Conference Paper
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Repetitive delinquency, togetherness of Alprazolam and other substance dependencies in adolescence

Year 2013, Volume: 20 Issue: 2, 66 - 71, 30.06.2013


Repetitive delinquency, togetherness of Alprazolam and other substance dependencies in adolescenceJuvenile Delinquency appears as a result of too many adverse factors and permanent delinquency dispositionmay continue in adulthood in a group of children. The problems like attention deficit and hyperactivitydisorder, unbounded anger may be the beginning of delinquency disposition. Predisposition to alcohol andsubstance abuse may be seen in those youths. The studies which examine the relation between delinquencyand substance abuse show that although both family and school factors have been shown to be related toproblematic behavior, the strongest and most consistent predictor of adolescent delinquency and drug useis adolescent relationships with delinquent peers. Interference to delinquency is higher in substancedependency. Alprazolam addiction is a type of substance addiction which rarely reported in children andadolescents. In this report the factors which are initiative to delinquency in adolescent discussed by examininga 14 years 4 months adolescent with multiple substance abuse especially alcohol and alprazolam and selfinjurious behavior


  • Williams-Evans SA, Myers JS. Adolescent violence. ABNF J. 2004; 15(2):31-4.
  • Loeber, R. Natural histories of conduct problems, delinquency, and associated substance use: Evidence for developmental progressions. In B. B. Lahey & A. E. Kazdin (Eds.), Advances in clinical child psychology 1988; (Vol. 11, pp. 73–123). New York: Plenum.
  • Moffitt, T. E. Adolescent-limited and life-course- persistent antisocial behavior: a developmental taxonomy. Psychological Review, 1993; 100, 674–701.
  • Moffitt, T. E.. Life-course-persistent and adolesence- limited antisocial behavior: A 10-year research review and a research agenda. In B. B. Lahey, T. E. Moffitt, & A. Caspi (Eds.), Causes of conduct disorder and juvenile delinquency New York: Guilford. 2003; 49–75.
  • Moffitt, T., & Caspi, A.. Childhood predictors differentiate lifecourse persistent and adolescence- limited antisocial pathways among males and females. Development and Psychopathology, 2001; 13, 355–375.
  • Stouthamer-Loeber, M., & Loeber, R. Lost opportunities for intervention: undetected markers for the development of serious juvenile delinquency. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 2002; 12, 69–82.
  • Köknel Ö. Kimliðini Arayan Gençliðimiz, 1. baský, Altýn Kitaplar Yayýnevi, Ýstanbul, 2001, s.356.
  • McMahon, R. J., & Kotler, J. S. Conduct problems. In D. A.Wolfe & E. J. Mash (Eds.), Behavioral and emotional disorders in adolescents: Nature, assessment, and treatment. New York: Guilford. 2006.
  • Patterson, G. R., DeGarmo, D. S., & Knutson, N. Hyperactive and antisocial behaviors: comorbid or two points in the same process? Development and Psychopathology, 2000;12, 91–106.
  • Simons, R. L., Simons, L. G., & Wallace, L. E. Aileler, suç ve suçluluk. Los Angeles: Roxbury. 2004.
  • Thornberry, T. P., & Krohn, M. D. Peers, drug use and delinquency. In D. M. Stoff, J. Breiling, & J. D. Maser (Eds.), Handbook of antisocial behavior. New York: Wiley. 1997; pp. 218–233.
  • Dickinson B, Rush PA, Radcliffe AB, West J. Alprazolam use and dependence. A retrospective analysis of 30 cases of withdrawal. 1990 May;152(5):604-8.
  • Stratton J, Gailfus D. A new approach to substance abuse treatment. Adolescents and adults with ADHD. 1998 15(2):89-94.
  • Alpay N, Karamustafaoðlu N, Kükürt R. Madde Baðýmlýlarýnda Suç. Düþünen Adam; 1995, 8 (2): 16- 17.
  • Byqvist, S., Olsson, B. Male drug abuse, criminality and subcultural affiliation in a career perspective. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 1998; 30(1):53–68.
  • Gorgels WJ, Oude Voshaar RC, Mol AJ, Breteler MH, van de Lisdonk EH, Zitman FG Long-term use of benzodiazepines. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd.2001; 14;145(28):1342-6.
  • Labellarte MJ., Ginsburg GS. Walkup, JT., and Riddle MA. The treatment of anxiety disorders in children a n d a d o l e s c e n t s B ý o l p s y c h ý a t r y m . j . 1999;46:1567–1578.
