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Year 2009, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 56 - 76, 05.08.2016


Sosyal girişimciler, toplumsal sorunların çözümü konusunda inovasyoner ve öncü durumundadırlar. Özellikle son dönemlerde, sosyal girişimciler toplumsal sorunlara çözüm olma noktasında devlet ve özel sektör dışında yeni bir sektör yaratmış bulunmaktadır. Bu realitenin doğal sonucu olarak sosyal girişimcilik konusunda dünyada akademik çevrelerce pek çok çalışma yapılmaktadır. Ancak yapılan literatür taraması neticesinde Türk literatüründe konuyla ilgili yeterli çalışmaya rastlanmamıştır. Sosyal girişimciler sağlık, çevre, insan hakları gibi konularda bir problemden yola çıkarak sosyal etki, sürdürülebilirlik ve inovasyon temelinde projeler gerçekleştirerek sosyal dönüşüm sağlamaktadırlar. Sosyal girişimciler yerel dönüşümün lideri durumundadırlar ancak küreselleşme olgusunun her alanda kendini hissettirdiği günümüz dünyasında sosyal girişimcilik bağlamında da dünyaya eklemlenmek kaçınılmaz görünmektedir. Küresel düzeyde faaliyet gösteren ilk sosyal girişimcilik örneği Ashoka’dır. Ashoka pek çok konuda sosyal girişimcileri destekleyerek toplumsal dönüşüm sağlamaya çalışmaktadır. Türkiye de Ashoka’nın desteklediği sosyal girişimcileri olan ülkelerden birisidir. Çalışmanın amacını Ashoka üyesi sosyal girişimcilerin faaliyet alanlarını çalışma bölgeleri ve Türkiye ölçeğinde karşılaştırmak oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmanın diğer amacı, sosyal girişimcilik konusundaki Türkçe literatür boşluğunu doldurmaya katkı sağlamaktır. Çalışma dört bölümden oluşmaktadır. İlk bölümde sosyal girişimcilik ve sosyal girişimci kavramları ele alınmıştır. İkinci bölümde Ashoka ve faaliyetleri hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde Ashoka üyelerinin faaliyet alanları araştırılmış ve son bölümde Ashoka üyelerinin dünya ve Türkiye’deki faaliyet alanları karşılaştırılmıştır


