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Yıl 2022, Cilt: 36 Sayı: 3, 1206 - 1229, 30.09.2022


As a result of the changing nature of armed conflicts, armed conflicts today take place between state and non-state armed groups or between non-state armed groups fighting each other. International humanitarian law is insufficient to regulate non-international conflicts in which non-state armed actors are actively involved. Customary rules of international humanitarian law are binding on both states and non-state armed actors, but only the practices of states are taken into account when determining customary rules of international humanitarian law. Non-state armed actors who are not involved in the formation of customary law lack a sense of ownership of these rules. The main topic of discussion in this article is how non-state armed actors can participate in the formation of customary international humanitarian law in order to increase compliance with its rules. The article consists of three main parts. The first part examines the formation of customary international law. In the second part, the problems that prevent armed groups from participating in the process of customary law formation will be discussed. The last section will provide suggestions for legal solutions.


  • Arajärvi, N. (2010, Mayıs 04). From state-centricism to where the formation of (customary) international law and non-state actors.
  • Arend, A. (1999). Legal rules and international society. Oxford University Press.
  • Beck, L. D., & Henckaerts, J. M. (2005). Customary international humanitarian law. Cambridge University Press.
  • Bellal, A. (2019). The war report armed conflicts in 2018. The Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights.
  • Bellal, A., & Heffes, E. (2018). Yes, I do: binding armed non-state actors to IHL and human rights norms through their consent. Human Rights & International Legal Discourse, 12(1), 120-136.
  • Case Concerning the Military and Paramilitary Activities in and Against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States) (Judgment), ICJ Rep 392 (International Court of Justice 06 27, 1986).
  • Cassese, A. (2012). Should rebels be treated as criminals some modest proposals for rendering internal armed conflicts less inhumane. İçinde A. Cassese (Ed.), Realizing utopia: The future of international law (s. 519). Oxford University Press.
  • Chatham House. (2012). International law meeting summary classification of conflicts: the way forward. Chatham House.
  • Dabone, Z. (2012). Le droit international public relatif aux groupes armés non étatiques. Schulthess.
  • Diplomatic Conference for the Establishment of International Conventions for the Protection of Victims of War. (1949). Diplomatic Conference for the Establishment of International Conventions for the Protection of Victims of War, Final Record of the Diplomatic Conference of Geneva of 1949 Article 2A. UN.
  • Dörmann, K. (2016). Commentary on the first geneva convention convention (I) for the amelioration of the condition of the wounded and sick in armed forces in the field: Part of commentaries on the 1949 geneva conventions. Cambridge University Press.
  • Evans, M. (2018). International law. Oxford University Press.
  • Fortin, K. (2017). The accountability of armed groups under international law. Oxford University Press.
  • Friis, S. (2019). Beyond anything we have ever seen beheading videos and the visibility of violence in the war against ISIS. International Affairs, 91(4), 737.
  • Gasser, H. (1994). International humanitarian law an introduction. International Review of the Red Cross, 88.
  • Gunning, I. (1991). Modernizing customary international law the challenge of human rights. Virginia Journal of International Law, 31(2), 215.
  • Heffes, E., & Fortin, K. (2022, Ağustos 01). Armed groups and ınternational law.
  • Henckaerts, J. M., & Debuf, E. (2017). The ICRC and the clarification of customary international humanitarian law. İçinde B. Lepard (Ed.), Reexamining customary ınternational law (s. 165). Cambridge University Press.
  • International Committee of Red Cross. (1971). Conference of government experts on the reaffirmation and development of customary international humanitarian law applicable in armed conflicts - report on the protection of victims of non-international armed conflicts. International Committee of Red Cross.