  • Bernstein GA, Garfinkel BD, Borchardt CM. Comparative tudies of pharmacotherapy for school refusal. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1990;29(5):773-81.
  • Graae F, Milner J, Rizzotto L, Klein RG. Clonazepam in hildhood anxiety disorders. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1994;33(3):372-6.
  • Simeon JG, Ferguson HB, Knott V, Roberts N, Gauthier B, ubois C, et al. Clinical, cognitive, and neurophysiological effects of alprazolam in children and adolescents with veranxious and avoidant disorders. J Am Acad Child dolesc Psychiatry 1992;31(1):29- 33.
  • Longo L, Johnson B. Addiction: part I. Benzodiazepine sideeffects, abuse risk and alternatives. Am Fam Physician 2000;61:2121-8.
  • Product Insert, Xanax. Kalamazoo, Mich, Upjohn Company, 1985.
  • Loeber, R., Stouthamer-Loeber, M., & White, H. R. Developmental aspects of delinquency and internalizing problems and their association with persistent juvenile substance use between ages 7 and 18. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 1999; 28, 322–332.
  • Moffitt, T., Caspi, A., Harrington, H., & Milne, B. J. Males on the life-course persistent and adolescence- limited antisocial pathways: follow-up at age 26 years. Development and Psychopathology, 2002; 14, 179–207.
  • Peleg-Oren N, Saint-Jean G, Cardenas GA, Tammara H, Pierre C Drinking alcohol before age 13 and negative outcomes in late adolescence. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. Epub 2009 Aug 31. 2009 Nov;33(11):1966-72.
  • Swahn MH, Donovan JE. Predictors of fighting attributed to alcohol use among adolescent drinkers. Addict Behav 2005; 30:1317–1334.
  • Gittelman, R., Mannuzza, S., Shenker, R., & Bonagura, N. (1985). Hyperactive boys almost grown up: I. Psychiatric status. Archives of General Psychiatry, 42(10), 937–947.
  • Lambert, N. M. Adolescent outcomes for hyperactive children: Perspectives on general and specific patterns of childhood risk for adolescent educational, social, and mental health problems. American Psychologist, 1988; 43, 786–799.
  • Mannuzza, S., Klein, R. G., Abikoff, H., & Moulton, J. L., III. Significance of childhood conduct problems to later development of conduct disorder in among children with ADHD: a prospective follow-up study. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 2004; 32, 565–573.
  • Sibley MH, Pelham WE, Molina BS ve ark. The Delinquency Outcomes of Boys with ADHD with and Without Comorbidity. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2010 Aug 10. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Schubiner H, Tzelepis A, Milberger S ve ark. Prevalence of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and conduct disorder among substance abusers. 2000 Apr;61(4):244- 51.
  • Burke, J. D., Loeber, R., Lahey, B. B., & Rathouz, P. J. Developmental transitions among affective and behavioraldisorders in adolescent boys. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 2005; 46, 1200–1210.
  • Patterson, G. R., DeGarmo, D. S., & Knutson, N. Hyperactive and antisocial behaviors: comorbid or two points in the same process? Development and Psychopathology, 2000; 12, 91–106.
  • Brunelle, N., Brochu, S., Cousineau, M.M. Points de vue d’adolescents quant aux liens entre leur usage de drogues et leur d´elinquance. L’intervenant, revue sur l’alcoolisme et la toxicomanie (dossier drogue-crime) 2003; 19(3):19–22).
  • Plourde, C., Brochu, S. Les mod`eles conceptuels explicatifs de la relation entre la consommation d’alcool et des drogues illicites et la criminalit´e. L’intervenant, Revue sur l’Alcoolisme et la Toxicomanie (Dossier Drogue-Crime) 2003; 19(3):9–12).
  • Kayaalp, S.O. Rasyonel Tedavi Yönünden Týbbi Farmakoloji. 4th.edn. Ankara. Feryal Matbaasý, 1989, 1798-1799.
  • Luderer HJ, Schulz M, Mayer M. [Long-term administration of benzodiazepines--disease follow-up, sequelae, treatment. A retrospective clinical record evaluation of 194 patients]. Psychiatr Prax. 1995 Nov;22(6):231-4.
  • Yüncü Z, Aydýn C. Alkol ve madde kullaným bozukluðu. Çocuk ve Ergen Psikiyatrisi Temel Kitabý içinde (ed. Füsun Çuhadaroðlu ve ark.) 2008; 554-568


