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Year 2023, Volume: 30 Issue: 2, 263 - 275, 22.06.2023


Biomechanics and motion analysis are among the
fields that are gaining importance day by day by
sports physicians. Motion analysis systems examine
the effects of biological tissue as a result of different
motion patterns and put this effect into data. In the
light of these data, the clinician can resort to more
effective methods in the prevention, treatment or
rehabilitation of injury before and after injury.
Professional athletes and individuals interested in
recreational sports often participate in activities that
involve throwing and running. The throwing action
consists of 4 phases and the correction of technical
errors during this action is of great importance,
especially in the prevention and treatment of upper
extremity injuries. The act of running consists of
5 phases and its biomechanical examination is
important in the prevention and treatment of lower
extremity injuries. The aim of this review is to present
the motion analysis systems, upper extremity and
lower extremity biomechanics, which are frequently
used in sports medicine practice, to the reader in the
light of current information.


  • 1. Hall SJ, Lysell D. Basic biomechanics. 2nd ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 1995.
  • 2. Brukner P, Brukner KK. Khan’s clinical sports medicine: Volume 1 Injuries. 5th ed. North Ryde. NSW McGraw-Hill Education Australia; 2017.
  • 3. Miller MD, Thompson SR. DeLee and Drez’s orthopaedic sports medicine e-book: 2-volume set: Elsevier Health Sciences; 2009.
  • 4. Dönmez G, Ak E, Ödek U, Özberk N, Korkusuz F. Sporda hareket analizi. Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Birliği Derneği (TOTBİD) Dergisi. 2014;13:369-80.
  • 5. Caniberk M, Sesli FA, Çetin C. Spor Biyomekaniğinde ve Üç Boyutlu Hareket Analizinde Sayısal Fotogrametrinin Kullanılması. Spor Hekimliği Dergisi. 2016;51(4):117-27.
  • 6. Micheli LJ. Encyclopedia of sports medicine. 1st ed. Sage Publications; 2010.
  • 7. Dingenen B, Gokeler A. Optimization of the return-to-sport paradigm after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a critical step back to move forward. Sports medicine. 2017;47(8):1487-500.
  • 8. Alcalde GE, Fonseca AC, Bôscoa TF, Gonçalves MR, Bernardo GC, Pianna B, et al. Effect of aquatic physical therapy on pain perception, functional capacity and quality of life in older people with knee osteoarthritis: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2017;18(1):1-6.
  • 9. O’Connor FG. ACSM’s sports medicine: a comprehensive review. 1st ed. LWW, Illustrated edition; 2012.
  • 10. Dicharry J. Kinematics and kinetics of gait: from lab to clinic. Clinics in sports medicine. 2010;29(3):347-64.
  • 11. Arslan E, Ercan S. Kesme (Koşarken Ani Yön Değiştirme) Hareketini Değerlendirme Puanlaması’nın Türkçe Uyarlama Çalışması. SPORMETRE Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 20(2):43-55.
  • 12. Ercan S, Arslan E, Çetin C, Başkurt F, Başkurt Z, Baser Kolcu Mİ. Sıçramadan Sonra Yere İniş Hata Puanlama Sistemi’nin Türkçe Uyarlama Çalışması. Kocaeli Tıp Dergisi. 2021;10(2):174-8.
  • 13. Winter DA. Biomechanics and motor control of human movement. 4th ed. John Wiley & Sons; 2009.
  • 14. Souza RB. An evidence-based videotaped running biomechanics analysis. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics. 2016;27(1):217-36.
  • 15. Payton CJ, Burden A. Biomechanical evaluation of movement in sport and exercise: the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences guide: Routledge; 2017.
  • 16. Kaeding CC, Léger-St-Jean B, Magnussen RA. Epidemiology and diagnosis of anterior cruciate ligament injuries. Clinics in sports medicine. 2017;36(1):1-8.
  • 17. Milner CE. Motion analysis using on-line systems. Biomechanical evaluation of movement in sport and exercise. 1st ed. Routledge; 2017.
  • 18. He X, Leong HT, Lau OY, Ong MT-Y, Yung PS-H. Altered neuromuscular activity of the lower-extremities during landing tasks in patients with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a systematic review of electromyographic studies. Journal of sport rehabilitation. 2020;29(8):1194-203.
  • 19. Aruin AS, Kanekar N, Lee Y-J, Ganesan M. Enhancement of anticipatory postural adjustments in older adults as a result of a single session of ball throwing exercise. Experimental brain research. 2015;233(2):649-55.
  • 20. DeFroda SF, Goyal D, Patel N, Gupta N, Mulcahey MK. Shoulder instability in the overhead athlete. Current Sports Medicine Reports. 2018;17(9):308-14.
  • 21. Lin DJ, Wong TT, Kazam JK. Shoulder injuries in the overhead- throwing athlete: epidemiology, mechanisms of injury, and imaging findings. Radiology. 2018;286(2):370-87.
  • 22. Sangwan S, Green RA, Taylor NF. Stabilizing characteristics of rotator cuff muscles: a systematic review. Disability and rehabilitation. 2015;37(12):1033-43.
  • 23. Gaudet S, Tremblay J, Dal Maso F. Evolution of muscular fatigue in periscapular and rotator cuff muscles during isokinetic shoulder rotations. Journal of sports sciences. 2018;36(18):2121-8.
