlemlerden yararlanarak konuşma dili özelliklerinin tespiti. Türkiyat Mecmuası, 25, 1-27.
  • Aksan D. (2011). Derlem dilbilim ve dil eğitimi. L. Uzun ve Ü. Bozkurt (Ed.), Türkçenin eğitimi-öğretiminde kuramsal ve uygulamalı araştırmalar (s. 349-343). Essen: Verlag Die Blaue Eule.
  • Barker, F. (2010). How can corpora be used in language testing? A. O’Keeffe ve M. McCarthy (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of corpus linguistics (pp. 633-645). London: Routledge.
  • Barker, F., Salamoura, A., &Saville, N. (2015). Learner corpora and language testing. S. Granger, G. Gilquin ve F. Meunier (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of learner corpus research (pp. 511-534). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Biber, D., Conrad, S. ve Reppen, R. (1998). Corpus linguistics. Investigating language structure and use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Blass, L., Iannuzzi, S., Reppen, R., &Savage, A. (2012). Grammar and beyond level 3 student's book. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Braun, S. (2006). ELISA - a pedagogically enriched corpus for language learning purposes. S. Braun, K. Kohn ve J. Mukherjee (Ed.), Corpus technology and language pedagogy: New resources, new tools, new methods (pp. 25-47). Frankfurt/M: Peter Lang.
  • Callies, M. (2015). Learner corpus methodology. S. Granger, G. Gilquin ve F. Meunier (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of learner corpus research (pp. 35-56). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Callies, M., Díez-Bedmar, M. B., & Zaytseva, E. (2014). Using learner corpora for testing and assessing L2 proficiency. P. Leclercq, H. Hilton, A. Edmonds (Ed.), Proficiency assessment measures in SLA research: measures and practices (pp.71-90). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
  • Can, C. (2009). İkinci dil edinimi çalışmalarında bilgisayar destekli bir Türk öğrenici İngilizcesi derlemi: ICLE’nin bir alt derlemi olarak TICLE. Dil Dergisi, 144, 16-34.
  • Carter, R., & McCarthy, M. (2006). Cambridge grammar of English: A comprehensive guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Chambers, A. (2015). The learner corpus as a pedagogic corpus. S. Granger, G. Gilquin ve F. Meunier (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of learner corpus research (pp. 445-464). Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press.
  • Chomsky, N. (2004). The master and his performance: An interview with Noam Chomsky. Intercultural Pragmatics, 1(1), 93-111.
  • Chuang, F., & Nesi, H. (2007). Grammar talk: Developing computer-based materials for Chinese EAP students. O. Alexander (Ed.), New Approaches to Materials Development for Language Learning (pp. 315-330). Oxford: Peter Lang.
  • Cobb, T. (2003). Analyzing late Interlanguage with learner corpora: Québec replications of three European studies. Canadian Modern Language Review/ La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, 59(3), 393-424.
  • Cock, S., Granger, S, Leech, G., & McEnery, T. (1998). An automated approach to the phrasicon of EFL learners. S. Granger (Ed.), Learner English on computer (pp. 67-79). London: Longman.
  • Cowan, R., Choo, J.,& Lee, G. S. (2014). ICALL for improving Korean L2 writers’ ability to edit grammatical errors. Language Learning & Technology, 18(3), 193-207.
  • Flowerdew, L. (2008). Corpus-based analyses of the problem solution pattern. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
  • Flowerdew, L. (2015). Learner corpora and language for academic and specific purposes. S. Granger, G. Gilquin ve F. Meunier (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of learner corpus research (pp. 465-484). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Gablasova, D., Brezina, V.,& McEnery, T. (2017). Exploring learner language through corpora: Comparing and interpreting corpus frequency information. Language Learning, 67(S1), 130-154.
  • Granger, S. (2002). A Bird’s-eye view of computer learner corpus research. S. Granger, J. Hung ve S. Petch-Tyson (Ed.), Computer learner corpora, second language acquisition and foreign language teaching (pp. 3-33). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: Benjamins.
