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İmaj Üretiminde Dijital Medyanın Rolü: Kurumların Oluşturmaya Çalıştıkları İmajın Tüketiciye Ne Oranda Yansıdığına Yönelik Bir Çalışma

Year 2021, Issue: 7, 60 - 85, 15.04.2021


Bu makalenin amacı, kurumların dijital medya üzerinden kurumsal kimliklerini nasıl yansıttığını, kimlik sunumu sonrası kurumların imajlarının istenilen doğrultuda oluşup oluşmadığını ve imajın oluşum sürecinin dijital medyaya bağımlılık düzeyini sektörel rakip örnekleri üzerinden tartışmaktır. Araştırma kapsamında, ilk olarak, içerik analizi ile kurumların dijital medya aktiviteleri incelenmiş ve belirli konularda kurumların oluşturmaya çalıştıkları imajlar tespit edilmiştir. Daha sonra ise kurumların tükEticilerine anket uygulanarak aynı konularda tükEticilerin kurumu nasıl algıladığı tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, seçilmiş olan kurumların istedikleri imajları tükEticilerine büyük ölçüde yansıtabildikleri ortaya çıkmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında gerçekleştirilmiş olan Ki-Kare analizi sonuçlarına göre, kurum imajının tükEticiler tarafından algılanmasının dijital medyaya bağımlı olmadığı bulunmuştur. Bu doğrultuda, imaj oluşturma ve sürdürme aşamasında dijital medya aktivitelerinden çok diğer aktivitelerin (sponsorluk, reklam vb.) önemli olduğu ortaya konulmuştur.


