Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Scientific Research Ethics
Scientific methods are used in obtaining data, analyzing, interpreting, and reaching the results. Unscientific results cannot be shown as research results.
While conducting the research, it is necessary to adhere to national and international agreements and to obtain permission from competent authorities.
The data obtained in the studies should be used to the extent and in the form allowed by the authorities. It should be essential that the data that should not be submitted remain confidential.
Researchers are obliged to report any adverse situations that may arise as a result of the research to the relevant persons and institutions. Every researcher has the right not to participate in the research due to these adverse situations that may occur.

Publication Ethics
Persons who have not contributed to the study during the scientific research and writing phase should not be shown as authors.
Author (s) should avoid situations such as irresponsible authorship, piracy, multilingual publishing, split publishing, biased source, biased publication, and human-animal ethics, which are stated as unethical behavior.
The author (s) should act in accordance with the citation system specified in the journal at the writing stage of the candidate article.
Unpublished or not presented studies should not be cited as references.
All or part of any work cannot be published without permission or giving reference (plagiarism).
The author (s) should indicate the financial sources of the study if any.

Referee Ethics
Referee (s); must be experts in the fields that the candidate article addresses. He is obliged to make his criticism objectively and clearly. He should not act in line with his own personal interests/views, and if necessary, he should not accept to be a referee. During the refereeing process, considering that the texts are personal, they should not be shared with third parties. They should not transfer information for their own studies from the article in the refereeing process and should not seek any academic/personal benefits. Candidate articles that will be rejected should be given clear and detailed justifications. The journal should also take into account the rules of scientific research and publication ethics.

Editorial Ethics
Editor (s) is obliged to appoint at least two referees appropriate to the subject of the candidate article. It should ensure the communication between the referee (s) and the responsible author, taking into account the blind review process. It should maintain its relations in a transparent and objective manner without discrimination between any author and referee. They should not use their position for their own personal and academic interests. Candidate articles for RET should give clear and detailed justifications. Scientific research, publication, and referee ethics should also be taken into account.

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