  • Granger, S. (2008). Learner corpora. A. Lüdeling ve M. Kytö (Ed.), Corpus linguistics: An international handbook (pp. 259-275). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Granger, S. (2015). The contribution of learner corpora to reference and instructional materials design. S. Granger, G. Gilquin ve F. Meunier (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of learner corpus research (pp.486-510). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Granger, S., & Paquot, M. (2013). Language for specific purposes learner corpora. C.A. Chapelle (Ed.), The encyclopedia of applied linguistics (pp. 3142-3146).Oxford: Wiley.
  • Guilquin, G. (2015). From design to collection of learner corpora. S. Granger, G. Gilquin ve F. Meunier (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of learner corpus research (pp. 9-34). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Harrison, J. (2015). The English grammar profile. J. Harrison ve F. Barker (Ed.), English profile in practice (pp. 28-48). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hegelheimer, V., & Fisher, D. (2006). Grammar, writing, and technology: A sample technology-supported approach to teaching grammar and improving writing for ESL learners. CALICO Journal, 23(2), 257-279.
  • Heift, T. (2010). Developing an intelligent language tutor. CALICO Journal, 27(3),443-459.
  • Heuberger, R. (2016). Learner’s dictionaries: History and development; current issues. P. Durkin (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of lexicography (pp. 25-43). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hewings, M.,& Hewings, A. (2002). “It is interesting to note that …”: a comparative study of anticipatory ‘it’ in student and published writing. English for Specific Purposes, 21(4), 367-383.
  • Jarvis, S., & Paquot, M. (2015). Native language identification. S. Granger, G. Gilquin ve F. Meunier (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of learner corpus research (pp. 605-627). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Lee, D. Y.W. (2010). What corpora are available? A. O’Keeffe ve M. McCarthy (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of corpus linguistics (pp. 107-121). London: Routledge.
  • Lee, D.,& Swales, J. (2006). A Corpus-based EAP course for NNS doctoral students: Moving from available specialized corpora to self-compiled corpora. English for Specific Purposes, 25(1), 56-75.
  • Leech, G. (1992). Corpora and theories of linguistic performance. J. Svartvik (Ed.), Directions in corpus linguistics. Proceedings of Nobel symposium 82 (pp. 105–122). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Luzon, M. J. (2009). The use of “we” in a learner corpus of reports written by EFL engineering students. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 8(3), 192-206.
  • Mark, K.L. (1998). The Significance of learner corpus data in relation to the problems of language teaching. Bulletin of General Education, 312, 77-90.
  • McEnery, T., Brezina, V., Gablasova, D., & Banerjee, J. (2019). Corpus linguistics, learner corpora, and SLA: Employing technology to analyze language use. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 39, 74–92.
  • McEnery, T., & Wilson, A. (2001). Corpus linguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • McEnery, T., Xiao,R.Z., & Tono, Y.(2006). Corpus-based language studies: An advanced resource book. London: Routledge.
  • Meunier, F. (2016). Learner corpora and pedagogic applications. A. O’Keeffe ve M. McCarthy (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of language learning and technology (pp. 376-387). London: Routledge.
  • Meurers, D. (2015). Learner corpora and natural language processing. S. Granger, G. Gilquin ve F. Meunier (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of learner corpus research (pp. 537-565). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Milton, J.(2006). Resource-rich Web-based feedback: Helping learners become independent writers. K. Hyland ve G. Hyland (Ed.), Feedback in second language writing (pp. 123-139). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Mitton, R.,& Okada, T. (2007). The adaptation of an English spellchecker for Japanese writers. London: Birkbeck ePrints. Erişim adresi:
  • Mukherjee, J.,& Rohrbach, J.-M. (2006). Rethinking applied corpus linguistics from a language-pedagogical perspective: New departures in learner corpus research. B. Kettemann ve G. Marko (Ed.), Planing, gluing and painting corpora: Inside the applied corpus linguist’s workshop (pp. 205-232). Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
  • Nelson, M. (2010). Building a written corpus: what are the basics? A. O’Keeffe ve M. McCarthy (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of corpus linguistics (pp. 53-65). London: Routledge.