  • 24. Park J-Y, Kim H, Lee J-H, Heo T, Park H, Chung SW, et al. Valgus stress ultrasound for medial ulnar collateral ligament injuries in athletes: is ultrasound alone enough for diagnosis? Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery. 2020;29(3):578-86.
  • 25. Aicale R, Tarantino D, Maffulli N. Overuse injuries in sport: a comprehensive overview. Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research. 2018;13(1):1-11.
  • 26. Ben Kibler W. The role of the scapula in athletic shoulder function. The American journal of sports medicine. 1998;26(2):325-37.
  • 27. Kibler WB, Sciascia A. Evaluation and management of scapular dyskinesis in overhead athletes. Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine. 2019;12(4):515-26.
  • 28. Chung Y-C, Chen C-Y, Chang C-M, Lin Y-L, Liao K-K, Lin H-C, et al. Altered corticospinal excitability of scapular muscles in individuals with shoulder impingement syndrome. PloS one. 2022;17(5):e0268533.
  • 29. Didesch JT, Tang P. Anatomy, etiology, and management of scapular winging. The Journal of hand surgery. 2019;44(4):321-30.
  • 30. McDonald AC, Mulla DM, Keir PJ. Muscular and kinematic adaptations to fatiguing repetitive upper extremity work. Applied ergonomics. 2019;75:250-6.
  • 31. Manzi JE, Dowling B, Trauger N, Fu MC, Hansen BR, Dines JS. The influence of shoulder abduction and external rotation on throwing arm kinetics in professional baseball pitchers. Shoulder & Elbow. 2022;14(1 Suppl):90-98. doi: 10.1177/17585732211010300.
  • 32. Berckmans K, Maenhout AG, Matthijs L, Pieters L, Castelein B, Cools AM. The isokinetic rotator cuff strength ratios in overhead athletes: Assessment and exercise effect. Physical Therapy in Sport. 2017;27:65-75.
  • 33. Hattori H, Akasaka K, Otsudo T, Hall T, Amemiya K, Mori Y. The effect of repetitive baseball pitching on medial elbow joint space gapping associated with 2 elbow valgus stressors in high school baseball players. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. 2018;27(4):592-8.
  • 34. Tajika T, Kobayashi T, Yamamoto A, Kaneko T, Shitara H, Shimoyama D, et al. A clinical and ultrasonographic study of risk factors for elbow injury in young baseball players. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery. 2016;24(1):45-50.
  • 35. Van Gent R, Siem D, van Middelkoop M, Van Os A, Bierma-Zeinstra S, Koes B. Incidence and determinants of lower extremity running injuries in long distance runners: a systematic review. British journal of sports medicine. 2007;41(8):469-80.
  • 36. DeJong P, Hatamiya NS, Barkley LC. Running Gait Analysis and Biomechanics. Current Sports Medicine Reports. 2022;21(4):107-8.
  • 37. Ismail SI, Nunome H, Marzuki FF, Suaidi I. The influence of additional surface on force platforms ground reaction force data during walking and running. Am J Sports Sci. 2018;6:78-82.
  • 38. Franz JR, Paylo KW, Dicharry J, Riley PO, Kerrigan DC. Changes in the coordination of hip and pelvis kinematics with mode of locomotion. Gait & posture. 2009;29(3):494-8.
  • 39. Pohl MB, Buckley JG. Changes in foot and shank coupling due to alterations in foot strike pattern during running. Clinical Biomechanics. 2008;23(3):334-41.
  • 40. Vanrenterghem J, Venables E, Pataky T, Robinson MA. The effect of running speed on knee mechanical loading in females during side cutting. Journal of biomechanics. 2012;45(14):2444-9.
  • 41. Dugan SA, Bhat KP. Biomechanics and analysis of running gait. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics. 2005;16(3):603-21.
  • 42. Bruening DA, Pohl MB, Takahashi KZ, Barrios JA. Midtarsal locking, the windlass mechanism, and running strike pattern: a kinematic and kinetic assessment. Journal of biomechanics. 2018;73:185-91.
  • 43. Drewes LK, McKeon PO, Paolini G, Riley P, Kerrigan DC, Ingersoll CD, et al. Altered ankle kinematics and shank-rear-foot coupling in those with chronic ankle instability. Journal of sport rehabilitation. 2009;18(3):375-88.
  • 44. Hannigan J, Pollard CD. Differences in running biomechanics between a maximal, traditional, and minimal running shoe. Journal of science and medicine in sport. 2020;23(1):15-9.
  • 45. Riley PO, Dicharry J, Franz J, Croce UD, Wilder RP, Kerrigan DC. A kinematics and kinetic comparison of overground and treadmill running. Medicine and science in sports and exercise. 2008;40(6):1093.
  • 46. Wille CM, Lenhart RL, Wang S, Thelen DG, Heiderscheit BC. Ability of sagittal kinematic variables to estimate ground reaction forces and joint kinetics in running. Journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy. 2014;44(10):825-30.
  • 47. Nester CJ. Lessons from dynamic cadaver and invasive bone pin studies: do we know how the foot really moves during gait?. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research. 2009;2(1):1-7.
  • 48. Lieberman DE, Venkadesan M, Werbel WA, Daoud AI, D’andrea S, Davis IS, et al. Foot strike patterns and collision forces in habitually barefoot versus shod runners. Nature. 2010;463(7280):531-5.
  • 49. McDougall C. Born to run: The hidden tribe, the ultra-runners, and the greatest race the world has never seen. 1st ed. Profile Books; 2010.
  • 50. Williams III DB, Green DH, Wurzinger B. Changes in lower extremity movement and power absorption during forefoot striking and barefoot running. International journal of sports physical therapy. 2012;7(5):525.


