A Study on Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Turkish EFL Students
Year 2019,
, 857 - 875, 30.10.2019
Murat Hismanoğlu
Yusuf Ziyaettin Turan
This study aimed to investigate the vocabulary
learning strategies of preparatory program Turkish EFL students when they
learned new words in English. To that end, 85 Turkish EFL students in English
preparatory education at a state university located in the western part of
Turkey participated in the study. The ‘Vocabulary Learning Strategies Scale’
(VLSS), developed by Kocaman & Cumaoglu (2014), was utilized to collect the
data for this study. The results of the study showed that the participants used
vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) at a medium level. The results of the
study also displayed that while affective strategies were the most frequently
used vocabulary learning strategies by preparatory program Turkish EFL
students, social strategies were the least frequently utilized vocabulary
learning strategies by them. Finally, the results displayed a statistically
significant relationship between individual variables such as gender, English
proficiency level, success and students’ use of vocabulary learning strategies.
- Abraham, R. G. & Vann, R. J. (1987). Strategies of two language learners: A case study. In A. Wenden and J. Rubin (Eds.) Learner strategies in language learning (pp. 85- 102). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
- Ahmed, M. (1989). Vocabulary learning strategies. In P. Meara (Ed.) Beyond words (pp. 3-14). London: CILT.
- Ahmad, S. N., Muhammad, A. M., & Kasim, A. M. (2018). Contextual Clues Vocabulary Strategies Choice among Business Management Students. English Language Teaching, 11(4), 107–116.
- Atkinson, R. C., & Shiffrin, R. M. (1968). Human memory: A proposed system and its control processes. Psychology of learning and motivation, 2, 89–195.
- Bahrami, Z. N., Izadpanah, S. & Bijani, H. (2019). The impact of musical mnemonic on
vocabulary recalling of Iranian young learners. International Journal of Instruction, 12(1), 977-994.
- Behbahani, A. R. (2016). A Survey of University Students’ Knowledge of Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Influential Factors in Middle East. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 7(4), 646-654.
- Barcroft, J. (2009). Strategies and performance in intentional L2 vocabulary learning. Language Awareness, 18(1), 74–89.
- Barekat, B., & Karimi, S. (2012). Vocabulary learning strategies: The effect of level of proficiency on the strategy use. Science Road Publishing Corporation Journal, 6(1), 79- 87.
- Baskin, S., Iscan, A., Karagoz, B., & Birol, G. (2017). The use of vocabulary learning strategies in teaching Turkish as a second language. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(9), 126–134.
- Bekleyen, N. (2006). İngilizce öğretmen adaylarının dil öğrenme stratejileri kullanımı, Dil Dergisi, 132, 28-37.
- Cohen, A. (1998). Strategies in Learning and Using a Second Language. London: Longman.
- Çelik, S. & Toptaş, V. (2010). Vocabulary learning strategy use of Turkish EFL learners. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 3, 62–71.
- Doczi, B. (2011). The vocabulary learning strategies of high school and university students: A pilot study. WoPaLP, 5, 138-158.
- Donato, R., & McCormick, D. (2015). A sociocultural perspective on language learning strategies: The role of mediation. The Modern Language Journal, 78(4), 453-464.
- Gao, X. (2006). Understanding changes in Chinese students‘ uses of learning strategies in China and Britain: A socio-cultural re-interpretention. System 34, 55-67.
- Gidey, G. (2008). Vocabulary learning strategy use: The case of high and low achiever students in Gondar college of teacher education. Unpublished M.A Thesis, Addis Ababa University.
- Grossman, D. (2011). A study of cognitive styles and strategy used by successful and unsuccessful adult learners in Switzerland. Unpublished M.A. Thesis, School of Humanities of the University of Birmingham.
- Gu, Y. (2002). Gender, academic major, and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EFL learners. RELC Journal, 33(1), 35-54.