  • Nesselhauf, N. (2006). Researching L2 production with ICLE. S. Braun, K. Kohn ve J. Mukherjee (Ed.). Corpus technology and language pedagogy: New resources, new tools, new methods (pp. 141-156). Frankfurt: Lang.
  • O’Donnell, M. (2013). From learner corpora to curriculum design: An empirical approach to staging the teaching of grammatical concepts. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 95,571-580.
  • Ostermann, C. (2015). Cognitive lexicography: A new approach to lexicography making use of cognitive semantics. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Petch-Tyson, S. (1998). Writer/reader visibility in EFL written discourse. S. Granger (Ed.), Learner English on computer (pp. 107-118). London: Longman.
  • Ringbom, H. (1998). Vocabulary frequencies in advanced learner English: Across-linguistic approach. S. Granger (Ed.), Learner English on computer (pp. 41-52). London: Longman.
  • Ruhi, Ş., Aksan, M., & Aksan, Y. (2014). Derlem dilbilim yöntemlerinin etkin olarak araştırmalarda kullanımı: Uygulamalar. Proceedings of the 27th national linguistics conference (ss. 264-270). Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi.
  • Selinker, L. (1972). Interlanguage. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 10(3),209-231.
  • Shohamy, E. (2008). Introduction to volume 7: Language testing and assessment. E. Shohamy veN. Hornberger (Ed.), Language testing and assessment: Encyclopedia of language and education, 7 (pp. xiii-xxii). New York: Springer.
  • Stubbs, M. (1993). British traditions in text analysis: From firth to sinclair. M. Baker, G. Francis ve E. Tognini Bonelli (Ed.), Text and technology: In honour of John Sinclair (pp.1-36). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Stubbs, M. (2001). Words and phrases: Corpus studies of lexical semantics. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Stubbs, M. (2004). Language corpora. A. Davies ve C. Elder (Ed.). The handbook of applied linguistics (pp. 106-132). London: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Taylor, C. (2008). What is corpus linguistics? What the data says. ICAME Journal, 32, 179-200.
  • Thompson, G., & Hunston, S. (2006). System and corpus: two traditions with a common ground. G. Thompson ve S. Hunston (Ed.), System and corpus: Exploring connections (pp. 1-14).Bristol: Equinox.
  • Teubert, W. (2005). My version of corpus linguistics. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 10(1), 1–13.
  • Teubert, W., & Krishnamurthy, R. (2007). General introduction tocorpus linguistics. W. Teubert veR. Krishnamurthy (Ed.), Critical concepts in linguistics (pp. 1-37). London and New York: Routledge.
  • Tognini Bonelli E. (2010). Theoretical overview of the evolution of corpus linguistics. A. O’Keeffe ve M. McCarthy (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of corpus linguistics (pp. 14-27). London: Routledge.
  • Tono, Y. (2003). Learner corpora: Design, development and applications. D. Archer, P. Rayson, A. Wilson ve T. McEnery (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2003 Corpus Conference (pp. 800-809). Erişim adresi:
  • Walter, E. (2010). Using corpora to write dictionaries. A. O’Keeffe ve M. McCarthy (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of corpus linguistics (pp. 428-443). London: Routledge.