Year 2013, Volume: 20 Issue: 2, 66 - 71, 30.06.2013


Çocuk suçluluðu birçok olumsuz etkenin bir sonucu olarak ortaya çýkar ve bir grup çocukta kalýcý suç eðilimleri eriþkin yaþamlarýnda da devam eder. Suça yatkýnlýðýn baþlangýcýný dürtüsellik, Dikkat Eksikliði ve Hiperaktivite Bozukluðu, öfke kontrolsüzlüðü ya da benzer sorunlar oluþturabilmektedir. Suça eðilim gösteren gençler alkol ve uyuþturucu madde kullanmaya yatkýnlýk gösterirler. Suçluluk ve madde kullanýmý arasýndaki iliþkiyi inceleyen çalýþmalar sorunun geliþiminde aile ve okulla iliþkili problemlerin etkili olduðu fakat ergenin suç iþleyen arkadaþ çevresinin bulunmasýnýn riski daha çok arttýrdýðýný göstermiþtir. Madde baðýmlýlarýnda da suça karýþma yüksek oranlardadýr. Alprazolam baðýmlýlýðý ise çocuk ve ergenlerde nispeten az bildirilen bir alt tiptir. Bu bildiride alkol ve Alprazolam baðýmlýlýðý baþta olmak üzere, çoklu madde kötüye kullanýmý ve kendine zarar verici davranýþlarý bulunan, tekrarlayýcý, çeþitli suçlar iþleyen 14 yaþ 4 aylýk erkek bir ergenden yola çýkarak ergendeki suç davranýþýna yol açan nedenler tartýþýlmýþtýr