- Gu, Y. & Johnson, R.K. (1996). Vocabulary learning strategies and language learning outcomes. Language Learning, 46(4), 643-656.
- Hadavi, M. & Hashemi, Z. (2014). Malaysian Journal of ELT Research, 10(2), 19-33.
- Hamamcı, Z. (2012). Üniversite hazırlık sınıfı öğrencilerinin dil öğrenme stratejisi tercihleri, Eğitim ve Öğretim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3, 314-323.
- Hamzah, M.S.G., Kafipour, R., Abdullah, S.K. (2009). Vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate EFL students and its relation to their vocabulary size. European Journal of Social Sciences, 11(1), 39-50.
- Harmer, J. (1991) The Practice of English Language Teaching. New York: Longman.
- He, Y. (2010). A study of L2 vocabulary learning strategies. Retrieved May 20, 2019 from http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:326994/fulltext01.pdf.
- Huang, S. Y. (2010). Effects of major and gender differences on vocabulary strategies use. Unpublished M.A Thesis. National Pingtung Institute of Commerce. Taiwan.
- Kariuki, P. & Taylor, J. (2018). The effects of pictionary and traditional vocabulary strategies on student performance in a 9th grade ELA classroom. Online submission. Retrieved April 15, 2019, from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eric&AN=ED590704&lang=tr&site=eds-live.
- Kafipour, R., Yazdi, M., Soori, A. & Shokrpour, N. (2011). Vocabulary levels and vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate students. Studies in Literature and Language, 3(3), 64-71.
- Kırmızı, O. (2014). Measuring vocabulary learning strategy use of Turkish EFL learners in relation to academic success and vocabulary size. World Journal of Education, 4(6), 16-25.
- Kırmızı, O & Topcu, N. (2014). Vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish EFL students at Karabük University. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 18 (3), 217-232.
- Kocaman, O & Cumaoglu, G.K. (2014). Developing a scale for vocabulary learning strategies in foreign languages. Education and Science, 39(176), 293-303.
- Kojic-Sabo, I. & Lightbown, P. (1999). Students' approaches to vocabulary learning and their relationship to success. A Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 176-192.
- Kulikova, O. (2015). Vocabulary learning strategies and beliefs about vocabulary learning: a study of beginning university students of Russian in the United States. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Iowa, USA.
- Lantolf, J. P. (Ed.). (2000). Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
- Lee, S. (2007). Vocabulary learning strategies of Korean university students: Strategy use, vocabulary size, and gender. English Teaching-Anseonggun-, 62(1), 149-169.
- Lightbown, P.M. & Spada, N. (1999). How Languages are Learned.Oxford: OUP.
- Lin-Fang, W. (2013). A study of factors affecting college students’ use of ESL vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(19), 202- 208.
- Mart, Ç.T. (2012). Guessing the Meanings of Words From Context: Why and How. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 1(6), 177-181.
- Mongkol, N. (2008). A study of vocabulary learning strategies of the first and second year Students from English Department at Phetchaburi Rahabhat University. Unpublished Master’s thesis, Kasetsart University, Thailand.
- Nation, I. S. P. (2001). Learning vocabulary in another language. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
- Nisbet, J. & Shucksmith, J. (1986). Learning Strategies. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
- Noormohamadi, M.F. & Amirian, Z. (2015). The effect of proficiency on vocabulary learning strategy use: A case of Iranian English translation students. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research, 2(2), 39-53.
- O’Malley, J. & Chamot, A. (1990). Learning strategies in second language acquisition. Cambridge: CUP.
- Porte, G. (1988). Poor language learners and their strategies for dealing with new vocabulary. ELT Journal, 42, 167–172.
- Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In N. Schmitt and McCarthy (Eds.), Vocabulary, description, acquisition and pedagogy (p.199-227). Cambridge: CUP.