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Theoretical Discussions on the Use of Learner Corpora in Language Teaching

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 295 - 313, 27.04.2021


Corpora are electronically stored and processed collections of written and/or spoken language data compiled by means of balanced and layered sampling and representing a specific language or language variety. The purpose of this study is to examine different approaches to the use of learner corpora in language teaching and to present a theoretical framework to researchers by evaluating existing learner corpora in terms of various criteria. Learner corpora have long been used in the field of language instruction; therefore, the present study also aims at raising awareness of the use of learner corpora in teaching Turkish language as well. To attain this objective, literature review of corpus, corpus linguistics, corpus types, and learner corpora was made and the ways that learner corpora were used in each stage of language teaching were described. It was determined that learner corpora were usually used in interlanguage analysis, during the preparation of reference materials such as textbooks, grammar books and dictionaries, in studies examining the learners’ use of the target language, in the process of curriculum design and language testing and assessment, as well as LSP and LAP.


  • Aarts, J., & Meijs, W. (1984). Corpus Linguistics: recent developments in the use of computer corpora in English language research. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
  • Adamska-Sałaciak, A. (2012). Dictionary definitions: Problems and solutions. Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, 129(4), 323-339.
  • Adolphs, S., & Knight, D. (2010). Building a spoken corpus: what are the basics? A. O’Keeffe ve M. McCarthy (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of corpus linguistics (pp. 38-52). London: Routledge.
  • Agan, C., & Diri, B. (2016). Türkçe derlemler için söz dizimsel görselleştirme ve sorgulama aracı. Türkiye Bilişim Vakfı Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Dergisi, 9(1), 1-10.
  • Akın, L. (2015). Konuşma dili grameri ve sözlü derlemlerden yararlanarak konuşma dili özelliklerinin tespiti. Türkiyat Mecmuası, 25, 1-27.
  • Aksan D. (2011). Derlem dilbilim ve dil eğitimi. L. Uzun ve Ü. Bozkurt (Ed.), Türkçenin eğitimi-öğretiminde kuramsal ve uygulamalı araştırmalar (s. 349-343). Essen: Verlag Die Blaue Eule.
  • Barker, F. (2010). How can corpora be used in language testing? A. O’Keeffe ve M. McCarthy (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of corpus linguistics (pp. 633-645). London: Routledge.
  • Barker, F., Salamoura, A., &Saville, N. (2015). Learner corpora and language testing. S. Granger, G. Gilquin ve F. Meunier (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of learner corpus research (pp. 511-534). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Biber, D., Conrad, S. ve Reppen, R. (1998). Corpus linguistics. Investigating language structure and use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Blass, L., Iannuzzi, S., Reppen, R., &Savage, A. (2012). Grammar and beyond level 3 student's book. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Braun, S. (2006). ELISA - a pedagogically enriched corpus for language learning purposes. S. Braun, K. Kohn ve J. Mukherjee (Ed.), Corpus technology and language pedagogy: New resources, new tools, new methods (pp. 25-47). Frankfurt/M: Peter Lang.
  • Callies, M. (2015). Learner corpus methodology. S. Granger, G. Gilquin ve F. Meunier (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of learner corpus research (pp. 35-56). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Callies, M., Díez-Bedmar, M. B., & Zaytseva, E. (2014). Using learner corpora for testing and assessing L2 proficiency. P. Leclercq, H. Hilton, A. Edmonds (Ed.), Proficiency assessment measures in SLA research: measures and practices (pp.71-90). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
  • Can, C. (2009). İkinci dil edinimi çalışmalarında bilgisayar destekli bir Türk öğrenici İngilizcesi derlemi: ICLE’nin bir alt derlemi olarak TICLE. Dil Dergisi, 144, 16-34.
  • Carter, R., & McCarthy, M. (2006). Cambridge grammar of English: A comprehensive guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Chambers, A. (2015). The learner corpus as a pedagogic corpus. S. Granger, G. Gilquin ve F. Meunier (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of learner corpus research (pp. 445-464). Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press.
  • Chomsky, N. (2004). The master and his performance: An interview with Noam Chomsky. Intercultural Pragmatics, 1(1), 93-111.
  • Chuang, F., & Nesi, H. (2007). Grammar talk: Developing computer-based materials for Chinese EAP students. O. Alexander (Ed.), New Approaches to Materials Development for Language Learning (pp. 315-330). Oxford: Peter Lang.
