Publication 1 Review 3 TR Dizin Cited 3
1 Publication
3 Review
3 TR Dizin Cited

Research Fields

Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (Other) Occupational Health and Safety Agricultural Engineering (Other) Geographic Information Systems Climatology Plant Protection


Mr Serhat Sensoy has been working in Turkish State Meteorological Service (TSMS) as an engineer since 1987. In course of his career in meteorology he passed training courses in agrometeorology, hydrometeorology and climatology. He has been preparing monthly, seasonal, annual climate assessments, climate classifications, climate indices, heating and cooling degree days analysis at www.mgm.gov.tr . He contributes to State of the Climate Bulletin of WMO and BAMS can be seen at: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/bams. He is preparing climate monitoring, climate watch and seasonal forecast product for WMO RA VI RCC Network at www.emcc.mgm.gov.tr. He has developed a Rainfall Intensity Analyses Software which has been utilized since 1993. He was the teacher of Hydrometeorology in Meteorological High School in 1993. He was the member of WMO CCl/CLIVAR Expert Team on Climate Change Detection Monitoring and Indices (ETCCDMI). He was Vice President of the WMO Commission Climatology http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/wcp/ccl/archive/ccl-15-structure.php. He was Leader of the Expert Team on Strategy for Capacity Building for Climate Services. (ET-SCBCS). His Team developed climate services competencies in 5 levels. As leader of Expert Group on Quality Management for Climatology he developed web site http://www.qmc.mgm.gov.tr/. He is Co-Chair of WMO Mediterranean Data Rescue (MEDARE) Initiative www.omm.urv.cat/MEDARE. He contributed review process of WMO Guide to Climatological Practices, DGCS, IPCC LULUCF, AR4, AR5, Special Reports and GFCS Reports as an external reviewer. He attended IPCC 40th , 41st, 42nd, 43rd and 46th Sessions as Turkish delegate. He is member of GFCS Monitoring and Evaluation and WMO CCl Operational Climate Monitoring Expert Team. He contributed WB TEFER Project and WMO DRR-SEE Project for disaster risk reduction in Turkey. He is the author of 80 papers related to climate, water and agriculture which are published in international proceedings and journal. He prepares Climate Atlas and modeling climate parameters by using secondary parameters via Co-kriging and GWR tools under ArcGIS. In this context, he prepared Turkey Radiation Potential Atlas. He participated or conducted several international education and training activities on climate applications, climate indices, climate change and agrometeorology http://rtc.mgm.gov.tr/?l=en-US&k. He is active user of CM-SAF satellite products for climate monitoring. Currently he is Engineer and OHS Specialist in Climate and Climate Change Division of TSMS. Mr Sensoy has Ph.D. in Physical Geography. He is specialist on Occupational Health and Safety and First Aid. He is married and has two children.






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