- Shadikah, A.A., Fauziati, E. & Supriyadi, S. (2017). The effect of vocabulary learning strategies on vocabulary mastery based on gender differences. Proceeding of 2nd International Conference of Arts, Language and Culture, 495-505. Retrieved May 18, 2019, from https://jurnal.uns.ac.id/icalc/article/view/16168/13006.
- Tılfarlıoğlu, F. F. Y. & Bozgeyik, Y. (2012). The Relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary proficiency of English language Learners. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 1(2), 91-101
- Tsai, C. C. & Chang, I. C. (2009). An examination of EFL vocabulary learning strategies of students at the University of Technology of Taiwan. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 5(2), pp. 32-38.
- Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. M. Cole, V. John-Steiner, S. Scribner, & E. Souberman (Eds.). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
- Wei, M. (2007). An examination of vocabulary learning of college-level learners of English in China. Asian EFL Journal, 9(2), pp. 93-114.
- Wharton, G. (2000). Language learning strategy use of bilingual foreign language learners in Singapore. Language learning, 50(2), pp. 203-243.
- Yılmaz, V.G. (2017). The role of gender and discipline in vocabulary learning strategy use of Turkish graduate EFL learners. International Journal of Innovation and Research in Educational Sciences (IJIRES), 4(1), 57-64.
- Yigit, T. & Aykul, B. (2018). A comparison of vocabulary learning strategies of high school and university students. European Journal of Education Studies, 5(8), 259-276.
- Zokaee, S., Zaferanieh, E., & Naseri, M. (2012). On the impacts of perceptual learning style and gender on Iranian undergraduate EFL learners’ choice of vocabulary learning strategies. English Language Teaching, 5(9), p. 138.
İngilizceyi Yabancı Dil Olarak Öğrenen Türk Öğrencilerin Kelime Öğrenme Stratejileri Üzerine Bir Çalışma
Year 2019,
, 857 - 875, 30.10.2019
Murat Hismanoğlu
Yusuf Ziyaettin Turan
Bu çalışma, İngilizce hazırlık programındaki İngilizceyi yabancı dil olarak
öğrenen Türk öğrencilerin kelime öğrenme stratejilerinin araştırılmasını
amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaca ulaşmak için, Türkiye'nin batı kesiminde bulunan bir
devlet üniversitesinde İngilizce hazırlık eğitimindeki 85 Türk öğrenci
çalışmaya katılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın verilerini toplamak için Kocaman ve
Cumaoğlu (2014) tarafından geliştirilen “Kelime Öğrenme Stratejileri Ölçeği”
(KÖSÖ) kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonuçları katılımcıların kelime öğrenme
stratejilerini (KÖS) orta düzeyde kullandıklarını göstermiştir. Çalışmanın
sonuçları aynı zamanda, İngilizce hazırlık programındaki İngilizceyi yabancı
dil olarak öğrenen Türk öğrenciler tarafından en sık kullanılan kelime öğrenme
stratejilerinin duyuşsal stratejiler olduğunu, en az kullanılan kelime öğrenme
stratejilerinin ise sosyal stratejiler olduğunu göstermiştir. Son olarak,
sonuçlar cinsiyet, İngilizce yeterlilik düzeyi, başarı gibi bireysel
değişkenler ve öğrencilerin kelime öğrenme stratejilerini kullanmaları arasında
istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki olduğunu göstermiştir.
- Abraham, R. G. & Vann, R. J. (1987). Strategies of two language learners: A case study. In A. Wenden and J. Rubin (Eds.) Learner strategies in language learning (pp. 85- 102). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
- Ahmed, M. (1989). Vocabulary learning strategies. In P. Meara (Ed.) Beyond words (pp. 3-14). London: CILT.
- Ahmad, S. N., Muhammad, A. M., & Kasim, A. M. (2018). Contextual Clues Vocabulary Strategies Choice among Business Management Students. English Language Teaching, 11(4), 107–116.
- Atkinson, R. C., & Shiffrin, R. M. (1968). Human memory: A proposed system and its control processes. Psychology of learning and motivation, 2, 89–195.