  • International Review of the Red Cross. (1962). Humanitarian aid to the victims of internal conflicts. Meeting of a commission of experts in Geneva. International Review of the Red Cross.
  • Jo, H. (2015). Compliant rebels. Cambridge University Press.
  • Kyriakopoulos, G. (2016). Formation of international custom and the role of non-state actors. İçinde P. Pazartzis (Ed.), Reconceptualising the rule of law in global governance, resources, ınvestment and trade (s. 49). Hart Publishing.
  • McCorquodale, R. (2004). An inclusive international legal system. Leiden Journal of International Law, 17(3), 17.
  • Prosecutor v Anto Furundzija, Trial Judgment, Trial Chamber, ICTY-IT-95-17/1-T (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 06 05, 1998).
  • Prosecutor v Boskoski and Tarculovski, Trial Judgment, Trial Chamber, IT-04-82-T (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 07 10, 2008).
  • Prosecutor v Dusko Tadić a/k/a ‘Dule’, Decision on the Defence Motion for Interlocutory Appeal on Jurisdiction, IT-94-1-AR72 (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, Appeals Chamber 10 02, 1995).
  • Prosecutor v Dusko Tadić a/k/a ‘Dule’, Opinion and Judgment Trial Chamber II, IT-94-1-T (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 07 14, 1997).
  • Roberts, A., & Sivakumaran, S. (2012). Lawmaking by non-state actors engaging armed groups in the creation of international humanitarian law. Yale Journal of International Law, 37(1), 37.
  • Rodenhäuser, T. (2018). Organizing rebellion non-state armed groups under international humanitarian law, human rights law, and international criminal law. Oxford University Press.
  • Rondeau, S. (2011). Participation of armed groups in the development of the law applicable to armed conflicts. International Review of the Red Cross, 93(883), 668.
  • Ryngaert, C. (2011). Non-state actors in international humanitarian law. İçinde J. d'Aspremont (Ed.), Participants in the International Legal System: Multiple Perspectives on Non–State Actors in International Law (s. 289). Routledge.
  • Sassòli, M. (2007). The implementation of international humanitarian law current and inherent challenges. Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, 10(1), 64.
  • Sassòli, M. (2010). Taking armed groups seriously ways to improve their compliance with international humanitarian law. Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies, 1(1), 3.
  • Sassòli, M. (2011). Introducing a sliding-scale of obligations to address the fundamental inequality between armed groups and states? International Review of the Red Cross, 93(882), 430.
  • Sassòli, M. (2019). International humanitarian law rules, controversies, and solutions to problems arising in warfare. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Scobbie, I. (2007). The approach to customary international law in the study. İçinde E. Wilmshurst, & S. Breau (eds.), Perspectives on the ICRC study on customary ınternational humanitarian law (s. 47). Cambridge University Press.
  • Scott, J. (1990). Domination and the arts of resistance hidden transcripts. Yale University Press.
  • Shaw, M. (2017). International law. Cambridge University Press.
  • Sivakumaran, S. (2006). Binding armed opposition groups. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 55(2), 369-394.
  • Sivakumaran, S. (2009). Courts of armed opposition groups fair trials or summary justice? Journal of International Criminal Justice, 7(3), 489-513.
  • Sivakumaran, S. (2012). How to improve upon the faulty legal regime of internal armed conflicts. İçinde A. Cassese (ed.), Realizing utopia: The future of ınternational law (s. 525). Oxford University Press.
  • Somer, J. (2007). Jungle justice passing sentence on the equality of belligerents in non-international armed conflict. International Review of the Red Cross, 89(867), 655-690.
  • Tesón, F. (2017). Fake custom. İçinde B. Lepard (ed.), Reexamining customary ınternational law (ss. 86-110). Cambridge University Press.
  • The Prosecutor v Kupreskic, Trial Judgment, Trial Chamber, ICTY-IT-95-16-T (International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia 01 14, 2000).
  • United Nations International Law Commission. (2018). Draft conclusions on identification of customary international law, with commentaries. United Nations.
  • United Nations Security Council. (2010). Report of the secretary-general on the protection of civilians in armed conflict, UN doc. S/2010/579. UN.