  • Andreassen, T. W. & Lindestad, B. (1998). The effect of corporate image in the formation of customer loyalty. Journal of Service Research, 1(1), 82-92. Brown, A. D. (1997). Narcissism, identity, and legitimacy. Academy of Management Review, 22(3), 643-686.
  • Brown, A. D. & Starkey, K. (2000). Organizational identity and learning: A psychodynamic perspective. Academy of management review, 25(1), 102-120.
  • Cameran, M., Moizer, P. & Pettinicchio, A. (2010). Customer satisfaction, corporate image, and service quality in professional services. The Service Industries Journal, 30(3), 421-435.
  • Chang, N. J. & Fong, C. M. (2010). Green product quality, green corporate image, green customer satisfaction, and green customer loyalty. African Journal of Business Management, 4(13), 2836-2844.
  • Camerer, C. & Vepsalainen, A. (1988). The economic efficiency of corporate culture. Strategic Management Journal, 9, 115-126.
  • Chung, K. H., Yu, J. E., Choi, M. G. & Shin, J. I. (2015). The effects of CSR on customer satisfaction and loyalty in China: the moderating role of corporate image. Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 3(5), 542-547.
  • Cornelissen, J. P., Haslam, S. A. & Balmer, J. M. T. (2007). Social identity, organizational identity and corporate identity: Towards an integrated understanding of processes, patternings and products. British journal of management, 18, 1-16.
  • Erdoğan, İ. (2012). Pozitivist metodoloji ve ötesi, Erk Yayınları
  • Flavián, C., Guinalíu, M. & Torres, E. (2005). The influence of corporate image on consumer trust: A comparative analysis in traditional versus internet banking. Internet Research, 15(4), 447-470.
  • Foroudi, P., Melewar, T. C. & Gupta, S. (2014). Linking corporate logo, corporate image, and reputation: An examination of consumer perceptions in the financial setting. Journal of Business Research, 67(11), 2269-2281.
  • Fortune (10.10.2018). Fortune 500 listesi. Retrieved October 10, 2018 from 10.10.2018.
  • Gatewood, R. D., Gowan, M. A. & Lautenschlager, G. J. (1993). Corporate image, recruitment image and initial job choice decisions. Academy of Management Journal, 36(2), 414-427.
  • Gürbüz, S. & Şahin, F. (2016). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri, Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Hatch, M. J., & Schultz, M. (2008). Taking Brand Initiative: How Companies Can Align Strategy, Culture, and Identity Through Corporate Branding. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Hatch, M. J. & Schultz, M. (2011). Marka girişimi, İstanbul: Brandage
  • Hu, H. H., Kandampully, J. & Juwaheer, T. D. (2009). Relationships and impacts of service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and image: an empirical study. The Service Industries Journal, 29(2), 111-125.
  • Huang, C. C., Yen, S. W., Liu, C. Y. &Huang, P. C. (2014). The relationship among corporate social responsibility, service quality, corporate image and purchase intention. International Journal of Organizational Innovation (Online), 6(3), 68-84.
  • Ishaq, I. M. (2012). Perceived value, service quality, corporate image and customer loyalty: Empirical assessment from Pakistan. Serbian Journal of Management, 7(1), 25-36.
  • Kara, M. & Kızılkaya, K. (2015). Köylere hizmet götürme birliklerinde hizmet kalitesinin ölçülmesi: bayramiç köylere hizmet götürme birliği örneği. Organizasyon ve YönEtim Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(2), 1-18.
  • Karadoğan Doruk, S. & Savaş, S. (2017). Benzer sektörde faaliyet gösteren kurumların kuruluş tarihi sıralamasının kurum kültüründe ortaya çıkan yansımaları: alfred adler üzerinden coca cola ve pepsi kurumları üzerine bir değerlendirme. İstanbul Üniversitesi İlEtişim Fakültesi Dergisi, 53, 103-137.
  • Kemp, S. (20.10.2018). Digital in 2018: World’s internet users pass the 4 billion mark. Retrieved from 20.10.2018. Kerr, J. & Slocum, J. W. (1987). Managing corporate culture through reward systems. Academy of Management Perspectives, 1(2), 99-107.
  • Kim, Y. E. & Lee, J. W (2010). Relationship between corporate image and customer loyalty in mobile communications service markets. African Journal of Business Management, 4(18), 4035-4041.
  • Ko, E., Hwang, Y. K., & Kim, E. Y. (2013). Green markEting’ functions in building corporate image in the retail setting. Journal of Business Research, 66(10), 1709-1715.
  • Liat, C. B., Mansori, S. & Huei, C. T. (2014). The associations between service quality, corporate image, customer satisfaction, and loyalty: Evidence from the Malaysian hotel industry. Journal of Hospitality MarkEting & Management, 23(3), 314-326.
  • Machen, A. W. (1911). Corporate personality. Harvard Law Review, 24(4), 253-267.
  • Marangoz, M. (2006). TükEticilerin marka fonksiyonu algılamaları ile satın alma sonrası davranışları arasındaki ilişki. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(2), 107-128.
  • Marin, L. & Ruiz, S. (2007). ’I need you too!’ Corporate identity attractiveness for consumers and the role of social responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 71(3), 245-260.
  • Marken, G. A. (1990). Corporate image-we all have one, but few work to protect and project it. Public Relations Quarterly, 35(1), 21-23.
  • Mccrae, R. R. & Costa, P. T. (1982). Self-concept and the stability of personality: Cross-sectional comparisons of self-reports and ratings. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 43(6), 1282-1292.
  • Özgen, Ö. & Elmasoğlu, K. (2016). Sosyal medya ve marka ilEtişimi: Havayolu şirketlerinin twitter kullanımına yönelik bir araştırma. İlEtişim Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi, 43, 181-202.
  • Öztürk, G. & Tatlı E. (2014). Reklamcılıkta marka imajı yönEtimi. Güzin Ilıcak Aydınalp (ed.), In İmaj ÜrEtimi (p. 47-70). Ankara: Nobel Yayınları. Page, R. (2014). Saying ‘sorry’: Corporate apologies posted on Twitter. Journal of Pragmatics, 62, 30-45.
  • President Karsak, B. (2009). Logo değişiminin kurumsal kimlik ve kurumsal imajla bağlantısı: Unilever örneği. Marmara İlEtişim Dergisi, 15, 113-120.
  • Richard, J. E. & Zhang, A. (2012). Corporate image, loyalty, and commitment in the consumer travel industry. Journal of MarkEting Management, 28(5-6), 568-593.
  • Sadri, G. & Lees, B. (2001). Developing corporate culture as a compEtitive advantage. Journal of Management Development, 20(10), 853-859.
  • Sarantakos, S. (1993). Social research, London: Macmillian Press
  • Savaş, S. (2016). Dunning-Kurger sendromu ve kurumsal dışavurum. Erciyes İlEtişim Dergisi, 4(3), 2-16
  • Schein, E. H. (2009). The corporate culture survival guide, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
  • Spector, A. J. (1961). Basic dimensions of the corporate image. The Journal of MarkEting, 25(6), 47-51.
  • Tığlı, M. (2003). Kurum imajı kavramı ve sembolik analoji tekniği yoluyla Marmara Üniversitesi’nin kurum imajının belirlenmesine ilişkin bir uygulama. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 18(1), 245–256.
  • Tellis, G J., Prabhu, J. C. & Chandy, R. K. (2009). Radical innovation across nations: The preeminence of corporate culture. Journal of MarkEting, 73(1), 3-23.
  • Tsai, W. C. & Yang, I. W. F. (2010). Does image matter to different job applicants? The influences of corporate image and applicant individual differences on organizational attractiveness. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 18(1), 2010, s. 48-63.
  • Van Den Bosch, A. L. M., De Jong, M. D. T. & Elving, W. J. L. (2005). How corporate visual identity supports reputation. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 10(2), 108-116.
  • Vos, M. F. (1992). The corporate image concept: a strategic approach, Wageningen.
  • Virvilaite, R. Corporate social responsibility in forming a corporate image. Engineering Economics, 22(5), 534-543.
  • Weiwei, T. (2007). Impact of corporate image and corporate reputation on customer Loyalty: A Review. Management Science and Engineering, 1(2), 57-62.

