Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 8 Issue: 4, 177 - 185, 31.10.2021



  • APA, (2017). Stress in America: The State of Our Nation. American Psychological Association Report. stress/2017/ state-nation.pdf
  • Aranda, M. P., Castaneda, I., Lee, P. J., & Sobel, E. (2001). Stress, social support, and coping as predictors of depressive symptoms: Gender differences among Mexican Americans. Social Work Research, 25(1), 37-48.
  • Aslantekin, F., Erdem, R., Aslan, G., & Göktaş, B. (2005). Hastane çalışanlarının toplumsal kültürel özellikleri. Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi, 8(2), 149-164.
  • Bakhshi, A., Kumar, K., & Rani, E. (2009). Organizational justice perceptions as predictor of job satisfaction and organization commitment. International journal of Business and Management, 4(9), 145.
  • Beckert, J., & Lutter, M. (2013). Why the poor play the lottery: Sociological approaches to explaining class- based lottery play. Sociology, 47(6), 1152-1170.
  • Bies, R. J. (2005). Are Procedural Justice and Interactional Justice Conceptually Distinct? In J. Greenberg & J. A. Colquitt (Eds.), Handbook of organizational justice (pp. 85-112). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
  • Cropanzano, R., Prehar, C. A., & Chen, P. Y. (2002). Using social exchange theory to distinguish procedural from interactional justice. Group & Organization Management, 27(3), 324-351.
  • Cropanzano, R., Bowen, D. E., & Gilliland, S. W. (2007). The management of organizational justice. Academy of Management Perspectives, 21(4), 34-48.
  • Colquitt, J. A. (2001). On the dimensionality of organizational justice: a construct validation of a measure. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86(3), 386-400.
  • DeConinck, J. B., & Stilwell, C. D. (2004). Incorporating organizational justice, role states, pay satisfaction and supervisor satisfaction in a model of turnover intentions. Journal of Business Research, 57(3), 225-231.
  • De Los Monteros, K. E., & Gallo, L. C. (2011). The relevance of fatalism in the study of Latinas’ cancer screening behavior: A systematic review of the literature. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 18(4), 310-318.
  • Egede, L. E., & Bonadonna, R. J. (2003). Diabetes self-management in African Americans: an exploration of the role of fatalism. The Diabetes Educator, 29(1), 105-115.
  • Efeoğlu, İ. E., & İplik, E. (2011). Algılanan örgütsel adaletin örgütsel sinizm üzerindeki etkilerini belirlemeye yönelik ilaç sektöründe bir uygulama. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 20(3), 343-360.
  • Efeoğlu, İ. F., (2006). İş-aile yaşam catışmasının iş stresi, iş doyumu ve örgütselbağlılık üzerindeki etkileri: İlaç sektöründe bir araştırma [Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi]. Çukurova Üniversitesi.
  • Ehsani, K., & Hosseini, S. M. N. (2015). Investigating the relationship of economic, social and cultural capitals with fatalism in Isfahan. Journal of Sociological Research, 6(2), 68-83. Doi:10.5296/ jsr.v6i2.8145
  • Elder, J. W. (1966). Fatalism in India: A comparison between Hindus and Muslims. Anthropological Quarterly, 39(3), 227-243.
  • Elovainio, M., Kivimäki, M., & Vahtera, J. (2002). Organizational justice: evidence of a new psychosocial predictor of health. American Journal of Public Health, 92(1), 105-108.
  • EU-OSHA (2013). European opinion poll on occupational safety and health. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
  • Folger, R., & Konovsky, M. A. (1989). Effects of procedural and distributive justice on reactions to pay raise decisions. Academy of Management journal, 32(1), 115-130.
  • Foster, K., R. & Kokko, H. (2009). The evolution of superstitious and superstition-like behavior. Proc. R. Soc. B., 276, 31-37.
  • Fraenkel, J.R., & Wallen, N.E. (2006). How to design and evaluate research in education (6th ed.). The McGraw-Hill Companies.
  • Francis, L., & Barling, J. (2005). Organizational injustice and psychological strain. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement, 37(4), 250.
  • Fox, S., Spector, P. E., & Miles, D. (2001). Counterproductive work behavior (CWB) in response to job stressors and organizational justice: Some mediator and moderator tests for autonomy and emotions. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 59(3), 291-309.
  • Gilliland, S. W. (1993). The perceived fairness of selection systems: An organizational justice perspective. Academy of Management Review, 18(4), 694-734.
  • Göksel, A. & Tomruk, Z. (2016). Akademisyenlerde stress kaynakları ile stresle başa çıkmada ve stress durumunda gösterilen davranışların ilişkisi. Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 315-343.
  • Grandey, A.A. ve Cropanzano, R. (1998), The conversation of resources model applied to work-family conflict and strain. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 54, 350–370.
  • Greenberg, J. (1987). A taxonomy of organizational justice theories. Academy of Management Review, 12(1), 9-22.
  • Güler, A. (2013). Örgütsel stres ve sağlık çalışanlarında örgütsel stresle başa çıkma yolları [Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi]. Beykent Üniversitesi.
  • Health & Safety Executive (report). (2017).
  • Hunt, M. O. (2004). Race/ethnicity and beliefs about wealth and poverty. Social Science Quarterly, 85(3), 827-853.
  • Hunt, M. O. (2002). Religion, race/ethnicity, and beliefs about poverty. Social Science Quarterly, 83(3), 810-831.