Yıl 2022, Cilt: 36 Sayı: 3, 1206 - 1229, 30.09.2022


Silahlı çatışmaların değişen doğası neticesinde, günümüzde silahlı çatışmalar devlet ile devlet dışı silahlı gruplar arasında ya da devlet dışı silahlı grupların birbiri ile savaştığı şekilde gerçekleşmektedir. Uluslararası insancıl hukuk, devlet dışı silahlı aktörlerin aktif olarak yer aldığı uluslararası nitelikte olmayan çatışmaları düzenlemekte yetersiz kalmaktadır. Teamül hukuku bu hukuki boşluğu doldurmak için etkili bir araç olarak kullanılabilir. Uluslararası insancıl hukukun teamül kuralları hem devletler hem de devlet dışı silahlı aktörler için bağlayıcıdır ancak uluslararası insancıl hukukun teamül kuralları belirlenirken sadece devletlerin uygulamaları dikkate alınmaktadır. Teamül hukukunun oluşumunda yer almayan devlet dışı silahlı aktörler bu kuralları sahiplenme duygusundan uzaktır. Bu yüzden, bu makalede ele alınacak ana tartışma konusu, uluslararası insancıl hukukun teamül hukuku kurallarına uyumu arttırmak için devlet dışı silahlı aktörlerin nasıl oluşum sürecine katılabileceğidir. Makale üç ana bölümden oluşmaktadır. İlk bölümde uluslararası teamül hukukunun oluşumu incelenecektir. İkinci bölümde silahlı grupların teamül hukukunun oluşum sürecine katılmasını engelleyen sorunlar ele alınacaktır. Son bölümde hukuki çözüm yolları önerileri yer alacaktır.