Year 2023, Volume: 30 Issue: 2, 263 - 275, 22.06.2023


Biyomekanik ve hareket analizi konuları, spor hekimleri
tarafından günden güne önemi artan alanlardandır.
Hareket analizi sistemleri, farklı hareket paternleri
sonucunda biyolojik dokunun etkilenimini incelemekte
ve bu etkilenimi verilere dökmektedir. Bu veriler ışığında
klinisyen, yaralanma öncesinde ve sonrasında
yaralanmanın önlenmesi, tedavisi veya rehabilitasyonu
konularında daha efektif yöntemlere başvurabilmektedir.
Profesyonel sporcular ve rekreasyonel düzeyde sporla
ilgilenen bireyler, sıklıkla fırlatma ve koşma eylemlerini
içeren aktivitelere katılmaktadır. Fırlatma eylemi
toplamda 4 fazdan oluşmakta ve bu eylem sırasındaki
teknik hataların düzeltilmesi özellikle üst ekstremite
yaralanmalarının önlenmesinde ve tedavisinde çok
büyük önem arz etmektedir. Koşma eylemi ise 5 fazdan
oluşmakta ve biyomekanik olarak incelenmesi alt
ekstremite yaralanmalarının önlenmesinde ve tedavisinde
önemlidir. Bu derlemenin amacı, spor hekimliği
pratiğinde sık kullanılan hareket analizi sistemlerinin,
üst ekstremite ve alt ekstremite biyomekaniklerinin
güncel bilgiler ışığında okuyucuya sunulmasıdır.


