Dzintra Iliško Prof. Dr. Daugavpils University
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Ph.D. Dzintra Iliško is a Professor of Education at the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at Daugavpils University, Latvia. She has an experience in academic work as a university teacher, researcher, editor, reviewer of journals, and participant in projects in education. She is an expert in psychology and education, an editor-in-chief of the Journal Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education, and a member of the editorial board in five international peer-reviewed journals in education. Her research interests are teacher education, inclusive education, religious education, and sustainability competencies. She has over 100 journal articles, book chapters, and conference proceedings. Dzintra Iliško has implemented and coordinated local projects and Erasmus+ projects (eg Erasmus+ projects “ESD: SuperVision 4.0” and ERASMUS project: 


Daugavpils University
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