Araştırma Makalesi
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University Students’ States of Having Depressive Symptoms and Hopefulness About Getting Employed After Graduation

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 1, 7 - 14, 30.04.2024


Introduction: This cross-sectional study aimed to assess the prevalence of depressive symptoms and their levels of hope regarding employment after graduation among university students in Turkey, and the related factors of these.
Methods: The research was conducted in 2018 at a state university in Turkey, involving 1,093 students from four different faculties: Dentistry, Architecture, Law, and Fine Arts. The dependent variables were the participants' levels of hope regarding employment and their scores on the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Independent variables included gender, age, faculty, economic status, health issues, smoking, alcohol consumption, academic achievement, and school satisfaction. Pearson chi-square test, t-test, and one-way ANOVA (with post hoc Tukey test) were used to evaluate relationships between dependent and independent variables.
Findings: A significant portion of students in architecture and fine arts faculties reported experiencing depressive symptoms. Higher levels of depressive symptoms were observed among students who expressed no hope of finding employment after graduation. Inadequate financial support, dissatisfaction with body image, academic failure, and weak relationships with family and/or friends were associated with both job hopelessness and higher levels of depressive symptoms among university students. Interestingly, both the prevalence of job hopefulness and depressive symptoms were higher among first-year students compared to other academic levels.
Conclusion: The study reveals the widespread prevalence of job hopelessness and depressive symptoms among university students in Turkey. Targeted interventions, including career planning support and orientation programs, especially in the first year, could be beneficial in improving the mental well-being and future expectations of university students.


