Writing Rules

1. The publication language of Turkophone is English and Turkish. After the acceptance of a Turkish manuscript, its English translation is also required. The facsimile versions of the articles written in Turkish language are published in Turkish and English. The Turkish version of the articles that is sent in English is not required. Turkish title, abstract and keywords have to be in the articles submitted in English. Turkophone journal is published online triannually in February, June and October. Only “Original Research Articles”, "Review Articles", "  Theoretical Article", "Translation Articles" are published in Turkophone. Only in translation articles, the spelling and writing rules of the original article can be used so that the original work is not spoiled.

2. The manuscripts to be sent to Turkophonejournal have to be prepared by taking into consideration the in-text and end-text references, tables and figures specified in APA6 Turkish and English versions.

  Please click on the below link to access the APA6 Turkish version: https://www.tk.org.tr/APA/apa_2.pdf.

  Please click on the below link to access the APA6 English version: https://www.apastyle.org/manual.

3. The manuscripts sent to Turkophone have to be prepared by taking into consideration the explanations given in the template file of the journal and be prepared by using Turkophone journal template. For Turkish papers English title, keywords and abstract also required. For English papers no Turkish title, keywords and abstract will be requested.

  Please click on the below link click here for Turkophone journal Turkish template: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/journal-file/18629

  Please click on the below link click here for Turkophone journal English template: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/journal-file/18630

4. There should not be any information about the author(s) in the manuscripts submitted to Turkophone journal. If there should be any description about the submission, it should be stated in the section of “Note to the Editor”.

5. Times New Roman font should be used in the articles. Article title should be written in 14 pt bold, centered and 1.2 nk paragraph space. Author names are 11 points bold, centered, and 1.2 nk paragraph space; author explanations should be written with 9-point center and 1.2 nk paragraph space. The abstracts should be written in 10 font size and aligned using a 1.2 nk paragraph space. The main titles should be 12 pt bold and all letters should be capitalized, and the sub-headings should be 11 pt bold and just the first letter of the words should be left aligned. Main headings should be numbered as "1", "2" ..; subtitles should be numbered consecutively considering the main title number and subtitle level to which they belong (eg "1.1", "2.1.3", "3.2" ...). Body text, table and figure writings of the manuscript should be written in 11-point and 1.2 nk paragraph space. Body text should be aligned to both sides. The bibliography should be written in body style, but the paragraph should be set to 0.5 cm hanging. All these features are set in template files.

6. The length of the manuscript should be between 4000-9000 words including bibliography.

7. All authors, including the corresponding author, must have orcid id information.

TURKOPHONE | 2014 |  ISSN: 2148-6808

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