  • Williams-Evans SA, Myers JS. Adolescent violence. ABNF J. 2004; 15(2):31-4.
  • Loeber, R. Natural histories of conduct problems, delinquency, and associated substance use: Evidence for developmental progressions. In B. B. Lahey & A. E. Kazdin (Eds.), Advances in clinical child psychology 1988; (Vol. 11, pp. 73–123). New York: Plenum.
  • Moffitt, T. E. Adolescent-limited and life-course- persistent antisocial behavior: a developmental taxonomy. Psychological Review, 1993; 100, 674–701.
  • Moffitt, T. E.. Life-course-persistent and adolesence- limited antisocial behavior: A 10-year research review and a research agenda. In B. B. Lahey, T. E. Moffitt, & A. Caspi (Eds.), Causes of conduct disorder and juvenile delinquency New York: Guilford. 2003; 49–75.
  • Moffitt, T., & Caspi, A.. Childhood predictors differentiate lifecourse persistent and adolescence- limited antisocial pathways among males and females. Development and Psychopathology, 2001; 13, 355–375.
  • Stouthamer-Loeber, M., & Loeber, R. Lost opportunities for intervention: undetected markers for the development of serious juvenile delinquency. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 2002; 12, 69–82.
  • Köknel Ö. Kimliðini Arayan Gençliðimiz, 1. baský, Altýn Kitaplar Yayýnevi, Ýstanbul, 2001, s.356.
  • McMahon, R. J., & Kotler, J. S. Conduct problems. In D. A.Wolfe & E. J. Mash (Eds.), Behavioral and emotional disorders in adolescents: Nature, assessment, and treatment. New York: Guilford. 2006.
  • Patterson, G. R., DeGarmo, D. S., & Knutson, N. Hyperactive and antisocial behaviors: comorbid or two points in the same process? Development and Psychopathology, 2000;12, 91–106.
  • Simons, R. L., Simons, L. G., & Wallace, L. E. Aileler, suç ve suçluluk. Los Angeles: Roxbury. 2004.
  • Thornberry, T. P., & Krohn, M. D. Peers, drug use and delinquency. In D. M. Stoff, J. Breiling, & J. D. Maser (Eds.), Handbook of antisocial behavior. New York: Wiley. 1997; pp. 218–233.
  • Dickinson B, Rush PA, Radcliffe AB, West J. Alprazolam use and dependence. A retrospective analysis of 30 cases of withdrawal. 1990 May;152(5):604-8.
  • Stratton J, Gailfus D. A new approach to substance abuse treatment. Adolescents and adults with ADHD. 1998 15(2):89-94.
  • Alpay N, Karamustafaoðlu N, Kükürt R. Madde Baðýmlýlarýnda Suç. Düþünen Adam; 1995, 8 (2): 16- 17.
  • Byqvist, S., Olsson, B. Male drug abuse, criminality and subcultural affiliation in a career perspective. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 1998; 30(1):53–68.
  • Gorgels WJ, Oude Voshaar RC, Mol AJ, Breteler MH, van de Lisdonk EH, Zitman FG Long-term use of benzodiazepines. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd.2001; 14;145(28):1342-6.
  • Labellarte MJ., Ginsburg GS. Walkup, JT., and Riddle MA. The treatment of anxiety disorders in children a n d a d o l e s c e n t s B ý o l p s y c h ý a t r y m . j . 1999;46:1567–1578.
  • Bernstein GA, Garfinkel BD, Borchardt CM. Comparative tudies of pharmacotherapy for school refusal. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1990;29(5):773-81.
  • Graae F, Milner J, Rizzotto L, Klein RG. Clonazepam in hildhood anxiety disorders. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1994;33(3):372-6.
  • Simeon JG, Ferguson HB, Knott V, Roberts N, Gauthier B, ubois C, et al. Clinical, cognitive, and neurophysiological effects of alprazolam in children and adolescents with veranxious and avoidant disorders. J Am Acad Child dolesc Psychiatry 1992;31(1):29- 33.
  • Longo L, Johnson B. Addiction: part I. Benzodiazepine sideeffects, abuse risk and alternatives. Am Fam Physician 2000;61:2121-8.
  • Product Insert, Xanax. Kalamazoo, Mich, Upjohn Company, 1985.
  • Loeber, R., Stouthamer-Loeber, M., & White, H. R. Developmental aspects of delinquency and internalizing problems and their association with persistent juvenile substance use between ages 7 and 18. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 1999; 28, 322–332.
  • Moffitt, T., Caspi, A., Harrington, H., & Milne, B. J. Males on the life-course persistent and adolescence- limited antisocial pathways: follow-up at age 26 years. Development and Psychopathology, 2002; 14, 179–207.
  • Peleg-Oren N, Saint-Jean G, Cardenas GA, Tammara H, Pierre C Drinking alcohol before age 13 and negative outcomes in late adolescence. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. Epub 2009 Aug 31. 2009 Nov;33(11):1966-72.
  • Swahn MH, Donovan JE. Predictors of fighting attributed to alcohol use among adolescent drinkers. Addict Behav 2005; 30:1317–1334.
  • Gittelman, R., Mannuzza, S., Shenker, R., & Bonagura, N. (1985). Hyperactive boys almost grown up: I. Psychiatric status. Archives of General Psychiatry, 42(10), 937–947.
  • Lambert, N. M. Adolescent outcomes for hyperactive children: Perspectives on general and specific patterns of childhood risk for adolescent educational, social, and mental health problems. American Psychologist, 1988; 43, 786–799.
  • Mannuzza, S., Klein, R. G., Abikoff, H., & Moulton, J. L., III. Significance of childhood conduct problems to later development of conduct disorder in among children with ADHD: a prospective follow-up study. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 2004; 32, 565–573.
  • Sibley MH, Pelham WE, Molina BS ve ark. The Delinquency Outcomes of Boys with ADHD with and Without Comorbidity. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2010 Aug 10. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Schubiner H, Tzelepis A, Milberger S ve ark. Prevalence of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and conduct disorder among substance abusers. 2000 Apr;61(4):244- 51.
  • Burke, J. D., Loeber, R., Lahey, B. B., & Rathouz, P. J. Developmental transitions among affective and behavioraldisorders in adolescent boys. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 2005; 46, 1200–1210.
  • Patterson, G. R., DeGarmo, D. S., & Knutson, N. Hyperactive and antisocial behaviors: comorbid or two points in the same process? Development and Psychopathology, 2000; 12, 91–106.
  • Brunelle, N., Brochu, S., Cousineau, M.M. Points de vue d’adolescents quant aux liens entre leur usage de drogues et leur d´elinquance. L’intervenant, revue sur l’alcoolisme et la toxicomanie (dossier drogue-crime) 2003; 19(3):19–22).
  • Plourde, C., Brochu, S. Les mod`eles conceptuels explicatifs de la relation entre la consommation d’alcool et des drogues illicites et la criminalit´e. L’intervenant, Revue sur l’Alcoolisme et la Toxicomanie (Dossier Drogue-Crime) 2003; 19(3):9–12).
  • Kayaalp, S.O. Rasyonel Tedavi Yönünden Týbbi Farmakoloji. 4th.edn. Ankara. Feryal Matbaasý, 1989, 1798-1799.
  • Luderer HJ, Schulz M, Mayer M. [Long-term administration of benzodiazepines--disease follow-up, sequelae, treatment. A retrospective clinical record evaluation of 194 patients]. Psychiatr Prax. 1995 Nov;22(6):231-4.
  • Yüncü Z, Aydýn C. Alkol ve madde kullaným bozukluðu. Çocuk ve Ergen Psikiyatrisi Temel Kitabý içinde (ed. Füsun Çuhadaroðlu ve ark.) 2008; 554-568
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Case Reports

Selma Tural Hesapçıoğlu

Samiye Bilgier This is me

Sema Kandil This is me

Publication Date June 30, 2013
Submission Date January 13, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 20 Issue: 2




Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi/Medical Journal of Süleyman Demirel University is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International.