About The Journal

Söylem Journal of Philology contains academic articles, blurbs and translations in the fields of linguistics-literature. It is published three times a year in electronic medium in April, August and December. It is a refereed journal. It is a double-blind peer reviewed journal which is published online.

The plagiarism program, iThenticate database under EKUAL was purchased with a national license at ULAKBIM and is open to the use of academicians through the IPs defined by the university librarians. The authors should scan their articles by the relevant plagiarism program before submitting the article and send the plagiarism scan report together with the article to our journal.

Submitted manuscripts are reviewed by editorial assistants in terms of compliance with the journal guidelines. Those eligible are sent two judgments in the relevant area. The umpire's identities are kept confidential and the referee reports are kept for five years. If one of the referee reports is negative, the article may be sent to a third dispute, or the editors' board may issue a final decision. The authors take note of the criticism and recommendations of the referee and editorial board. If they do not agree, they object to the grounds.

No copyright is paid to the authors for the articles published in Söylem. The right of publishing the articles shall be deemed to have been transferred to Söylem Journal  by their authors. The authors' responsibilities are the responsibility of the views expressed in the articles. Excerpts can be quoted from sources in the journal. Our journal does not charge any fees for the published articles. 

It is publication language is Turkish and English.

Last Update Time: 1/30/21, 12:29:39 AM