Peer Review Process

Evaluation Type: Single-Blind Review
Review Time: Pre-publication
Author-Reviewer Interaction: Editors mediate all interactions between reviewers and authors.
Duration of Review Process: Average 70 Days / 10 Weeks
Acceptance Rate: We publish approximately 40-45% of the articles submitted to our journal.
Number of Reviewers per Article: At least 2
Time Given for Review: 20 days. This period can be extended by an additional 10 days.
Plagiarism Check: All submissions are scanned with Ithenticate software.
Decision: For an article to be accepted for publication, it must receive acceptance from at least two reviewers.
Suspected Ethical Violations: Reviewers should inform the Editor if they suspect research or publication misconduct. The Editor is responsible for enforcing Ethical Principles and Publication Policy.
Continuous Publication Model: Accepted articles, after completion of the review process, are published without being held for a specific issue. The typesetting process is completed, and they are published quickly and up-to-date.

Review Principles

  1. Articles that have not been previously published or are not currently under review by another journal and have been approved by each author are accepted for evaluation.
  2. Submitted and pre-checked articles are scanned for plagiarism using Ithenticate software.
  3. Hittite Journal of Science and Engineering implements a single-blind peer review process. All submissions are initially evaluated by the Chief Editor for suitability for the journal. Articles deemed suitable are sent to at least two independent expert reviewers to assess the scientific quality of the article.
  4. The Chief Editor evaluates the articles regardless of the authors' ethnic origin, gender, nationality, religious belief, or political philosophy. Ensures that submitted articles undergo a fair single-blind peer review process.
  5. The Chief Editor does not allow conflicts of interest among authors, editors, and reviewers.
  6. The Editor is responsible for the final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of articles. The Editor's decision is final.
  7. Editors do not participate in decisions regarding articles that are written by themselves, their family members, or colleagues, or articles related to products or services they are involved in. Any such submission is subject to the journal's regular procedures.
  8. Reviewers must ensure that all information regarding submitted articles remains confidential until the article is published and report any copyright infringement or plagiarism noticed to the editor.
  9. If a reviewer does not feel qualified to review an article on the subject matter or cannot provide a timely response, they should inform the editor and request to be excluded from the review process.
  10. During the evaluation process, the editor explicitly states that the articles sent for review are the authors' intellectual property.
  11. Reviewers and editorial board members should not discuss articles with others. Care is taken to maintain the anonymity of the reviewers' identities.

Principles of Editor Review Process

Editorial articles and analytical papers written by the journal's own editors at Hittite Journal of Science and Engineering do not go through external peer review. Original research articles, on the other hand, are sent for blind peer review to at least two external reviewers. During this period, the roles of those editors are suspended.

Review Process

  1. Editor-in-Chief Review: Immediately after submission, the Editor-in-Chief conducts a pre-check of the article for suitability to the journal's aims and scope, adherence to ethical standards in research and writing. At this stage, the article is reviewed for compliance with the Vancouver Citation Style and is subjected to plagiarism check using iThenticate or Turnitin software. The preliminary review is completed within a maximum of 15 days. The overall similarity index must be below 20% and below 4% for any single source. Even if the similarity index is 1%, if the citation and quotation rules are not followed properly, it can still be considered plagiarism. Therefore, authors should be aware of and diligently apply citation and quotation rules. Afterwards, the Editor forwards the articles deemed suitable for the journal's publication policy to the associate editor for a more detailed review. If the result of the review indicates that Hittite Journal of Science and Engineering is not the right journal for the study, the authors are immediately contacted to allow them to submit their work elsewhere without delay.

    The "Preliminary Review Form" used in Hittite Journal of Science and Engineering can be reviewed on the journal's website.

  2. Field Editor Review: The study that has passed the Preliminary Review and Plagiarism Check is reviewed by the relevant subject editor for its contribution to the research field and evaluated for scientific aspects by two external reviewers. This review is completed within a maximum of 15 days.

  3. Reviewer Evaluation: The study that has passed the subject editor's review is submitted for evaluation by at least two external reviewers who have a doctoral thesis, book, or article on the subject matter. The review process is conducted in strict confidentiality under the framework of single-blind peer review. The reviewer is expected to provide an opinion and assessment of the reviewed study in a statement of at least 150 words, with justification. The authors are given the right to object and present their arguments if they disagree with the reviewer's opinions. Authors are requested to revise their articles and upload them to the system within the following month. The subject editor facilitates communication between the authors and the reviewers while maintaining confidentiality. If one of the two reviewers expresses a negative opinion, the study is sent to a third reviewer. The studies can be published with a positive decision from at least two reviewers. In cases where there is a suspicion of serious research misconduct, some articles may be reviewed by the journal's ethical editor and third parties deemed appropriate by the editor.

    The "Manuscript Evaluation Form" used in Hittite Journal of Science and Engineering can be downloaded from the journal's website.

  4. Field Editor Control: The subject editor checks whether the author has made the requested corrections in the text.

  5. Reviewer Control: The reviewing reviewer checks whether the author has made the requested corrections in the text. Reviewers may request additional corrections, in which case steps 3-5 are repeated.

  6. Language Check: Studies that have gone through the reviewer process are reviewed by the Language Editor and Editor-in-Chief, and if necessary, corrections are requested from the author. The language check process is completed within a maximum of 15 days.

Typesetting and Layout Stage

The accepted articles are typeset and prepared for publication, and they are sent to the author for review. This stage takes a maximum of 15 days.

Submission to National and International Indexes

Data for the published issue is submitted to the relevant indexes within 15 days.

Last Update Time: 6/23/23, 10:57:43 AM

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