Call For Papers (Emotion Studies)

MSFAU Journal of Social Sciences will focus on “Emotion Studies” in its 29th issue, dated Spring 2024. Significant research has been carried out, particularly in the last two decades, on the concept of emotions, which is used widespread in the nineteenth century and whose meaning and definition have continuously evolved throughout history. Studies in sociology, anthropology, history, economics, philosophy, literature, and gender studies have begun to uncover the historical, cultural, and collective aspects and sources of emotions, rather than viewing them as purely individual phenomena. Emotion studies has become a field transformed by the findings of various disciplines, and contemplates on which emotions the production, circulation, and dissemination of historical writing, political discourses, modernity experiences, collective identities, individual relationships, and self-construction are based on considering what we do with emotions and what emotions do to us. The motivation of this issue is based on the question of what opportunities can arise from uncovering the potential mentioned, primarily encompassing various disciplines, including history, sociology, art, and philosophy.

For the 29th issue of MSFAU Journal of Social Sciences, Spring 2024, to be published under the editorship of Assoc. Prof. Esra Dicle with the theme of “Emotion Studies” we welcome your current studies in the context of the topics presented below in the form of original articles, research, reviews, critical and book reviews, and article translations in Turkish or English.

• Research on the emotional repertoire, including trauma, mourning, testimony, compassion, fear, hope, nostalgia, etc., that shapes cultural, historical, societal, and individual discourses.
• The practices of generating and disseminating emotions in political discourses and forms of power and opposition.
• The role of emotions in defining and performing gender roles in society.
• Mechanisms of representing and concealing emotions within the cultural, social, and individual relationship network.

Original articles in Turkish or English should be submitted to DergiPark ( until 15th March 2024.
Author guidelines and publication policy can be found on the website of our journal:
You can send your questions about our journal to

Last Update Time: 11/30/23, 9:03:24 PM