Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Publication Ethics
In order to ensure impartiality and ethics in the articles published in the Giresun University Journal of Faculty of Education (GUEFD), the Editorial Board has developed certain ethical policies. These policies cover authors, reviewers, editors, and processes related to the study. The ethical duties and responsibilities outlined in GUEFD are prepared taking into account the publication policies of journals scanned in national and international fields, as well as guidelines and policies published as open access by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Authors' Ethical Responsibilities
Authors submitting to GUJFE are expected to adhere to the following ethical responsibilities:
• Authors are required to obtain "Ethical Committee Approval" for experimental studies.
• Authors are expected to ensure that their submitted works are original and up-to-date.
• Authors must cite and/or quote all works they have benefited from completely and accurately.
• Individuals who do not contribute to the content of the work should not be listed as authors. (If any) situations and relationships that may constitute a conflict of interest should be disclosed.
• Authors may be requested to provide raw data related to their articles within the framework of the evaluation process. Authors must provide the requested data and information to the publication and/or scientific committee.
• Authors have an obligation to inform the journal editor or publisher and collaborate with the editor in correcting or withdrawing their work in the event of noticing any error or mistake in their published or under-review work.
• Authors cannot submit their works to more than one journal at the same time.
• A work previously published in another journal cannot be submitted to GUEFD.
• A work that has been submitted to another journal and has not yet been evaluated cannot be submitted to GUJFE.
• Changes such as adding or removing authors, changing the order of authors, cannot be requested for a work for which the evaluation process has started.

Editor, Assistant Editor, and Section Editors' Responsibilities
• Strive to meet the information needs of reviewers, authors, researchers, practitioners, and readers, provide feedback when necessary, and act according to the principles of transparency in correction and explanation during the publication process.
• Take care to ensure that the decision to publish articles contributes to the originality of the articles, the scientific literature, and benefits readers, researchers, and practitioners.
• Implement blind peer-review and evaluation process policies among the publication policies of the journal, keep the identities of reviewers confidential, and ensure that each article is evaluated objectively and within the specified timeframe.
• Send articles to section editors and reviewers considering their areas of expertise, and support impartial and independent evaluations.
• Editors consider the conflict of interest or alignment of interests between editors, reviewers, and authors to ensure unbiased evaluation of the article.
• Prevent non-academic and unscientific evaluations that do not comply with academic etiquette.
• Ensure the protection of personal data in evaluated articles; protect the individual data of authors, reviewers, and readers.
• Take care of the protection of human and animal rights in articles, value the documented explicit consent of participants, and reject articles when there is no ethical committee approval for participants in experimental research.
• Ensure the correction of errors, inconsistencies, or misguidance in the evaluated articles.
 The editorial board takes responsibility for the evaluation of the article, the decision-making process of the editorial board policies, and the publication decisions for publications written on legal restrictions such as plagiarism, insult, and copyright infringement.
 Ensure fair evaluation of all articles based on the intellectual content of the writing, regardless of factors such as gender, race, ethnicity, religion, citizenship, political affiliation, and values or authors' paradigm orientations.

Reviewers' Ethical Responsibilities
• Works submitted to GUJFE are sent to at least two anonymous reviewers in the relevant field for evaluation. In cases where the opinions about the article are equally positive and negative, the opinion of the editor or a third reviewer is sought.
• GUJFE adopts a double-blind peer-review process, where the identities of authors and reviewers are kept confidential. In this context, reviewers evaluating articles in GUEFD are expected to have the following ethical responsibilities:
 Read the publication policies of GUEFD,
 Only agree to evaluate works related to their field of expertise. They should not accept evaluation if they do not have expertise in the field, just to be able to have an opinion on the subject of the article.
 Complete the evaluation process within a specified time frame,
 Make evaluations within the framework of impartiality and confidentiality,
 Refuse to evaluate if they encounter a situation such as a conflict of interest and inform the editor about this situation,
 Inform the editor if they detect that the evaluated article has been submitted to another journal simultaneously,
 Pay attention to the evaluation process not being influenced by factors such as belief, sect, race, gender, or political thought. They should act sensitively to ensure that these factors do not affect the evaluation process.

Author Rights
Authors have the following rights:

They can identify the referees they do not want their work to be sent to due to conflicts of interest and/or ethical reasons.
They can withdraw their unpublished works during the evaluation process.
They have the right to appeal against referee reports and editor decisions.
They may request corrections (erratum) for problematic areas in their first published work or information errors caused by them due to material errors arising during the printing process.
Reporting Unethical Situations to the Editor
In the Journal of Turkish Academic Publications, if an unethical behavior related to editors, referees, authors, or an unethical situation concerning a manuscript in the early or published stages of the evaluation process is encountered, it should be reported to via email.

Publication Policy
Giresun University Journal of Faculty of Education(GÜEFD):

It is an online peer-reviewed academic journal in the field of educational sciences.
It publishes articles in Turkish and English twice a year.
The evaluation process is conducted through double-blind peer review. According to this principle, the identities of both authors and referees are kept anonymous.
Only one academic work of an author may be included in each issue.
It is a non-profit academic journal.
Open Access Policy
Giresun University Journal of Faculty of Education (GÜEFD) is an open-access journal and provides direct open access to its published content. The journal aims to support, develop, and disseminate science with its open-access policy.

Plagiarism Policy
Giresun University Journal Faculty of Education (GÜEFD) subjects every completed work in the peer-review process to plagiarism detection to maintain its integrity. Plagiarism check is conducted through software such as Turnitin and iThenticate. Following the plagiarism check, the editorial board may request the responsible author to correct errors or decide not to publish the work based on the report.

Publication Fee
GÜEFD does not request any fees from authors during the submission, evaluation, or publication stages for any reason.

Last Update Time: 3/19/24, 10:49:17 PM

Giresun Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi (Giresun University Journal of Faculty of Education)