Writing Rules

Türkbilig General Principles:
a) Türkbilig is an international refereed journal that started its publishing in 2000.
b) Türkbilig is published twice a year, Spring (June) and Fall (December).
c) Papers in accordance with Türkbilig publishing principles are submitted to the e-mail address of turkbiligdergisi@gmail.com.
d) Papers published in Türkbilig can be accessed free of charge at www.turkbilig.com.
e) The language of the journal is Turkish. Papers are published in English, German, French or Russian languages, provided that they comply with the principles of publication. However, Turkish-English titles, abstracts and keywords must be included in the article.
f) Papers that do not comply with the writing conditions specified below are strictly not evaluated.

Türkbilig Publishing Ethics:
a) Türkbilig adheres to the rules of publication ethics and carries out its publications according to these rules. Türkbilig is committed to applying the scientific publication ethics to the highest standards and following the principles of the basic practices developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for journal editors, the flowcharts on publication ethics https://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts) and the principles that it has developed and pioneered since 2000 when Türkbilig started its publishing life.
b) The papers to be sent to Türkbilig must not have been published before, must not be included in the publishing program, or must not have not been in the evaluation process to be published in another journal. Whether each paper submitted to is original or whether it has been contributed to the field is reviewed by the editorial board and all papers are subject to the double-blind peer-review process.
c) Türkbilig guarantees the anonymity of the authors and the referees in the process of sending the submitted articles to the referee evaluation due to the double-blind referee process it has adopted. The confidentiality of the information about the author(s) is the responsibility of the journal. However, this information can be shared in a possible investigation to investigate possible abusive papers.
d) If one of the referees reports negatively, the related paper is sent to the third referee; the paper is decided based on the resolution of the third referee. The papers reported as “positive / publishable” from the referees are entitled to be published in the journal. However, in cases of plagiarism, previously published, and belonging of papers to others determined by the editorial board or the referees are never published. Likewise, papers created by copying / slicing from other studies and papers with copyright infringement are also considered as unethical behaviors and such papers are not published. Papers sent to Türkbilig are evaluated by iThenticate program in terms of plagiarism, and plagiarism report can also be requested from the authors.
e) In manuscripts that are copyrighted and require an ethical contract, such as papers, questionnaires, scales, field researches sent to Türkbilig, the author must obtain an Ethical Commission Permission and send it to the editorial board along with the paper. Papers without Ethical Commission Permission are not included in the referee evaluation process. Türkbilig has the authority to request the Ethical Commission Permit, Volunteer Participant Form, the Family Consent Form in the researches conducted for the children under the age of 18 and the documents that must be submitted from the applicant author.
f) The copyright of the published papers is transferred to Türkbilig journal. Intellectual, scientific and legal responsibility in papers and translations belongs to the authors / translators. All authors / translators whose articles / translations are published in the journal are deemed to have accepted this article. Türkbilig defends the freedom of expression of the authors in all conditions in the papers. In the papers to be published in Türkbilig, all kinds of racist, sexist and discriminatory content are rejected. Türkbilig uses the right to reject the papers in this content without starting the process.
g) Papers, photos, tables and graphics published in the journal can be used by citing the source.
h) The editor has the right to make corrections regarding the issues such as spelling and punctuation, which are not essential for the papers in the publishing stage.
ı) For the papers submitted to Türkbilig, no fee is paid to the members of the editorial board, the referees and the authors making evaluations; No fee is requested from the authors whose papers are published.
i) Papers that have completed the publication evaluation process in Türkbilig journal are put in order for publication. However, changes in the publication process can be made by the editorial board for reasons such as subject priority and timeliness.

  1. Türkbilig Publishing Rules:
    a) The author of the paper must state his / her name, surname, institution, academic title and ORCID number completely and clearly, and provide a full address, telephone number and e-mail address that can be contacted directly.
    b) There must be be a short Turkish and English abstract (maximum 100 words) and Turkish and English keywords (maximum 10 words) at the beginning of the articles (must be be written in Italic and Times 9 font size).
    c) Manuscripts must be written with Times 10 font size and 1.5 line spacing. Tab key must not be used at the beginning of paragraphs and enter key must not be used between paragraphs.
    d) References in the text must be indicated in parentheses as name and date and / or page. Example: (Tanpınar 1985) or (Tanpınar 1985: 316). Quotations less than three lines must be given between the lines and in quotation marks, and quotes longer than three lines must be given one centimeter in the left and right of the line, in blocks, with 9 font size, with single line spacing.
    e) Footnotes must be numbered at the bottom of the page and used for explanations only. Footnotes must not be used for the reference.
    f) APA Version 6th should be used as the reference system.