- Bahrami, Z. N., Izadpanah, S. & Bijani, H. (2019). The impact of musical mnemonic on
vocabulary recalling of Iranian young learners. International Journal of Instruction, 12(1), 977-994.
- Behbahani, A. R. (2016). A Survey of University Students’ Knowledge of Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Influential Factors in Middle East. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 7(4), 646-654.
- Barcroft, J. (2009). Strategies and performance in intentional L2 vocabulary learning. Language Awareness, 18(1), 74–89.
- Barekat, B., & Karimi, S. (2012). Vocabulary learning strategies: The effect of level of proficiency on the strategy use. Science Road Publishing Corporation Journal, 6(1), 79- 87.
- Baskin, S., Iscan, A., Karagoz, B., & Birol, G. (2017). The use of vocabulary learning strategies in teaching Turkish as a second language. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(9), 126–134.
- Bekleyen, N. (2006). İngilizce öğretmen adaylarının dil öğrenme stratejileri kullanımı, Dil Dergisi, 132, 28-37.
- Cohen, A. (1998). Strategies in Learning and Using a Second Language. London: Longman.
- Çelik, S. & Toptaş, V. (2010). Vocabulary learning strategy use of Turkish EFL learners. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 3, 62–71.
- Doczi, B. (2011). The vocabulary learning strategies of high school and university students: A pilot study. WoPaLP, 5, 138-158.
- Donato, R., & McCormick, D. (2015). A sociocultural perspective on language learning strategies: The role of mediation. The Modern Language Journal, 78(4), 453-464.
- Gao, X. (2006). Understanding changes in Chinese students‘ uses of learning strategies in China and Britain: A socio-cultural re-interpretention. System 34, 55-67.
- Gidey, G. (2008). Vocabulary learning strategy use: The case of high and low achiever students in Gondar college of teacher education. Unpublished M.A Thesis, Addis Ababa University.
- Grossman, D. (2011). A study of cognitive styles and strategy used by successful and unsuccessful adult learners in Switzerland. Unpublished M.A. Thesis, School of Humanities of the University of Birmingham.
- Gu, Y. (2002). Gender, academic major, and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EFL learners. RELC Journal, 33(1), 35-54.
- Gu, Y. & Johnson, R.K. (1996). Vocabulary learning strategies and language learning outcomes. Language Learning, 46(4), 643-656.
- Hadavi, M. & Hashemi, Z. (2014). Malaysian Journal of ELT Research, 10(2), 19-33.
- Hamamcı, Z. (2012). Üniversite hazırlık sınıfı öğrencilerinin dil öğrenme stratejisi tercihleri, Eğitim ve Öğretim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3, 314-323.
- Hamzah, M.S.G., Kafipour, R., Abdullah, S.K. (2009). Vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate EFL students and its relation to their vocabulary size. European Journal of Social Sciences, 11(1), 39-50.
- Harmer, J. (1991) The Practice of English Language Teaching. New York: Longman.
- He, Y. (2010). A study of L2 vocabulary learning strategies. Retrieved May 20, 2019 from http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:326994/fulltext01.pdf.
- Huang, S. Y. (2010). Effects of major and gender differences on vocabulary strategies use. Unpublished M.A Thesis. National Pingtung Institute of Commerce. Taiwan.
- Kariuki, P. & Taylor, J. (2018). The effects of pictionary and traditional vocabulary strategies on student performance in a 9th grade ELA classroom. Online submission. Retrieved April 15, 2019, from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eric&AN=ED590704&lang=tr&site=eds-live.
- Kafipour, R., Yazdi, M., Soori, A. & Shokrpour, N. (2011). Vocabulary levels and vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate students. Studies in Literature and Language, 3(3), 64-71.
- Kırmızı, O. (2014). Measuring vocabulary learning strategy use of Turkish EFL learners in relation to academic success and vocabulary size. World Journal of Education, 4(6), 16-25.