  • 1. WHO. Depression and Other Common Mental Disorders Global Health Estimates. 2017. Accessed 10 July 2021.
  • 2. Kessler RC, Angermeyer M, Anthony JC, Graaf RD, Gasquet I, Girolamo GD, et al. Lifetime prevalence and age-of-onset distributions of mental disorders in the World Health Organization’s World Mental Health Survey Initiative. World Psychiatry. 2007;6(3):168.
  • 3. Ibrahim AK, Kelly SJ, Adams CE, Glazebrook C. A systematic review of studies of depression prevalence in university students. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 2013;47(3):391-400.
  • 4. Rotenstein LS, Ramos MA, Torre M, Segal JB, Peluso MJ, Guille C, et al. Prevalence of Depression, Depressive Symptoms, and Suicidal Ideation Among Medical Students: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. JAMA. 2016; 316(21):2214-36.
  • 5. Khan MN, Akhtar P, Ijaz S, Waqas A. Prevalence of depressive symptoms among university students in Pakistan: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in public health,2021;968.
  • 6. Akhtar M, Herwig BK, Faize FA. Depression and Anxiety among International Medical Students in Germany: The Predictive Role of Coping Styles. J Pak Med Assoc. 2019;69(02):5.
  • 7. Zhou W, Pu J, Zhong X, Yang W, Teng T, Fan L, et al. Overlap of burnout-depression symptoms among Chinese neurology graduate students in a national cross-sectional study. BMC Med Educ. 2021;21(1):83.
  • 8. Mao Y, Zhang N, Liu J, Zhu B, He R, Wang X. A systematic review of depression and anxiety in medical students in China. BMC Med Educ.2019;19(1):327.
  • 9. Khan MS, Mahmood S, Badshah A, Ali SU, Jamal Y. Prevalence of Depression, Anxiety and their associated factors among medical stu- dents in Karachi, Pakistan. J Pak Med Assoc. 2006;56(12):4.
  • 10. Oral B, Borlu A, Ener D, Günay O. Depressive Symptom Level and Associated Factors of Medical Faculty 1ST and 6TH Grade Students. ESTUDAM Public Health Journal. 2021;6(1):46-59.
  • 11. Ulaş B, Tatlıbadem B, Nazik F, Sönmez M, Uncu F. Frequency of Depression and Associated Factors in University Students. Celal Bayar University-Health Sciences Institute Journal. 2015;2(3):71-5.
  • 12. Açıkgöz A, Dayı A, Binbay T. Prevalence of depression among female university students and associated factors. Cukurova Medical Journal. 2017;43(1):131-40.
  • 13. Beiter R, Nash R, McCrady M, Rhoades D, Linscomb M, Clarahan M et al. The prevalence and correlates of depression, anxiety, and stress in a sample of college students. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2015;173:90-6.
  • 14. Elani HW, Allison PJ, Kumar RA, Mancini L, Lambrou A, Bedos C. A Systematic Review of Stress in Dental Students. Journal of Dental Education. 2014;78(2):226-42.
  • 15. Borst JM, Frings-Dresen MHW, Sluiter JK. Prevalence and incidence of mental health problems among Dutch medical students and the study-related and personal risk factors: a longitudinal study. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health. 2016;28(4):349-55.
  • 16. Wege N, Muth T, Li J, Angerer P. Mental health among currently enrolled medical students in Germany. Public Health. 2016;132:92-100.
  • 17. Cook AF, Arora VM, Rasinski KA, Curlin FA, Yoon JD. The Prevalence of Medical Student Mistreatment and Its Association With Burnout. Academic Medicine. 2014;89(5):749-54.
  • 18. TUIK. Labor Statistics. November 2020. Accessed 10 March 2021
  • 19. Pillay N, Ramlall S, Burns JK. Spirituality. Depression and quality of life in medical students in KwaZulu-Natal. S Afr J Psych. 2016;22(1):6.
  • 20. Garlow SJ, Rosenberg J, Moore JD, Haas AP, Koestner B, Hendin H, et al. Depression, desperation, and suicidal ideation in college students: results from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention College Screening Project at Emory University. Depress Anxiety. 2008;25(6):482-8.
  • 21. Akhtar P, Ma L, Waqas A, Naveed S, Li Y, Rahman A, et al. Prevalence of depression among university students in low and middle income countries (LMICs): a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2020;274:911-9.
  • 22. Sarokhani D, Delpisheh A, Veisani Y, Sarokhani MT, Manesh RE, Sayehmiri K. Prevalence of Depression among University Students: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Study. Depression Research and Treatment.2013;1-7.
  • 23. Beck AT. An Inventory for Measuring Depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1961;4(6):561.
  • 24. Hisli N. A reliability and validity study of Beck Depression Inventory in a university student sample. J. Psychol. 1989;7(23):3-13.
  • 25. World Health Organization, editör. Guidelines for controlling and monitoring the tobacco epidemic. Geneva: World Health Organization; 1998. s. Accessed 10 March 2021
  • 26. Gunay O, Akpinar F, Poyrazoglu S. Aslaner H. Prevalence of depression among Turkish University Students and related factors. Turkish Journal of Public Health. 2011;9(3):133-43.
  • 27. Dzubur A, Abdulahovic D, Kurspahic-Mujcic A, Dzubur A, Loga-Zec S, Skrijelj V. Depressive Symptoms Among Sarajevo University Students: Prevalence and Socio-Demographic Correlations. Acta medica academica. 2018;47(2).
  • 28. Seo EH, Kim SG, Kim SH, Kim JH, Park JH, Yoon HJ. Happiness Associated with Depressive Symptoms Among University Students: a cross-sectional study in Korea. Annals of general psychiatry. 2018;17(1):1-9.
  • 29. Ergüt Ö. Investigation of the Relationship Between University Students' Hopelessness Level with Job Experience and Job Finding Expectations at Grade Level. Journal of Suleyman Demirel University Institute of Social Sciences. 2020;38:232-52.
  • 30. Özçeli̇k KK, Öztuna B. Unemployment Anxiety and Hopelessness Towards Unemployment in University Students: A Research on Students of Dokuz Eylül University Vocational Health School. Journal of Yaşar University. 2020;15(60):953-70.
  • 31. Karakuş Ö. Depression and Hopelessness Levels of University Students According to Their Opinions on Finding Employment or Falling out of Labor Force in Türkiye. Universal Journal of Educational Research. 2018;6(1):190-4.
  • 32. Şanlier N, Türközü D. Toka O. Body image, Food Addiction, Depression, and Body Mass Index in University Students. Ecology of Food and Nutrition. 2016;55(6):491-507.
  • 33. Suleiman AK, Ismadi NFI, Choudhry FR, Munawar K, Hameed MA. Determinant Factors of Depression: A Survey Among University Students. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine. 2017;17(3):97-103.
  • 34. Ghazali SR, Azhar A. Depressive Symptoms, Gender, and Ethnicity: An Exploratory Study among Cross Ethnic Adolescents in Sarawak, Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Youth Studies. 2015;13;141-52.
  • 35. Aldabal BK, Koura MR, Alsowielem LS. Magnitude of depression problem among rimary care consumers in Saudi Arabia. Int J Med Sci Public Health. 2015;4:(2):205.
  • 36. Li L, Lok GKI, Mei S-L, Cui X-L, An F-R, Li L, et al. Prevalence of depression and its relationship with quality of life among university students in Macau, Hong Kong and mainland China. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):15798.
  • 37. Soares Filho LC, Batista RFL, Cardoso VC, Simões VMF, Santos AM, Coelho SJDDAC et al. Body Image Dissatisfaction and Symptoms of Depression Disorder in Adolescents. Braz J Med Biol Res. 2021;54.
  • 38. Ngin C, Pal K, Tuot S, Chhoun P, Yi R, Yi S. Social and Behavioural Factors Associated with Depressive Symptoms Among University Students in Cambodia: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open. 2018;8(9).

Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Depresif Belirtilere ve Mezuniyet Sonrası İş Bulma Umuduna Sahip Olma Durumları

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 1, 7 - 14, 30.04.2024


Giriş: Bu kesitsel araştırmada, Türkiye'deki üniversite öğrencileri arasında depresif belirtilerin yaygınlığını ve mezuniyet sonrası istihdama ilişkin umut düzeyini ve bunların ilişkili olabileceği faktörleri değerlendirmeyi amaçlamıştır.
Yöntemler: Araştırma, 2018 yılında Türkiye'deki bir devlet üniversitesinde gerçekleştirildi ve Diş Hekimliği, Mimarlık, Hukuk ve Güzel Sanatlar olmak üzere dört farklı fakülteden 1.093 öğrenci dahil edildi. Katılımcıların istihdama ilişkin umut düzeyleri ve Beck Depresyon Envanteri (BDE) puanları bağımlı değişkenlerdir. Cinsiyet, yaş, fakülte, ekonomik durum, sağlık sorunları, sigara içme, alkol tüketimi, akademik başarı ve okul memnuniyeti ise bağımsız değişkenlerdir. Bağımlı ve bağımsız değişkenler arasındaki ilişkileri değerlendirmek için Pearson ki-kare testi, t testi ve tek yönlü ANOVA (post hoc Tukey testi ile) testleri kullanılmıştır.
Bulgular: Mimarlık ve güzel sanatlar fakültelerindeki öğrencilerin önemli bir kısmı depresif belirtiler yaşadığını bildirdi. Mezun olduktan sonra iş bulma umudunun olmadığını ifade eden öğrencilerde daha yüksek düzeyde depresif belirtiler görüldü. Yetersiz harçlık, beden imajından memnuniyetsizlik, akademik başarısızlık ve aile ve/veya arkadaşlarla zayıf ilişkiler, üniversite öğrencileri arasında hem iş konusunda umutsuzluk hem de daha yüksek düzeyde depresif belirtilerle ilişkili bulunmuştur. İlginç bir şekilde, hem işe dair umutluluğun hem de depresif belirtilerin yaygınlığı birinci sınıf öğrencileri arasında diğer akademik seviyelere göre daha yüksekti.
Sonuç: Çalışmada, Türkiye'de üniversite öğrencileri arasında istihdama ilişkin umutsuzluğun ve depresif belirtilerin yaygın olduğu görülmüştür. İlk yıl boyunca kariyer planlama desteği ve oryantasyon eğitimi de dahil olmak üzere hedefe yönelik müdahaleler, üniversite öğrencilerinin zihinsel refahını ve gelecek beklentilerini iyileştirmede faydalı olabilir.

