Hacı Mehmet Başkonuş Prof. Dr. Harran University
Yayın 3 Hakemlik 79 CrossRef Atıf 1 TR Dizin Atıf 5
3 Yayın
79 Hakemlik
1 CrossRef Atıf
5 TR Dizin Atıf

Uzmanlık Alanları

Genel Fizik Matematiksel Fizik İstatistik Operatör Cebirleri ve Fonksiyonel Analiz Uygulamalı Matematik


Prof. Dr. Haci Mehmet BASKONUS
Dr. Haci Mehmet Baskonus is currently a Professor at Harran University, Faculty of Education, Sanliurfa/Türkiye. His research includes the numerical solution of differential equations, fluid and heat mechanics, finite element method, analytical methods for nonlinear differential equations, mathematical physics, and numerical solutions of the partial differential equations (of course ordinary, partial, fractional order) by using analytical and semi-analytical methods along with computer programs such as Mathematica, Maple.
He is an active reviewer of a plethora of papers and books and has received several national and international awards. He has supervised two PhD students, several MSc and undergraduate students, and has been the external evaluator for many PhD theses various countries from all over the world.
He is now Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Mathematics and Computer in Engineering by De Gruyter (Sciendo)


and also Fractal and Fractional (Q1, IF:5.4)


He is an Editor of several journals, and also the Co-Chair of CMES series (2016-…). Among his more than 195 publications in SCI index journals, 33 of them are included in Essential Science Indicators as Highly Cited Papers (top 1% citations) by Clarivate.

As of 16 December 2022, he was awarded as by Clarivate as Highly Cited Researcher-2021 in Cross Field and Highly Cited Researcher-2022 in Mathematics. Moreover, he has been awarded by SPRINGER and JECRC University with the Title of “Young Distinguished Researchers Award” in 2019, due to his publications and achievements performing original research work with high degree of quality, recognized internationally, significant and done in a consisting way, and also for supervising graduate students with their thesis’ work.
He has been recognized by Board of the Italian Academy (Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti) in 2019. http://www.accademiapeloritana.it/EN/ .


Harran University





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