Ethical Principles and Publication Policy


• Compliance with spelling rules in articles sent to the Turkish Journal of Applied Social Work is one of the most important points.
• The submitted articles shouldn’t be submitted or published in any other journals/publications.
• Articles written in English and German are published in the Turkish Journal of Applied Social Work.
• The author(s) is responsible for the scientific and linguistic accuracy of the work published in the journal.
• Turkish Journal of Applied Social Work includes work from academics as well as current and past practitioners in the social work field.
• The studies will initially be evaluated by the Editorial Board. The studies regarded to have scientific content which will contribute to the literature will be included in the peer-review process.
• After the preliminary analysis in terms of form and content, the articles are sent to at least two peers (the number can increase for different articles). The Editorial Board assign the peers for the review of articles.
• The decision to publish the article is taken after the required corrections, additional information and abridgements by the peers based on the reports. The peers may advise not to publish the article. The authors are informed about these decisions via the system. The author(s) are responsible for making all changes requested by the peer(s). Studies will not be published without the changes requested are done.
• Under our Open Access Policy, published articles can be used provided that they cite the article.
• The views and responsibility of the opinions expressed in the articles published in the Turkish Journal of Applied Social Work belong to the authors.
• If the article or research supported by any institution or if the research is produced from the thesis of the author, this should be specified on the first page of the article.
• No fees are charged for articles to be published in the journal.


• It is mandatory to submit the Ethical Committee Approval for the articles submitted to the journal. While the authors of the review articles generally don’t have to submit Ethical Committee Approval, if the article contains private information and data, the requirement of Approval will be decided by the Editor. The authors are responsible for all legal and scientific responsibility arising from the work of their acceptance for publication after the peer review and editorial process.
• The authors must comply with the Helsinki Declaration, Good Medical Practice Guidelines and Good Laboratories Practice Guidelines. The anonymity of the clients or patients in the publications should be ensured, no explicit information which can be used to identify these individuals should be given. Some of the submissions to the journal may also be examined by the Ethics Advisors of the journal.

• The submissions will be examined with the plagiarism checker and submissions with a higher rate of 20 per cent plagiarism (except the reference) will be rejected.
The Responsibilities of the Editorial Board
• The Editorial Board of the Turkish Journal of Applied Social Work aims to develop the journal and increase the quality of publications.
• The Editorial Board of the Turkish Journal of Applied Social Work ensures the determination and implementation of various journal policies such as publication, blind review, evaluation process, ethical principles.
• The Editorial Board of Turkish Journal of Applied Social Work is responsible for taking measures for intellectual property rights, unethical and unscientific behaviours, plagiarism and citations.
• The Editorial Board of the Turkish Journal of Applied Social Work determines policies that will guide the peers and authors.

Ethical Responsibilities of Editors, Vice Editors and Field Editors

• The Editors of Turkish Journal of Applied Social Work make efforts to meet the information demands of the reviewers, authors, researchers, practitioners and readers, give necessary feedback, give necessary information for the corrections during the publication process in the light of the openness principles.
• The editors of the Turkish Journal of Applied Social Work take into consideration the originality of the submission, as well as its contribution to scientific literature, readers, researchers and practitioners in deciding on the publication.
• Editors of Turkish Journal of Applied Social Work take into the consideration the original value of the articles, the validity and reliability of the research method, the clarity of the language as well as the purpose and scope of the journal while deciding on publication or rejection.
• Submissions to the Turkish Journal of Applied Social Work are evaluated through the double-blind peer-review method.

The Ethical Responsibilities of Peers

• Peers should only accept to review the submissions in their area of expertise.
• Peers should review the submissions considering the academic etiquette, with a constructive approach. They should refrain from personal comments involving insults and hostility.
• Peers should evaluate the submissions in the specified period.
Ethical Responsibility of the Authors
• The work submitted by the authors must be unique.
• The resources should be correctly cited following ethical guidelines.
• During the evaluation process, the authors should present the information and/or raw data required by the Editors.
• The authors should certify that they have received the rights to use the data in their work, as well as necessary permissions for the research-analyses, and the consent of the participants in their studies.

Last Update Time: 5/18/24, 11:43:35 PM