Author Guidelines
Manuscripts to be sent to Journal of Mother Tongue Education must comply with the principles of EASE (European Association of Science Editors). All sections of the article (Title, List of Authors, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion) should be prepared based on the EASE Guidelines. In addition, this guide should be taken into consideration in terms of scientific content, text structure, language matters. Click for EASE Guidelines.
Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Mother Tongue Education should not be published elsewhere and should not be in the process of being evaluated for publication. Papers presented at a scientific meeting may be accepted provided that the place and date of the meeting are explicitly stated.
The following conditions must be met in order to evaluate the theoretical and applied articles submitted to the journal. Manuscripts that do not comply with the rules will not be reviewed.
Manuscripts to be sent to the journal should be written in one column on one side of the A4 size page. 2.5 cm margins should be left on all sides of the page. Paragraphs should start from 1.25 cm inside. All text should be written in Calibri font 11 pt. (10 pt. in Turkish and English abstract), single-spaced and paragraphs (except headings) should be justified using Microsoft Word program. The text length (including titles, abstract, text, tables, references, extended English abstract) should not exceed 10,000 words limit.
Title of the Article and Author Information
Title of the Article: The title of the article, which consists of a maximum of 10-12 words, should be written in 12 pt, indented, centred and bold, with only the first letter of the words capitalized. The title should be in both Turkish and English, and the English title should be below the Turkish summary and above the English summary, with only the first letter of the words capitalized.
Name & Surname of the Author(s): Under the title of the article (without specifying the title), only the first letter of the author (s)'s name and all letters of the surname should be capitalized, 12 pt, centred and italicized. For articles with multiple authors, authors should be listed one by one.
In the footnote(s) on the page where the title is located; author’s title, institution, city (along with the name of the country except Turkey), electronic mail address, ORCID should be given in the footnote.
Title Abbreviations: Assistant Prof. (Assist. Prof.), Associate Prof. (Assoc. Prof.), Professor (Prof.), Instructor (Ins.), Research Assistant (Res. Assist.), Lecturer (Lect.).
Abstract and Keywords
Abstracts should be written in Turkish and English, not exceeding 150 words. Abstract and English Abstract should be withdrawn 1 cm from the right and left sides. “Keywords” should be placed after “Keywords” title under the English abstract and after “Anahtar Kelimeler” title under the Turkish abstract. Turkish Abstract and English Abstract titles should be written in bold, left justified with the first letters capitalized and the others lowercase.
Abstract (Bold, 10 pt)
Abstract text (10 pt)
Keywords: (Bold, 10 pt)
English Title (Bold, 11 pt)
English Abstract (Bold, 10 pt)
English Abstract text (10 pt)
Keywords: (Bold, 10 pt)
Main Text and Sections
The main text should begin immediately after the English abstract. In research articles, the text should consist of introduction, method, results, discussion and conclusion sections respectively. Subtitles reflecting the format of the thesis such as problem status, sub-problems and the purpose of the research should not be used in the introduction. The method section should consist of four subheadings: sample (or research group), data collection tools, process (or data collection) and data analysis, respectively. Different headings may be used in theoretical and review articles depending on the content of the article. Introduction, methods, findings and discussion sections should continue before starting a new page. Article titles should be written with only the first letter of the words capitalized. At the same time, the section titles are centred and bold; the first subtitles are left-aligned and bold; the second subtitles are left aligned, bold and italic; the third and subsequent subtitles must be left-aligned and italicized. Section headings and sub-headings should not be numbered.
Tables and Figures
APA (American Psychological Assosication) 6th Edition style should be used for tables and figures.
Table title and table text should be single-spaced and 11 points. In addition, the table title should be left aligned and italicized, with only the first letter of the words capitalized. Table number should not be written in italics. Expressions or numbers in the table should not be bold. Tables should be justified in the page.
Graphs, charts, drawings and images should be titled as “Figure”. The title of the figure should be written with 11 pt, single-spaced and centred, with only the first letter of the words capitalized. Figure number should be written in italics.
In-Text Citations and References
APA (American Psychological Association) 6th Edition style should be used for in-text citations and references.
References should begin immediately after the discussion and conclusion section under the title of “References” (the first letter is capitalized, others are small, centred and bold) and should be written in 11 pt and single-spaced.
Detailed information about referencing can be accessed through the following website. Click for APA Style 6th Edition.
Extended Abstract in English
The extended abstract in English will begin after the references section. Extended abstract will be written in Calibri font, 11 pt, with headings left aligned and bold, single line spacing. Extended Abstract will include “Introduction”, “Method”, “Results and Discussion” sub-headings.
Article Template