  • 1. Hall SJ, Lysell D. Basic biomechanics. 2nd ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 1995.
  • 2. Brukner P, Brukner KK. Khan’s clinical sports medicine: Volume 1 Injuries. 5th ed. North Ryde. NSW McGraw-Hill Education Australia; 2017.
  • 3. Miller MD, Thompson SR. DeLee and Drez’s orthopaedic sports medicine e-book: 2-volume set: Elsevier Health Sciences; 2009.
  • 4. Dönmez G, Ak E, Ödek U, Özberk N, Korkusuz F. Sporda hareket analizi. Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Birliği Derneği (TOTBİD) Dergisi. 2014;13:369-80.
  • 5. Caniberk M, Sesli FA, Çetin C. Spor Biyomekaniğinde ve Üç Boyutlu Hareket Analizinde Sayısal Fotogrametrinin Kullanılması. Spor Hekimliği Dergisi. 2016;51(4):117-27.
  • 6. Micheli LJ. Encyclopedia of sports medicine. 1st ed. Sage Publications; 2010.
  • 7. Dingenen B, Gokeler A. Optimization of the return-to-sport paradigm after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a critical step back to move forward. Sports medicine. 2017;47(8):1487-500.
  • 8. Alcalde GE, Fonseca AC, Bôscoa TF, Gonçalves MR, Bernardo GC, Pianna B, et al. Effect of aquatic physical therapy on pain perception, functional capacity and quality of life in older people with knee osteoarthritis: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2017;18(1):1-6.
  • 9. O’Connor FG. ACSM’s sports medicine: a comprehensive review. 1st ed. LWW, Illustrated edition; 2012.
  • 10. Dicharry J. Kinematics and kinetics of gait: from lab to clinic. Clinics in sports medicine. 2010;29(3):347-64.
  • 11. Arslan E, Ercan S. Kesme (Koşarken Ani Yön Değiştirme) Hareketini Değerlendirme Puanlaması’nın Türkçe Uyarlama Çalışması. SPORMETRE Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 20(2):43-55.
  • 12. Ercan S, Arslan E, Çetin C, Başkurt F, Başkurt Z, Baser Kolcu Mİ. Sıçramadan Sonra Yere İniş Hata Puanlama Sistemi’nin Türkçe Uyarlama Çalışması. Kocaeli Tıp Dergisi. 2021;10(2):174-8.
  • 13. Winter DA. Biomechanics and motor control of human movement. 4th ed. John Wiley & Sons; 2009.
  • 14. Souza RB. An evidence-based videotaped running biomechanics analysis. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics. 2016;27(1):217-36.
  • 15. Payton CJ, Burden A. Biomechanical evaluation of movement in sport and exercise: the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences guide: Routledge; 2017.
  • 16. Kaeding CC, Léger-St-Jean B, Magnussen RA. Epidemiology and diagnosis of anterior cruciate ligament injuries. Clinics in sports medicine. 2017;36(1):1-8.
  • 17. Milner CE. Motion analysis using on-line systems. Biomechanical evaluation of movement in sport and exercise. 1st ed. Routledge; 2017.
  • 18. He X, Leong HT, Lau OY, Ong MT-Y, Yung PS-H. Altered neuromuscular activity of the lower-extremities during landing tasks in patients with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a systematic review of electromyographic studies. Journal of sport rehabilitation. 2020;29(8):1194-203.
  • 19. Aruin AS, Kanekar N, Lee Y-J, Ganesan M. Enhancement of anticipatory postural adjustments in older adults as a result of a single session of ball throwing exercise. Experimental brain research. 2015;233(2):649-55.
  • 20. DeFroda SF, Goyal D, Patel N, Gupta N, Mulcahey MK. Shoulder instability in the overhead athlete. Current Sports Medicine Reports. 2018;17(9):308-14.
  • 21. Lin DJ, Wong TT, Kazam JK. Shoulder injuries in the overhead- throwing athlete: epidemiology, mechanisms of injury, and imaging findings. Radiology. 2018;286(2):370-87.
  • 22. Sangwan S, Green RA, Taylor NF. Stabilizing characteristics of rotator cuff muscles: a systematic review. Disability and rehabilitation. 2015;37(12):1033-43.
  • 23. Gaudet S, Tremblay J, Dal Maso F. Evolution of muscular fatigue in periscapular and rotator cuff muscles during isokinetic shoulder rotations. Journal of sports sciences. 2018;36(18):2121-8.
  • 24. Park J-Y, Kim H, Lee J-H, Heo T, Park H, Chung SW, et al. Valgus stress ultrasound for medial ulnar collateral ligament injuries in athletes: is ultrasound alone enough for diagnosis? Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery. 2020;29(3):578-86.
  • 25. Aicale R, Tarantino D, Maffulli N. Overuse injuries in sport: a comprehensive overview. Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research. 2018;13(1):1-11.
  • 26. Ben Kibler W. The role of the scapula in athletic shoulder function. The American journal of sports medicine. 1998;26(2):325-37.
  • 27. Kibler WB, Sciascia A. Evaluation and management of scapular dyskinesis in overhead athletes. Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine. 2019;12(4):515-26.
  • 28. Chung Y-C, Chen C-Y, Chang C-M, Lin Y-L, Liao K-K, Lin H-C, et al. Altered corticospinal excitability of scapular muscles in individuals with shoulder impingement syndrome. PloS one. 2022;17(5):e0268533.
