Publishing Principles

1) Articles sent to Cihansumul Academy Social Sciences Journal must never have been published elsewhere or sent to be published elsewhere. If it is determined that an article sent to our journal has been sent to another journal or any publishing platform at the same time, the process of the relevant article will be canceled and an ethical violation notification will be made about the author. Postgraduate theses or congresses/symposiums etc. Articles prepared based on papers presented at scientific meetings can be published, provided that at most abstracts have been published before and an explanation is provided regarding this issue. It is not possible to publish a paper whose full text has already been published in our Journal. All responsibility in this regard belongs to the author, and if a contrary situation is detected, our Journal is authorized to remove the relevant article from publication. (NOTE: Each issue will include a limited number of articles based on postgraduate theses or presented papers.)

2) In the Cihansumul Academy Social Sciences Journal, in the fields of social sciences such as Literature, History, Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, Archaeology, Art History, Theology, Economics, Business, Communication, Journalism, International Relations, Law, Political Science, Public Relations. Prepared academic studies, compilations and book introductions are included.

3) Although the publication language of the journal is Turkish, a limited number of articles written in English, Arabic, Persian, French, German and Russian may also be included if the editor and the editorial board deem it appropriate. Whether or not articles in languages other than Turkish will be accepted in an issue is at the discretion of the Editor, depending on the density of the Journal. In addition to research articles, our journal also includes compilations, translations and book introductions.

4) The ability to evaluate and publish the articles sent to our journal depends, first of all, on the editors' decision about the article's suitability for the journal. Editors may directly reject an article that they deem inappropriate or inadequate in terms of form or content, without going through the referee process. In addition, receiving a positive report from the referees does not mean that the article will definitely be published. The editor, editorial board or field editor may decide not to publish an article even if a positive report is received from the referees. However, in such a case, the editor is obliged to inform the author of the justification.

5) Articles sent to our journal are scanned by iThenticate. An article with a similarity rate exceeding 20% will be rejected. However, this rate can be updated by the editor depending on the scope of the study and the factor that causes the similarity rate to be high (compilation, same text, archive scanning, graduate thesis, etc.).
6) Articles submitted to our journal may be withdrawn while they are at the preliminary review stage before proceeding to the evaluation stage. Articles that have been sent to the referees and have passed the evaluation stage cannot be withdrawn. Authors are required to follow the process of the article only through the system. When necessary, a letter can be written to the editor only for technical problems. Apart from this, no letter can be written to the editor regarding the functioning of the article in the referee process. In addition, the editor and the editorial board cannot be held responsible in any way for the decisions made by the referees. Every article (including book promotions) sent to our journal is directed to at least two referees with doctor titles after meeting the necessary prerequisites. If the article receives a positive report from both referees, it is published in our journal with the approval of the editor. If both referees give a negative report, the article is rejected. If one of the referees gives a positive report and the other gives a negative report, the article is sent to a third referee, with the editor having the discretion, and the final decision is made according to the result. However, if one referee gives a negative decision and the other gives a major revision decision, the article is rejected. For an article for which a referee recommends correction, the author is required to upload a correction file to the system within 1 month at the latest. The evaluation process will be terminated for the articles of authors who do not upload a corrected text within 1 month following the referee's correction suggestion and the article will be rejected. While the articles are being uploaded to the system, the author's name, address, institution, etc. information should not be included. Articles containing any of this information will be rejected outright. An article that is rejected for any reason cannot be re-submitted to our Journal. If a referee cannot be found to report an article, the article is rejected by the editor's decision and the process is terminated.

7) An author whose article is published in Cihansumul Academy Social Sciences Journal may have another article published in our Journal in the third issue at the earliest after the article is published - excluding special issues. For example, an author whose article was published in the December 2021 Issue of our Magazine will be able to appear in our Magazine with another article in the June 2023 Issue at the earliest. In addition, an author should not upload another article to the system before the process related to his ongoing article is completed. In such a case, any other uploaded article or articles will be rejected. An author can appear as an author on a maximum of one article in any issue of our Journal.
8) No fee is requested from the authors for the articles sent to our journal. Authors whose articles are published in our journal transfer the copyright of their works to our journal free of charge. Therefore, no copyright fee can be claimed for published articles. Our journal reserves the right to share published articles in print or on the internet for academic purposes.

9) All responsibility for the articles published in our journal belongs to the authors. Our journal editors and other boards cannot be held responsible for the content of the articles. Authors who submit articles to our article are deemed to have accepted this provision in advance. A researcher who uses an article published in our journal must cite the relevant article in accordance with scientific criteria.
10) COPYRIGHT FORM AND DECLARATION FORM THAT THERE IS NO NEED FOR ETHICS COMMITTEE PERMISSION: Authors who send articles to our journal can submit their articles to the copyright form at must fill out a declaration form stating that ethics committee permission is not required.

Last Update Time: 1/26/24, 11:21:09 PM

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