  • Arajärvi, N. (2010, Mayıs 04). From state-centricism to where the formation of (customary) international law and non-state actors.
  • Arend, A. (1999). Legal rules and international society. Oxford University Press.
  • Beck, L. D., & Henckaerts, J. M. (2005). Customary international humanitarian law. Cambridge University Press.
  • Bellal, A. (2019). The war report armed conflicts in 2018. The Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights.
  • Bellal, A., & Heffes, E. (2018). Yes, I do: binding armed non-state actors to IHL and human rights norms through their consent. Human Rights & International Legal Discourse, 12(1), 120-136.
  • Case Concerning the Military and Paramilitary Activities in and Against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States) (Judgment), ICJ Rep 392 (International Court of Justice 06 27, 1986).
  • Cassese, A. (2012). Should rebels be treated as criminals some modest proposals for rendering internal armed conflicts less inhumane. İçinde A. Cassese (Ed.), Realizing utopia: The future of international law (s. 519). Oxford University Press.
  • Chatham House. (2012). International law meeting summary classification of conflicts: the way forward. Chatham House.
  • Dabone, Z. (2012). Le droit international public relatif aux groupes armés non étatiques. Schulthess.
  • Diplomatic Conference for the Establishment of International Conventions for the Protection of Victims of War. (1949). Diplomatic Conference for the Establishment of International Conventions for the Protection of Victims of War, Final Record of the Diplomatic Conference of Geneva of 1949 Article 2A. UN.
  • Dörmann, K. (2016). Commentary on the first geneva convention convention (I) for the amelioration of the condition of the wounded and sick in armed forces in the field: Part of commentaries on the 1949 geneva conventions. Cambridge University Press.
  • Evans, M. (2018). International law. Oxford University Press.
  • Fortin, K. (2017). The accountability of armed groups under international law. Oxford University Press.
  • Friis, S. (2019). Beyond anything we have ever seen beheading videos and the visibility of violence in the war against ISIS. International Affairs, 91(4), 737.
  • Gasser, H. (1994). International humanitarian law an introduction. International Review of the Red Cross, 88.
  • Gunning, I. (1991). Modernizing customary international law the challenge of human rights. Virginia Journal of International Law, 31(2), 215.
  • Heffes, E., & Fortin, K. (2022, Ağustos 01). Armed groups and ınternational law.
  • Henckaerts, J. M., & Debuf, E. (2017). The ICRC and the clarification of customary international humanitarian law. İçinde B. Lepard (Ed.), Reexamining customary ınternational law (s. 165). Cambridge University Press.
  • International Committee of Red Cross. (1971). Conference of government experts on the reaffirmation and development of customary international humanitarian law applicable in armed conflicts - report on the protection of victims of non-international armed conflicts. International Committee of Red Cross.
  • International Review of the Red Cross. (1962). Humanitarian aid to the victims of internal conflicts. Meeting of a commission of experts in Geneva. International Review of the Red Cross.
  • Jo, H. (2015). Compliant rebels. Cambridge University Press.
  • Kyriakopoulos, G. (2016). Formation of international custom and the role of non-state actors. İçinde P. Pazartzis (Ed.), Reconceptualising the rule of law in global governance, resources, ınvestment and trade (s. 49). Hart Publishing.
  • McCorquodale, R. (2004). An inclusive international legal system. Leiden Journal of International Law, 17(3), 17.
  • Prosecutor v Anto Furundzija, Trial Judgment, Trial Chamber, ICTY-IT-95-17/1-T (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 06 05, 1998).
  • Prosecutor v Boskoski and Tarculovski, Trial Judgment, Trial Chamber, IT-04-82-T (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 07 10, 2008).
  • Prosecutor v Dusko Tadić a/k/a ‘Dule’, Decision on the Defence Motion for Interlocutory Appeal on Jurisdiction, IT-94-1-AR72 (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, Appeals Chamber 10 02, 1995).
  • Prosecutor v Dusko Tadić a/k/a ‘Dule’, Opinion and Judgment Trial Chamber II, IT-94-1-T (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 07 14, 1997).
  • Roberts, A., & Sivakumaran, S. (2012). Lawmaking by non-state actors engaging armed groups in the creation of international humanitarian law. Yale Journal of International Law, 37(1), 37.
  • Rodenhäuser, T. (2018). Organizing rebellion non-state armed groups under international humanitarian law, human rights law, and international criminal law. Oxford University Press.
  • Rondeau, S. (2011). Participation of armed groups in the development of the law applicable to armed conflicts. International Review of the Red Cross, 93(883), 668.
  • Ryngaert, C. (2011). Non-state actors in international humanitarian law. İçinde J. d'Aspremont (Ed.), Participants in the International Legal System: Multiple Perspectives on Non–State Actors in International Law (s. 289). Routledge.
  • Sassòli, M. (2007). The implementation of international humanitarian law current and inherent challenges. Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, 10(1), 64.
  • Sassòli, M. (2010). Taking armed groups seriously ways to improve their compliance with international humanitarian law. Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies, 1(1), 3.
  • Sassòli, M. (2011). Introducing a sliding-scale of obligations to address the fundamental inequality between armed groups and states? International Review of the Red Cross, 93(882), 430.
  • Sassòli, M. (2019). International humanitarian law rules, controversies, and solutions to problems arising in warfare. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Scobbie, I. (2007). The approach to customary international law in the study. İçinde E. Wilmshurst, & S. Breau (eds.), Perspectives on the ICRC study on customary ınternational humanitarian law (s. 47). Cambridge University Press.
  • Scott, J. (1990). Domination and the arts of resistance hidden transcripts. Yale University Press.
  • Shaw, M. (2017). International law. Cambridge University Press.
  • Sivakumaran, S. (2006). Binding armed opposition groups. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 55(2), 369-394.
  • Sivakumaran, S. (2009). Courts of armed opposition groups fair trials or summary justice? Journal of International Criminal Justice, 7(3), 489-513.
  • Sivakumaran, S. (2012). How to improve upon the faulty legal regime of internal armed conflicts. İçinde A. Cassese (ed.), Realizing utopia: The future of ınternational law (s. 525). Oxford University Press.
  • Somer, J. (2007). Jungle justice passing sentence on the equality of belligerents in non-international armed conflict. International Review of the Red Cross, 89(867), 655-690.
  • Tesón, F. (2017). Fake custom. İçinde B. Lepard (ed.), Reexamining customary ınternational law (ss. 86-110). Cambridge University Press.
  • The Prosecutor v Kupreskic, Trial Judgment, Trial Chamber, ICTY-IT-95-16-T (International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia 01 14, 2000).
  • United Nations International Law Commission. (2018). Draft conclusions on identification of customary international law, with commentaries. United Nations.
  • United Nations Security Council. (2010). Report of the secretary-general on the protection of civilians in armed conflict, UN doc. S/2010/579. UN.
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Berkant Akkuş 0000-0001-6652-2512

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Ağustos 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 36 Sayı: 3

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