The Role of Digital Media in Image Formation: A Study on the Projection of Corporate Image on the Consumer

Year 2021, Issue: 7, 60 - 85, 15.04.2021


The purpose of this article is to discuss how corporations project their corporate identity through digital media, whether the images of corporations are formed in the desired direction after the presentation of identity, and the level of dependence of the image formation process on digital media through examples of sectoral compEtitors. As part of the research, firstly, the digital media activities of corporations were analyzed through content analysis and the images that corporations tried to form on certain subjects were determined. Afterward, a questionnaire was applied to the consumers of these corporations to identify how the consumers perceived the corporations regarding the same subjects. As a result of the research, it has been revealed that the selected corporations were able to project the images they want to their consumers to a large extent. According to the results of the Chi-Square analysis carried out as part of the research, it was found that the perception of the corporate image by consumers is not dependent on digital media. In this regard, other activities (sponsorship, advertising, etc.) were proved to be more important than digital media activities during the image formation and maintenance stage.


  • Andreassen, T. W. & Lindestad, B. (1998). The effect of corporate image in the formation of customer loyalty. Journal of Service Research, 1(1), 82-92. Brown, A. D. (1997). Narcissism, identity, and legitimacy. Academy of Management Review, 22(3), 643-686.
  • Brown, A. D. & Starkey, K. (2000). Organizational identity and learning: A psychodynamic perspective. Academy of management review, 25(1), 102-120.
  • Cameran, M., Moizer, P. & Pettinicchio, A. (2010). Customer satisfaction, corporate image, and service quality in professional services. The Service Industries Journal, 30(3), 421-435.
  • Chang, N. J. & Fong, C. M. (2010). Green product quality, green corporate image, green customer satisfaction, and green customer loyalty. African Journal of Business Management, 4(13), 2836-2844.
  • Camerer, C. & Vepsalainen, A. (1988). The economic efficiency of corporate culture. Strategic Management Journal, 9, 115-126.
  • Chung, K. H., Yu, J. E., Choi, M. G. & Shin, J. I. (2015). The effects of CSR on customer satisfaction and loyalty in China: the moderating role of corporate image. Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 3(5), 542-547.
  • Cornelissen, J. P., Haslam, S. A. & Balmer, J. M. T. (2007). Social identity, organizational identity and corporate identity: Towards an integrated understanding of processes, patternings and products. British journal of management, 18, 1-16.
  • Erdoğan, İ. (2012). Pozitivist metodoloji ve ötesi, Erk Yayınları
  • Flavián, C., Guinalíu, M. & Torres, E. (2005). The influence of corporate image on consumer trust: A comparative analysis in traditional versus internet banking. Internet Research, 15(4), 447-470.
  • Foroudi, P., Melewar, T. C. & Gupta, S. (2014). Linking corporate logo, corporate image, and reputation: An examination of consumer perceptions in the financial setting. Journal of Business Research, 67(11), 2269-2281.
  • Fortune (10.10.2018). Fortune 500 listesi. Retrieved October 10, 2018 from 10.10.2018.
  • Gatewood, R. D., Gowan, M. A. & Lautenschlager, G. J. (1993). Corporate image, recruitment image and initial job choice decisions. Academy of Management Journal, 36(2), 414-427.
  • Gürbüz, S. & Şahin, F. (2016). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri, Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Hatch, M. J., & Schultz, M. (2008). Taking Brand Initiative: How Companies Can Align Strategy, Culture, and Identity Through Corporate Branding. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Hatch, M. J. & Schultz, M. (2011). Marka girişimi, İstanbul: Brandage
  • Hu, H. H., Kandampully, J. & Juwaheer, T. D. (2009). Relationships and impacts of service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and image: an empirical study. The Service Industries Journal, 29(2), 111-125.
  • Huang, C. C., Yen, S. W., Liu, C. Y. &Huang, P. C. (2014). The relationship among corporate social responsibility, service quality, corporate image and purchase intention. International Journal of Organizational Innovation (Online), 6(3), 68-84.
  • Ishaq, I. M. (2012). Perceived value, service quality, corporate image and customer loyalty: Empirical assessment from Pakistan. Serbian Journal of Management, 7(1), 25-36.
  • Kara, M. & Kızılkaya, K. (2015). Köylere hizmet götürme birliklerinde hizmet kalitesinin ölçülmesi: bayramiç köylere hizmet götürme birliği örneği. Organizasyon ve YönEtim Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(2), 1-18.