  • 1. ALVORD, S. H.; BROWN, L. D. ve LETTS, C. W.; (2004), “Social Entrepreneurship and Social Transformation”, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 40 (3), ss. 260-282.
  • 2. ANDERSON, R. B.; DANA, L. P. and DANA, T. E.; (2006), “Indigenous Land Rights, Entrepreneurship Economic Development in Canada: ‘Opting-in’ to the Global Economy”, Journal of World Business, 41, ss. 45-55.
  • 3. AUSTIN, J., STEVENSON, H. ve WEI-SKILLERN, J.; (2006), “Social Entrepreneurship and Commercial Entrepreneurship: Same, Different, or Both?”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practise, 30:1, ss. 1-22.
  • 4. BARENDSEN, L. ve GARDNER, H.; (2004), “Is The Social Entrepreneur a New Type of Leader”, Leader to Leader, 34, ss. 43- 50.
  • 5. BOSCHEE, J.; (1998), “Merging Mission and Money: A Board Member’s Guide to Social Entrepreneurship”,
  • 6. BORNSTEIN, D; (1998), “Changing the World on a Shoestring”, Atlantic Monthly, 281(1), ss. 34-39.
  • 7. BORNSTEIN, D; (2004), How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas, Oxford University Pres.
  • 8. CANADIAN CENTRE for SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP; (2001), “Social Entrepreneurship Discussion Paper No. 1”; Canadian Centre for Social Entrepreneurship.
  • 9. CERTO, S. T. ve MILLER, T.; (2008), “Social Entrepreneurship: Key Issues and Concepts”, Business Horizons, 51, ss. 267-271.
  • 10. COOK, B.; DODDS, C. and MİTCHELL, W.; (February 2003), “Social Entrepreneurship- False Premises and Dangerous Forebodings”, Australian Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 38, No. 1, ss. 57–72.
  • 11. DART, R.; (2004), “The Legitimacy of Social Enterprise”, Nonprofit Management and Leadership, Vol. 14, Is. 4, ss. 411- 424.
  • 12. DEES, J. G.; (2001), “The Meaning of Social Entrepreneurship”; Comments and suggestions contributed from the Social Entrepreneurship Founders Working Group. Durham, NC: Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University. Erişim Adresi:
  • 13. DENİZALP, H.; (Eylül 2007), Toplumsal DönüĢüm Ġçin Sosyal GiriĢimcilik Rehberi, Ankara, Sivil Toplum Geliştirme Merkezi.
  • 14. EDITORIAL; (2006), “Social Entrepreneurship: New Research Findings”, Journal of World Business, 41, ss. 1–5.
  • 15. FOWLER, A.; (2000), “NGDO’s as a Moment in History: Beyond Aid to Social Entrepreneurship or Civic Innovation”; Third World Quarterly, 21(4), ss. 637-654.
  • 16. JOHNSON, S.; (2000), “Literatura Review on Social Entrepreneurship”, Canadian Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, %20Review%20SE%20November%202000.rtf, ss. 1-17.
  • 17. KOROSEC, R. L. ve BERMAN, E. M.; (2006), “Municipal Support for Social Entrepreneurship”, Public Administration Review, ss. 448-462.
  • 18. MAIR, J. ve MARTI, I.; (2006), “Social Entrepreneurship Research: A Source of Explanation, Prediction, and Delight”, Journal of World Business, 41, ss. 36-44.
  • 19. MORT, G. S.; WEERAWARDENA, J ve CARNEGIE, K.; (2003), “Social Entrepreneurship: Towards Conceptualisation”, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, V. 8, N. 1, ss. 76-88.
  • 20. PEREDO, A. M. ve MCLEAN, M.; (2006), “Social Entrepreneurship: A Critical Review of the Concept”, Journal of World Business, 41, ss. 56-65.
  • 21. ROBERTS, D. and WOODS, C.; (2005), “Changing the World on a Shoestring: The Concept of Social Entrepreneurship”, University of Auckland Business Review, 7(1), ss. 45-51.
  • 22. SAGAWA, S. ve SEGAL, E.; (2000), “Common Interest, Common Good: Creating Value Through Business and Social Sector Partnership”; California Management Review, 42(2), ss. 105-122.
  • 23. SCHWAB FOUNDATION for SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP; (2005), 5 Yer Evaluation Report 2000-20005.
  • 24. SEELOS, Christian; MAIR, Johanna; (2005), “Social Entrepreneurship: Creating New Business Models to Serve Poor”, Business Horizons, 241, ss. 241–246.
  • 25. SEN, P.; (2007), “Ashoka’s Big Idea: Transforming the World Through Social Entrepreneurship”, Futures, 39, ss. 534-553.
  • 26. SMITH-HUNTER, A. A.; (2008), “Toward a Multidimensional Model of Social Entrepreneurship: Definitions, Clarifications, and Theoretical Perspective”; ABR&TLC Conference Proceedings; Orlando, Florida; USA;
  • 27. THOMPSON, J.; ALVY, G. ve LEES, A.; (2000), “Social Entrepreneurshi a New Look at the People and the Potential”, Management Decision, 38(5), ss. 328-338.
  • 28. WADDOCK, S. A.; (1988), “Building Successful Partnerships”, Sloan Management Review, 29(4), ss. 17-23.
  • 29. WALLACE, S. L.; (1999), “Social Entrepreneurship: The Role of Social Purpose Entreprises in Facilitating Community Economic Development”, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, Vol. 4, No. 2, ss. 153-174.
  • 30. WEERAWARDENA, J. and MORT; G. S.; (2006), “Investigating Social Entrepreneurship: a multidimensional Model”, Journal of World Business, 41, ss. 21-35.
  • 31. ZERBINATI, S. and SOUITARIS; (2004), “Entrepreneurship in the Public Sector: a Framework of Analysis in European Local Governmentsé”.
  • 32.