Destekleyen Kurum

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  • 1. WHO. Depression and Other Common Mental Disorders Global Health Estimates. 2017. Accessed 10 July 2021.
  • 2. Kessler RC, Angermeyer M, Anthony JC, Graaf RD, Gasquet I, Girolamo GD, et al. Lifetime prevalence and age-of-onset distributions of mental disorders in the World Health Organization’s World Mental Health Survey Initiative. World Psychiatry. 2007;6(3):168.
  • 3. Ibrahim AK, Kelly SJ, Adams CE, Glazebrook C. A systematic review of studies of depression prevalence in university students. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 2013;47(3):391-400.
  • 4. Rotenstein LS, Ramos MA, Torre M, Segal JB, Peluso MJ, Guille C, et al. Prevalence of Depression, Depressive Symptoms, and Suicidal Ideation Among Medical Students: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. JAMA. 2016; 316(21):2214-36.
  • 5. Khan MN, Akhtar P, Ijaz S, Waqas A. Prevalence of depressive symptoms among university students in Pakistan: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in public health,2021;968.
  • 6. Akhtar M, Herwig BK, Faize FA. Depression and Anxiety among International Medical Students in Germany: The Predictive Role of Coping Styles. J Pak Med Assoc. 2019;69(02):5.
  • 7. Zhou W, Pu J, Zhong X, Yang W, Teng T, Fan L, et al. Overlap of burnout-depression symptoms among Chinese neurology graduate students in a national cross-sectional study. BMC Med Educ. 2021;21(1):83.
  • 8. Mao Y, Zhang N, Liu J, Zhu B, He R, Wang X. A systematic review of depression and anxiety in medical students in China. BMC Med Educ.2019;19(1):327.
  • 9. Khan MS, Mahmood S, Badshah A, Ali SU, Jamal Y. Prevalence of Depression, Anxiety and their associated factors among medical stu- dents in Karachi, Pakistan. J Pak Med Assoc. 2006;56(12):4.
  • 10. Oral B, Borlu A, Ener D, Günay O. Depressive Symptom Level and Associated Factors of Medical Faculty 1ST and 6TH Grade Students. ESTUDAM Public Health Journal. 2021;6(1):46-59.
  • 11. Ulaş B, Tatlıbadem B, Nazik F, Sönmez M, Uncu F. Frequency of Depression and Associated Factors in University Students. Celal Bayar University-Health Sciences Institute Journal. 2015;2(3):71-5.
  • 12. Açıkgöz A, Dayı A, Binbay T. Prevalence of depression among female university students and associated factors. Cukurova Medical Journal. 2017;43(1):131-40.
  • 13. Beiter R, Nash R, McCrady M, Rhoades D, Linscomb M, Clarahan M et al. The prevalence and correlates of depression, anxiety, and stress in a sample of college students. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2015;173:90-6.
  • 14. Elani HW, Allison PJ, Kumar RA, Mancini L, Lambrou A, Bedos C. A Systematic Review of Stress in Dental Students. Journal of Dental Education. 2014;78(2):226-42.
  • 15. Borst JM, Frings-Dresen MHW, Sluiter JK. Prevalence and incidence of mental health problems among Dutch medical students and the study-related and personal risk factors: a longitudinal study. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health. 2016;28(4):349-55.
  • 16. Wege N, Muth T, Li J, Angerer P. Mental health among currently enrolled medical students in Germany. Public Health. 2016;132:92-100.
  • 17. Cook AF, Arora VM, Rasinski KA, Curlin FA, Yoon JD. The Prevalence of Medical Student Mistreatment and Its Association With Burnout. Academic Medicine. 2014;89(5):749-54.
  • 18. TUIK. Labor Statistics. November 2020. Accessed 10 March 2021
  • 19. Pillay N, Ramlall S, Burns JK. Spirituality. Depression and quality of life in medical students in KwaZulu-Natal. S Afr J Psych. 2016;22(1):6.
  • 20. Garlow SJ, Rosenberg J, Moore JD, Haas AP, Koestner B, Hendin H, et al. Depression, desperation, and suicidal ideation in college students: results from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention College Screening Project at Emory University. Depress Anxiety. 2008;25(6):482-8.
  • 21. Akhtar P, Ma L, Waqas A, Naveed S, Li Y, Rahman A, et al. Prevalence of depression among university students in low and middle income countries (LMICs): a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2020;274:911-9.