  • Karadoğan Doruk, S. & Savaş, S. (2017). Benzer sektörde faaliyet gösteren kurumların kuruluş tarihi sıralamasının kurum kültüründe ortaya çıkan yansımaları: alfred adler üzerinden coca cola ve pepsi kurumları üzerine bir değerlendirme. İstanbul Üniversitesi İlEtişim Fakültesi Dergisi, 53, 103-137.
  • Kemp, S. (20.10.2018). Digital in 2018: World’s internet users pass the 4 billion mark. Retrieved from 20.10.2018. Kerr, J. & Slocum, J. W. (1987). Managing corporate culture through reward systems. Academy of Management Perspectives, 1(2), 99-107.
  • Kim, Y. E. & Lee, J. W (2010). Relationship between corporate image and customer loyalty in mobile communications service markets. African Journal of Business Management, 4(18), 4035-4041.
  • Ko, E., Hwang, Y. K., & Kim, E. Y. (2013). Green markEting’ functions in building corporate image in the retail setting. Journal of Business Research, 66(10), 1709-1715.
  • Liat, C. B., Mansori, S. & Huei, C. T. (2014). The associations between service quality, corporate image, customer satisfaction, and loyalty: Evidence from the Malaysian hotel industry. Journal of Hospitality MarkEting & Management, 23(3), 314-326.
  • Machen, A. W. (1911). Corporate personality. Harvard Law Review, 24(4), 253-267.
  • Marangoz, M. (2006). TükEticilerin marka fonksiyonu algılamaları ile satın alma sonrası davranışları arasındaki ilişki. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(2), 107-128.
  • Marin, L. & Ruiz, S. (2007). ’I need you too!’ Corporate identity attractiveness for consumers and the role of social responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 71(3), 245-260.
  • Marken, G. A. (1990). Corporate image-we all have one, but few work to protect and project it. Public Relations Quarterly, 35(1), 21-23.
  • Mccrae, R. R. & Costa, P. T. (1982). Self-concept and the stability of personality: Cross-sectional comparisons of self-reports and ratings. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 43(6), 1282-1292.
  • Özgen, Ö. & Elmasoğlu, K. (2016). Sosyal medya ve marka ilEtişimi: Havayolu şirketlerinin twitter kullanımına yönelik bir araştırma. İlEtişim Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi, 43, 181-202.
  • Öztürk, G. & Tatlı E. (2014). Reklamcılıkta marka imajı yönEtimi. Güzin Ilıcak Aydınalp (ed.), In İmaj ÜrEtimi (p. 47-70). Ankara: Nobel Yayınları. Page, R. (2014). Saying ‘sorry’: Corporate apologies posted on Twitter. Journal of Pragmatics, 62, 30-45.
  • President Karsak, B. (2009). Logo değişiminin kurumsal kimlik ve kurumsal imajla bağlantısı: Unilever örneği. Marmara İlEtişim Dergisi, 15, 113-120.
  • Richard, J. E. & Zhang, A. (2012). Corporate image, loyalty, and commitment in the consumer travel industry. Journal of MarkEting Management, 28(5-6), 568-593.
  • Sadri, G. & Lees, B. (2001). Developing corporate culture as a compEtitive advantage. Journal of Management Development, 20(10), 853-859.
  • Sarantakos, S. (1993). Social research, London: Macmillian Press
  • Savaş, S. (2016). Dunning-Kurger sendromu ve kurumsal dışavurum. Erciyes İlEtişim Dergisi, 4(3), 2-16
  • Schein, E. H. (2009). The corporate culture survival guide, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
  • Spector, A. J. (1961). Basic dimensions of the corporate image. The Journal of MarkEting, 25(6), 47-51.
  • Tığlı, M. (2003). Kurum imajı kavramı ve sembolik analoji tekniği yoluyla Marmara Üniversitesi’nin kurum imajının belirlenmesine ilişkin bir uygulama. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 18(1), 245–256.
  • Tellis, G J., Prabhu, J. C. & Chandy, R. K. (2009). Radical innovation across nations: The preeminence of corporate culture. Journal of MarkEting, 73(1), 3-23.
  • Tsai, W. C. & Yang, I. W. F. (2010). Does image matter to different job applicants? The influences of corporate image and applicant individual differences on organizational attractiveness. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 18(1), 2010, s. 48-63.
  • Van Den Bosch, A. L. M., De Jong, M. D. T. & Elving, W. J. L. (2005). How corporate visual identity supports reputation. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 10(2), 108-116.
  • Vos, M. F. (1992). The corporate image concept: a strategic approach, Wageningen.
  • Virvilaite, R. Corporate social responsibility in forming a corporate image. Engineering Economics, 22(5), 534-543.
  • Weiwei, T. (2007). Impact of corporate image and corporate reputation on customer Loyalty: A Review. Management Science and Engineering, 1(2), 57-62.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Communication and Media Studies
Journal Section Research Articles