Year 2009, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 56 - 76, 05.08.2016


Social entrepreneurs are innovator and pioneer to solve social problems. Recently Social entrepreneurs created a new sector except the public and private sectors to solve Social problems. As a natural result of this reality there are a lot of study in the academic circle in the world but there isn’t enough study in the Turkish Literature. Social entrepreneurs provides Social transformation based on Social effect, Sustainability and innovation, with projects which is related with health, environment and Human rights . Social entrepreneurs are accepted the leader of the local transformation but connecting with the world is obligated Because of globalization in the consept of Social Entrepreneurship Ashoka is the first sample which works about Social Entrepreneurship all over the world. Ashoka tries to execute the Social transformation with supporting the Social entrepreneurs at a lot of field. Turkey is one of the countries which has the support.of Ashoka for Social entrepreneurs. The aim of this study to compare the Ashoka Fellow’s work fields on the scale of the Turkey and the world. An Another aim of this study is contributing the lack of the Turkish Literature about Social Entrepreneurship. The study includes four chapters. In the first chapter the Social Entrepreneurship and Social entrepreneur concepts are defined. The second chapter is about the Ashoka and Ashoka’s activities. And the third chapter is about Ashoka Fellow’s work fields. And in the last chapter work fields of Ashoka Fellows are compared in Turkey and in the world