  • 29. Didesch JT, Tang P. Anatomy, etiology, and management of scapular winging. The Journal of hand surgery. 2019;44(4):321-30.
  • 30. McDonald AC, Mulla DM, Keir PJ. Muscular and kinematic adaptations to fatiguing repetitive upper extremity work. Applied ergonomics. 2019;75:250-6.
  • 31. Manzi JE, Dowling B, Trauger N, Fu MC, Hansen BR, Dines JS. The influence of shoulder abduction and external rotation on throwing arm kinetics in professional baseball pitchers. Shoulder & Elbow. 2022;14(1 Suppl):90-98. doi: 10.1177/17585732211010300.
  • 32. Berckmans K, Maenhout AG, Matthijs L, Pieters L, Castelein B, Cools AM. The isokinetic rotator cuff strength ratios in overhead athletes: Assessment and exercise effect. Physical Therapy in Sport. 2017;27:65-75.
  • 33. Hattori H, Akasaka K, Otsudo T, Hall T, Amemiya K, Mori Y. The effect of repetitive baseball pitching on medial elbow joint space gapping associated with 2 elbow valgus stressors in high school baseball players. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. 2018;27(4):592-8.
  • 34. Tajika T, Kobayashi T, Yamamoto A, Kaneko T, Shitara H, Shimoyama D, et al. A clinical and ultrasonographic study of risk factors for elbow injury in young baseball players. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery. 2016;24(1):45-50.
  • 35. Van Gent R, Siem D, van Middelkoop M, Van Os A, Bierma-Zeinstra S, Koes B. Incidence and determinants of lower extremity running injuries in long distance runners: a systematic review. British journal of sports medicine. 2007;41(8):469-80.
  • 36. DeJong P, Hatamiya NS, Barkley LC. Running Gait Analysis and Biomechanics. Current Sports Medicine Reports. 2022;21(4):107-8.
  • 37. Ismail SI, Nunome H, Marzuki FF, Suaidi I. The influence of additional surface on force platforms ground reaction force data during walking and running. Am J Sports Sci. 2018;6:78-82.
  • 38. Franz JR, Paylo KW, Dicharry J, Riley PO, Kerrigan DC. Changes in the coordination of hip and pelvis kinematics with mode of locomotion. Gait & posture. 2009;29(3):494-8.
  • 39. Pohl MB, Buckley JG. Changes in foot and shank coupling due to alterations in foot strike pattern during running. Clinical Biomechanics. 2008;23(3):334-41.
  • 40. Vanrenterghem J, Venables E, Pataky T, Robinson MA. The effect of running speed on knee mechanical loading in females during side cutting. Journal of biomechanics. 2012;45(14):2444-9.
  • 41. Dugan SA, Bhat KP. Biomechanics and analysis of running gait. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics. 2005;16(3):603-21.
  • 42. Bruening DA, Pohl MB, Takahashi KZ, Barrios JA. Midtarsal locking, the windlass mechanism, and running strike pattern: a kinematic and kinetic assessment. Journal of biomechanics. 2018;73:185-91.
  • 43. Drewes LK, McKeon PO, Paolini G, Riley P, Kerrigan DC, Ingersoll CD, et al. Altered ankle kinematics and shank-rear-foot coupling in those with chronic ankle instability. Journal of sport rehabilitation. 2009;18(3):375-88.
  • 44. Hannigan J, Pollard CD. Differences in running biomechanics between a maximal, traditional, and minimal running shoe. Journal of science and medicine in sport. 2020;23(1):15-9.
  • 45. Riley PO, Dicharry J, Franz J, Croce UD, Wilder RP, Kerrigan DC. A kinematics and kinetic comparison of overground and treadmill running. Medicine and science in sports and exercise. 2008;40(6):1093.
  • 46. Wille CM, Lenhart RL, Wang S, Thelen DG, Heiderscheit BC. Ability of sagittal kinematic variables to estimate ground reaction forces and joint kinetics in running. Journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy. 2014;44(10):825-30.
  • 47. Nester CJ. Lessons from dynamic cadaver and invasive bone pin studies: do we know how the foot really moves during gait?. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research. 2009;2(1):1-7.
  • 48. Lieberman DE, Venkadesan M, Werbel WA, Daoud AI, D’andrea S, Davis IS, et al. Foot strike patterns and collision forces in habitually barefoot versus shod runners. Nature. 2010;463(7280):531-5.
  • 49. McDougall C. Born to run: The hidden tribe, the ultra-runners, and the greatest race the world has never seen. 1st ed. Profile Books; 2010.
  • 50. Williams III DB, Green DH, Wurzinger B. Changes in lower extremity movement and power absorption during forefoot striking and barefoot running. International journal of sports physical therapy. 2012;7(5):525.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Reviews

Görkem Kıyak 0000-0003-4780-8480

Sabriye Ercan 0000-0001-9500-698X

Publication Date June 22, 2023
Submission Date January 27, 2023
Acceptance Date March 12, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 30 Issue: 2




Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi/Medical Journal of Süleyman Demirel University is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International.