- Kırmızı, O & Topcu, N. (2014). Vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish EFL students at Karabük University. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 18 (3), 217-232.
- Kocaman, O & Cumaoglu, G.K. (2014). Developing a scale for vocabulary learning strategies in foreign languages. Education and Science, 39(176), 293-303.
- Kojic-Sabo, I. & Lightbown, P. (1999). Students' approaches to vocabulary learning and their relationship to success. A Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 176-192.
- Kulikova, O. (2015). Vocabulary learning strategies and beliefs about vocabulary learning: a study of beginning university students of Russian in the United States. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Iowa, USA.
- Lantolf, J. P. (Ed.). (2000). Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
- Lee, S. (2007). Vocabulary learning strategies of Korean university students: Strategy use, vocabulary size, and gender. English Teaching-Anseonggun-, 62(1), 149-169.
- Lightbown, P.M. & Spada, N. (1999). How Languages are Learned.Oxford: OUP.
- Lin-Fang, W. (2013). A study of factors affecting college students’ use of ESL vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(19), 202- 208.
- Mart, Ç.T. (2012). Guessing the Meanings of Words From Context: Why and How. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 1(6), 177-181.
- Mongkol, N. (2008). A study of vocabulary learning strategies of the first and second year Students from English Department at Phetchaburi Rahabhat University. Unpublished Master’s thesis, Kasetsart University, Thailand.
- Nation, I. S. P. (2001). Learning vocabulary in another language. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
- Nisbet, J. & Shucksmith, J. (1986). Learning Strategies. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
- Noormohamadi, M.F. & Amirian, Z. (2015). The effect of proficiency on vocabulary learning strategy use: A case of Iranian English translation students. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research, 2(2), 39-53.
- O’Malley, J. & Chamot, A. (1990). Learning strategies in second language acquisition. Cambridge: CUP.
- Porte, G. (1988). Poor language learners and their strategies for dealing with new vocabulary. ELT Journal, 42, 167–172.
- Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In N. Schmitt and McCarthy (Eds.), Vocabulary, description, acquisition and pedagogy (p.199-227). Cambridge: CUP.
- Shadikah, A.A., Fauziati, E. & Supriyadi, S. (2017). The effect of vocabulary learning strategies on vocabulary mastery based on gender differences. Proceeding of 2nd International Conference of Arts, Language and Culture, 495-505. Retrieved May 18, 2019, from https://jurnal.uns.ac.id/icalc/article/view/16168/13006.
- Tılfarlıoğlu, F. F. Y. & Bozgeyik, Y. (2012). The Relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary proficiency of English language Learners. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 1(2), 91-101
- Tsai, C. C. & Chang, I. C. (2009). An examination of EFL vocabulary learning strategies of students at the University of Technology of Taiwan. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 5(2), pp. 32-38.
- Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. M. Cole, V. John-Steiner, S. Scribner, & E. Souberman (Eds.). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
- Wei, M. (2007). An examination of vocabulary learning of college-level learners of English in China. Asian EFL Journal, 9(2), pp. 93-114.
- Wharton, G. (2000). Language learning strategy use of bilingual foreign language learners in Singapore. Language learning, 50(2), pp. 203-243.
- Yılmaz, V.G. (2017). The role of gender and discipline in vocabulary learning strategy use of Turkish graduate EFL learners. International Journal of Innovation and Research in Educational Sciences (IJIRES), 4(1), 57-64.
- Yigit, T. & Aykul, B. (2018). A comparison of vocabulary learning strategies of high school and university students. European Journal of Education Studies, 5(8), 259-276.
- Zokaee, S., Zaferanieh, E., & Naseri, M. (2012). On the impacts of perceptual learning style and gender on Iranian undergraduate EFL learners’ choice of vocabulary learning strategies. English Language Teaching, 5(9), p. 138.