  • 1. ALVORD, S. H.; BROWN, L. D. ve LETTS, C. W.; (2004), “Social Entrepreneurship and Social Transformation”, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 40 (3), ss. 260-282.
  • 2. ANDERSON, R. B.; DANA, L. P. and DANA, T. E.; (2006), “Indigenous Land Rights, Entrepreneurship Economic Development in Canada: ‘Opting-in’ to the Global Economy”, Journal of World Business, 41, ss. 45-55.
  • 3. AUSTIN, J., STEVENSON, H. ve WEI-SKILLERN, J.; (2006), “Social Entrepreneurship and Commercial Entrepreneurship: Same, Different, or Both?”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practise, 30:1, ss. 1-22.
  • 4. BARENDSEN, L. ve GARDNER, H.; (2004), “Is The Social Entrepreneur a New Type of Leader”, Leader to Leader, 34, ss. 43- 50.
  • 5. BOSCHEE, J.; (1998), “Merging Mission and Money: A Board Member’s Guide to Social Entrepreneurship”,
  • 6. BORNSTEIN, D; (1998), “Changing the World on a Shoestring”, Atlantic Monthly, 281(1), ss. 34-39.
  • 7. BORNSTEIN, D; (2004), How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas, Oxford University Pres.
  • 8. CANADIAN CENTRE for SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP; (2001), “Social Entrepreneurship Discussion Paper No. 1”; Canadian Centre for Social Entrepreneurship.
  • 9. CERTO, S. T. ve MILLER, T.; (2008), “Social Entrepreneurship: Key Issues and Concepts”, Business Horizons, 51, ss. 267-271.
  • 10. COOK, B.; DODDS, C. and MİTCHELL, W.; (February 2003), “Social Entrepreneurship- False Premises and Dangerous Forebodings”, Australian Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 38, No. 1, ss. 57–72.
  • 11. DART, R.; (2004), “The Legitimacy of Social Enterprise”, Nonprofit Management and Leadership, Vol. 14, Is. 4, ss. 411- 424.
  • 12. DEES, J. G.; (2001), “The Meaning of Social Entrepreneurship”; Comments and suggestions contributed from the Social Entrepreneurship Founders Working Group. Durham, NC: Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University. Erişim Adresi:
  • 13. DENİZALP, H.; (Eylül 2007), Toplumsal DönüĢüm Ġçin Sosyal GiriĢimcilik Rehberi, Ankara, Sivil Toplum Geliştirme Merkezi.
  • 14. EDITORIAL; (2006), “Social Entrepreneurship: New Research Findings”, Journal of World Business, 41, ss. 1–5.
  • 15. FOWLER, A.; (2000), “NGDO’s as a Moment in History: Beyond Aid to Social Entrepreneurship or Civic Innovation”; Third World Quarterly, 21(4), ss. 637-654.
  • 16. JOHNSON, S.; (2000), “Literatura Review on Social Entrepreneurship”, Canadian Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, %20Review%20SE%20November%202000.rtf, ss. 1-17.
  • 17. KOROSEC, R. L. ve BERMAN, E. M.; (2006), “Municipal Support for Social Entrepreneurship”, Public Administration Review, ss. 448-462.
  • 18. MAIR, J. ve MARTI, I.; (2006), “Social Entrepreneurship Research: A Source of Explanation, Prediction, and Delight”, Journal of World Business, 41, ss. 36-44.
  • 19. MORT, G. S.; WEERAWARDENA, J ve CARNEGIE, K.; (2003), “Social Entrepreneurship: Towards Conceptualisation”, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, V. 8, N. 1, ss. 76-88.
  • 20. PEREDO, A. M. ve MCLEAN, M.; (2006), “Social Entrepreneurship: A Critical Review of the Concept”, Journal of World Business, 41, ss. 56-65.
  • 21. ROBERTS, D. and WOODS, C.; (2005), “Changing the World on a Shoestring: The Concept of Social Entrepreneurship”, University of Auckland Business Review, 7(1), ss. 45-51.
  • 22. SAGAWA, S. ve SEGAL, E.; (2000), “Common Interest, Common Good: Creating Value Through Business and Social Sector Partnership”; California Management Review, 42(2), ss. 105-122.
  • 23. SCHWAB FOUNDATION for SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP; (2005), 5 Yer Evaluation Report 2000-20005.
  • 24. SEELOS, Christian; MAIR, Johanna; (2005), “Social Entrepreneurship: Creating New Business Models to Serve Poor”, Business Horizons, 241, ss. 241–246.
  • 25. SEN, P.; (2007), “Ashoka’s Big Idea: Transforming the World Through Social Entrepreneurship”, Futures, 39, ss. 534-553.
  • 26. SMITH-HUNTER, A. A.; (2008), “Toward a Multidimensional Model of Social Entrepreneurship: Definitions, Clarifications, and Theoretical Perspective”; ABR&TLC Conference Proceedings; Orlando, Florida; USA;
  • 27. THOMPSON, J.; ALVY, G. ve LEES, A.; (2000), “Social Entrepreneurshi a New Look at the People and the Potential”, Management Decision, 38(5), ss. 328-338.
  • 28. WADDOCK, S. A.; (1988), “Building Successful Partnerships”, Sloan Management Review, 29(4), ss. 17-23.
  • 29. WALLACE, S. L.; (1999), “Social Entrepreneurship: The Role of Social Purpose Entreprises in Facilitating Community Economic Development”, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, Vol. 4, No. 2, ss. 153-174.
  • 30. WEERAWARDENA, J. and MORT; G. S.; (2006), “Investigating Social Entrepreneurship: a multidimensional Model”, Journal of World Business, 41, ss. 21-35.
  • 31. ZERBINATI, S. and SOUITARIS; (2004), “Entrepreneurship in the Public Sector: a Framework of Analysis in European Local Governmentsé”.
  • 32.
There are 32 citations in total.


Other ID JA57KT26SS
Journal Section Research Articles

Murat Kayalar This is me

Elif Türkan Arslan

Publication Date August 5, 2016
Submission Date August 5, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Kayalar, M., & Arslan, E. T. (2016). ASHOKA’YA ÜYE SOSYAL GİRİŞİMCİLERİN TÜRKİYE VE DÜNYADAKİ FAALİYET ALANLARININ KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Vizyoner Dergisi, 1(1), 56-76.