Sezgin Savaş 0000-0003-2141-1055

Sevimece Karadoğan Doruk 0000-0002-8911-6207

Publication Date April 15, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Issue: 7


APA Savaş, S., & Karadoğan Doruk, S. (2021). The Role of Digital Media in Image Formation: A Study on the Projection of Corporate Image on the Consumer. Etkileşim(7), 60-85.
AMA Savaş S, Karadoğan Doruk S. The Role of Digital Media in Image Formation: A Study on the Projection of Corporate Image on the Consumer. Etkileşim. April 2021;(7):60-85. doi:10.32739/etkilesim.2021.7.118
Chicago Savaş, Sezgin, and Sevimece Karadoğan Doruk. “The Role of Digital Media in Image Formation: A Study on the Projection of Corporate Image on the Consumer”. Etkileşim, no. 7 (April 2021): 60-85.
EndNote Savaş S, Karadoğan Doruk S (April 1, 2021) The Role of Digital Media in Image Formation: A Study on the Projection of Corporate Image on the Consumer. Etkileşim 7 60–85.
IEEE S. Savaş and S. Karadoğan Doruk, “The Role of Digital Media in Image Formation: A Study on the Projection of Corporate Image on the Consumer”, Etkileşim, no. 7, pp. 60–85, April 2021, doi: 10.32739/etkilesim.2021.7.118.
ISNAD Savaş, Sezgin - Karadoğan Doruk, Sevimece. “The Role of Digital Media in Image Formation: A Study on the Projection of Corporate Image on the Consumer”. Etkileşim 7 (April 2021), 60-85.
JAMA Savaş S, Karadoğan Doruk S. The Role of Digital Media in Image Formation: A Study on the Projection of Corporate Image on the Consumer. Etkileşim. 2021;:60–85.
MLA Savaş, Sezgin and Sevimece Karadoğan Doruk. “The Role of Digital Media in Image Formation: A Study on the Projection of Corporate Image on the Consumer”. Etkileşim, no. 7, 2021, pp. 60-85, doi:10.32739/etkilesim.2021.7.118.
Vancouver Savaş S, Karadoğan Doruk S. The Role of Digital Media in Image Formation: A Study on the Projection of Corporate Image on the Consumer. Etkileşim. 2021(7):60-85.