  • 22. Sarokhani D, Delpisheh A, Veisani Y, Sarokhani MT, Manesh RE, Sayehmiri K. Prevalence of Depression among University Students: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Study. Depression Research and Treatment.2013;1-7.
  • 23. Beck AT. An Inventory for Measuring Depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1961;4(6):561.
  • 24. Hisli N. A reliability and validity study of Beck Depression Inventory in a university student sample. J. Psychol. 1989;7(23):3-13.
  • 25. World Health Organization, editör. Guidelines for controlling and monitoring the tobacco epidemic. Geneva: World Health Organization; 1998. s. Accessed 10 March 2021
  • 26. Gunay O, Akpinar F, Poyrazoglu S. Aslaner H. Prevalence of depression among Turkish University Students and related factors. Turkish Journal of Public Health. 2011;9(3):133-43.
  • 27. Dzubur A, Abdulahovic D, Kurspahic-Mujcic A, Dzubur A, Loga-Zec S, Skrijelj V. Depressive Symptoms Among Sarajevo University Students: Prevalence and Socio-Demographic Correlations. Acta medica academica. 2018;47(2).
  • 28. Seo EH, Kim SG, Kim SH, Kim JH, Park JH, Yoon HJ. Happiness Associated with Depressive Symptoms Among University Students: a cross-sectional study in Korea. Annals of general psychiatry. 2018;17(1):1-9.
  • 29. Ergüt Ö. Investigation of the Relationship Between University Students' Hopelessness Level with Job Experience and Job Finding Expectations at Grade Level. Journal of Suleyman Demirel University Institute of Social Sciences. 2020;38:232-52.
  • 30. Özçeli̇k KK, Öztuna B. Unemployment Anxiety and Hopelessness Towards Unemployment in University Students: A Research on Students of Dokuz Eylül University Vocational Health School. Journal of Yaşar University. 2020;15(60):953-70.
  • 31. Karakuş Ö. Depression and Hopelessness Levels of University Students According to Their Opinions on Finding Employment or Falling out of Labor Force in Türkiye. Universal Journal of Educational Research. 2018;6(1):190-4.
  • 32. Şanlier N, Türközü D. Toka O. Body image, Food Addiction, Depression, and Body Mass Index in University Students. Ecology of Food and Nutrition. 2016;55(6):491-507.
  • 33. Suleiman AK, Ismadi NFI, Choudhry FR, Munawar K, Hameed MA. Determinant Factors of Depression: A Survey Among University Students. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine. 2017;17(3):97-103.
  • 34. Ghazali SR, Azhar A. Depressive Symptoms, Gender, and Ethnicity: An Exploratory Study among Cross Ethnic Adolescents in Sarawak, Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Youth Studies. 2015;13;141-52.
  • 35. Aldabal BK, Koura MR, Alsowielem LS. Magnitude of depression problem among rimary care consumers in Saudi Arabia. Int J Med Sci Public Health. 2015;4:(2):205.
  • 36. Li L, Lok GKI, Mei S-L, Cui X-L, An F-R, Li L, et al. Prevalence of depression and its relationship with quality of life among university students in Macau, Hong Kong and mainland China. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):15798.
  • 37. Soares Filho LC, Batista RFL, Cardoso VC, Simões VMF, Santos AM, Coelho SJDDAC et al. Body Image Dissatisfaction and Symptoms of Depression Disorder in Adolescents. Braz J Med Biol Res. 2021;54.
  • 38. Ngin C, Pal K, Tuot S, Chhoun P, Yi R, Yi S. Social and Behavioural Factors Associated with Depressive Symptoms Among University Students in Cambodia: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open. 2018;8(9).
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İş ve Meslek Hastalıkları
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Belgin Oral 0000-0002-2246-4733

Arda Borlu 0000-0002-1424-8037

Seçkin Özsaydı 0000-0001-8350-288X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 16 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Oral B, Borlu A, Özsaydı S. University Students’ States of Having Depressive Symptoms and Hopefulness About Getting Employed After Graduation. Maltepe tıp derg. 2024;16(1):7-14.