  • Cobb, T. (2003). Analyzing late Interlanguage with learner corpora: Québec replications of three European studies. Canadian Modern Language Review/ La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, 59(3), 393-424.
  • Cock, S., Granger, S, Leech, G., & McEnery, T. (1998). An automated approach to the phrasicon of EFL learners. S. Granger (Ed.), Learner English on computer (pp. 67-79). London: Longman.
  • Cowan, R., Choo, J.,& Lee, G. S. (2014). ICALL for improving Korean L2 writers’ ability to edit grammatical errors. Language Learning & Technology, 18(3), 193-207.
  • Flowerdew, L. (2008). Corpus-based analyses of the problem solution pattern. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
  • Flowerdew, L. (2015). Learner corpora and language for academic and specific purposes. S. Granger, G. Gilquin ve F. Meunier (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of learner corpus research (pp. 465-484). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Gablasova, D., Brezina, V.,& McEnery, T. (2017). Exploring learner language through corpora: Comparing and interpreting corpus frequency information. Language Learning, 67(S1), 130-154.
  • Granger, S. (2002). A Bird’s-eye view of computer learner corpus research. S. Granger, J. Hung ve S. Petch-Tyson (Ed.), Computer learner corpora, second language acquisition and foreign language teaching (pp. 3-33). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: Benjamins.
  • Granger, S. (2008). Learner corpora. A. Lüdeling ve M. Kytö (Ed.), Corpus linguistics: An international handbook (pp. 259-275). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Granger, S. (2015). The contribution of learner corpora to reference and instructional materials design. S. Granger, G. Gilquin ve F. Meunier (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of learner corpus research (pp.486-510). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Granger, S., & Paquot, M. (2013). Language for specific purposes learner corpora. C.A. Chapelle (Ed.), The encyclopedia of applied linguistics (pp. 3142-3146).Oxford: Wiley.
  • Guilquin, G. (2015). From design to collection of learner corpora. S. Granger, G. Gilquin ve F. Meunier (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of learner corpus research (pp. 9-34). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Harrison, J. (2015). The English grammar profile. J. Harrison ve F. Barker (Ed.), English profile in practice (pp. 28-48). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hegelheimer, V., & Fisher, D. (2006). Grammar, writing, and technology: A sample technology-supported approach to teaching grammar and improving writing for ESL learners. CALICO Journal, 23(2), 257-279.
  • Heift, T. (2010). Developing an intelligent language tutor. CALICO Journal, 27(3),443-459.
  • Heuberger, R. (2016). Learner’s dictionaries: History and development; current issues. P. Durkin (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of lexicography (pp. 25-43). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hewings, M.,& Hewings, A. (2002). “It is interesting to note that …”: a comparative study of anticipatory ‘it’ in student and published writing. English for Specific Purposes, 21(4), 367-383.
  • Jarvis, S., & Paquot, M. (2015). Native language identification. S. Granger, G. Gilquin ve F. Meunier (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of learner corpus research (pp. 605-627). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Lee, D. Y.W. (2010). What corpora are available? A. O’Keeffe ve M. McCarthy (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of corpus linguistics (pp. 107-121). London: Routledge.
  • Lee, D.,& Swales, J. (2006). A Corpus-based EAP course for NNS doctoral students: Moving from available specialized corpora to self-compiled corpora. English for Specific Purposes, 25(1), 56-75.
  • Leech, G. (1992). Corpora and theories of linguistic performance. J. Svartvik (Ed.), Directions in corpus linguistics. Proceedings of Nobel symposium 82 (pp. 105–122). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Luzon, M. J. (2009). The use of “we” in a learner corpus of reports written by EFL engineering students. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 8(3), 192-206.
  • Mark, K.L. (1998). The Significance of learner corpus data in relation to the problems of language teaching. Bulletin of General Education, 312, 77-90.
  • McEnery, T., Brezina, V., Gablasova, D., & Banerjee, J. (2019). Corpus linguistics, learner corpora, and SLA: Employing technology to analyze language use. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 39, 74–92.
  • McEnery, T., & Wilson, A. (2001). Corpus linguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • McEnery, T., Xiao,R.Z., & Tono, Y.(2006). Corpus-based language studies: An advanced resource book. London: Routledge.
  • Meunier, F. (2016). Learner corpora and pedagogic applications. A. O’Keeffe ve M. McCarthy (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of language learning and technology (pp. 376-387). London: Routledge.
  • Meurers, D. (2015). Learner corpora and natural language processing. S. Granger, G. Gilquin ve F. Meunier (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of learner corpus research (pp. 537-565). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Milton, J.(2006). Resource-rich Web-based feedback: Helping learners become independent writers. K. Hyland ve G. Hyland (Ed.), Feedback in second language writing (pp. 123-139). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Mitton, R.,& Okada, T. (2007). The adaptation of an English spellchecker for Japanese writers. London: Birkbeck ePrints. Erişim adresi:
  • Mukherjee, J.,& Rohrbach, J.-M. (2006). Rethinking applied corpus linguistics from a language-pedagogical perspective: New departures in learner corpus research. B. Kettemann ve G. Marko (Ed.), Planing, gluing and painting corpora: Inside the applied corpus linguist’s workshop (pp. 205-232). Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
  • Nelson, M. (2010). Building a written corpus: what are the basics? A. O’Keeffe ve M. McCarthy (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of corpus linguistics (pp. 53-65). London: Routledge.
  • Nesselhauf, N. (2006). Researching L2 production with ICLE. S. Braun, K. Kohn ve J. Mukherjee (Ed.). Corpus technology and language pedagogy: New resources, new tools, new methods (pp. 141-156). Frankfurt: Lang.
  • O’Donnell, M. (2013). From learner corpora to curriculum design: An empirical approach to staging the teaching of grammatical concepts. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 95,571-580.
  • Ostermann, C. (2015). Cognitive lexicography: A new approach to lexicography making use of cognitive semantics. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Petch-Tyson, S. (1998). Writer/reader visibility in EFL written discourse. S. Granger (Ed.), Learner English on computer (pp. 107-118). London: Longman.
  • Ringbom, H. (1998). Vocabulary frequencies in advanced learner English: Across-linguistic approach. S. Granger (Ed.), Learner English on computer (pp. 41-52). London: Longman.
  • Ruhi, Ş., Aksan, M., & Aksan, Y. (2014). Derlem dilbilim yöntemlerinin etkin olarak araştırmalarda kullanımı: Uygulamalar. Proceedings of the 27th national linguistics conference (ss. 264-270). Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi.
  • Selinker, L. (1972). Interlanguage. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 10(3),209-231.
  • Shohamy, E. (2008). Introduction to volume 7: Language testing and assessment. E. Shohamy veN. Hornberger (Ed.), Language testing and assessment: Encyclopedia of language and education, 7 (pp. xiii-xxii). New York: Springer.
  • Stubbs, M. (1993). British traditions in text analysis: From firth to sinclair. M. Baker, G. Francis ve E. Tognini Bonelli (Ed.), Text and technology: In honour of John Sinclair (pp.1-36). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Stubbs, M. (2001). Words and phrases: Corpus studies of lexical semantics. Oxford: Blackwell.
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Toplam 68 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Alan Eğitimleri
Bölüm Makaleler

Anna Golynskaıa 0000-0001-6921-8110

Fatma Bölükbaş Kaya 0000-0002-1592-4885

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Nisan 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Golynskaıa, A., & Bölükbaş Kaya, F. (2021). Öğrenen Derlemlerinin Dil Öğretiminde Kullanımı Üzerine Kuramsal Tartışmalar. Ana Dili Eğitimi Dergisi, 9(2), 295-313.


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