  • Hunt, M. O. (1996). The individual, society, or both? A comparison of Black, Latino, and White beliefs about the causes of poverty. Social Forces, 75(1), 293-322.
  • ILO, (2016). Workplace stress: A collective challenge. Turin: International Training Centre of the ILO.
  • Jacobson, C. K. (1999). Denominational and racial and ethnic differences in fatalism. Review of Religious Research, 9-20.
  • Johnson, S., Cooper, C., Cartwright, S., Donald, I., Taylor, P., & Millet, C. (2005). The experience of work-related stress across occupations. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 20(2), 178-187.
  • Judge, T. A., & Colquitt, J. A. (2004). Organizational justice and stress: the mediating role of work-family conflict. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(3), 395.
  • Kaya, A. & Bozkur, B. (2015). Kadercilik eğilimi ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(3). DOI: 10.17860/efd.55137
  • Kaya, A. & Bozkur, B. (2017). Kadercilik eğilimi ile öz-yeterlik inancı ve savunma mekanizmaları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Ege Eğitim Dergisi, 18(1), 124-145.
  • Kuşat, A. (2000). Psikolojik bir olgu olarak kendini aldatma ve dini inançla ilişkisi. Dini Araştırmalar, 3(8), 97- 116.
  • Kotteeswari, M., & Sharief, S. T. (2014). Job stress and its impact on employee’s performance a study with reference to employees working in Bpos. International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, 2(4), 18-25.
  • Lambert, E. G., Hogan, N. L., & Griffin, M. L. (2007). The impact of distributive and procedural justice on correctional staff job stress, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. Journal of Criminal Justice, 35(6), 644-656.
  • Leka, S., Griffiths, A., & Cox, T. (2004). Work organization and stress. World Health Organization
  • McFarlin, D. B., & Sweeney, P. D. (1992). Distributive and procedural justice as predictors of satisfaction with personal and organizational outcomes. Academy of Management Journal, 35(3), 626-637.
  • Miles, A., Voorwinden, S., Chapman, S., & Wardle, J. (2008). Psychologic predictors of cancer information avoidance among older adults: the role of cancer fear and fatalism. Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Biomarkers, 17(8), 1872-1879. DOI: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-08-0074
  • Moorman, R. H., Blakely, G. L., & Niehoff, B. P. (1998). Does perceived organizational support mediate the relationship between procedural justice and organizational citizenship behavior? Academy of Management Journal, 41(3), 351-357.
  • Morey, J. N., Boggero, I. A., Scott, A. B., & Segerstrom, S. C. (2015). Current directions in stress and human immune function. Current Opinion in Psychology, 5, 13-17.
  • Neuman, J. H. (2004). Injustice, stress, and aggression in organizations. In Griffin, R. W. and O’Leary Kelly, A. M. (Eds), The dark side of organizational behavior. Jossey-Bass.
  • Park, C. L., Edmondson, D., & Mills, M. A. (2010). Religious worldviews and stressful encounters: Reciprocal influence from a meaning-making perspective. In Handbook of stressful transitions across the lifespan (pp. 485-501). Springer.
  • Powe, B. D., Daniels, E. C., & Finnie, R. (2005). Comparing perceptions of cancer fatalism among African American patients and their providers. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 17(8), 318-324.
  • Powe, B. D., & Finnie, R. (2003). Cancer fatalism: The state of the science. Cancer Nursing, 26(6), 454-467.
  • Sarvan, F. & Karakaş, K. (2001). An approach to the emotional as-pects of professional growth in academic organizations, Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, 1(1).
  • Shen, L., Condit, C. M., & Wright, L. (2009). The psychometric property and validation of a fatalism scale. Psychology and Health, 24(5), 597-613.
  • Skarlicki, D. P., & Folger, R. (1997). Retaliation in the workplace: The roles of distributive, procedural, and interactional justice. Journal of applied Psychology, 82(3), 434.
  • Straughan, P. T., & Seow, A. (1998). Fatalism reconceptualized: A concept to predict health screening behavior. Journal of Gender, Culture and Health, 3(2), 85-100.
  • Tyler, T. R. (1988). What is procedural justice? Criteria used by citizens to assess the fairness of legal procedures. Law and Society Review, 22(1), 103-135.
  • Yıldırım, F. (2007). İş doyumu ile örgütsel adalet ilişkisi. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 62(01), 253-278.
  • West, S. A., Griffin, A. S., & Gardner, A. (2007). Social semantics: Altruism, cooperation, mutualism, strong reciprocity and group selection. J. Evol. Biol. 20, 415–432. doi:10.1111/ j.1420-9101.2006.01258.x
  • Wheaton, B. (1983). Stress, personal coping resources, and psychiatric symptoms: An investigation of interactive models. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 24(3), 208-229.

The Predictors of Work-Related Stress: Organizational Justice and Fatalism

Year 2021, Volume: 8 Issue: 4, 177 - 185, 31.10.2021


The purpose of the current study is to understand the relationship between organizational justice and the effect of the fatalism on work related stress. Although, organizational justice has been found to be a significant predictor of the work related stress in previous studies, fatalism which can be related with work related stress and organizational justice as well, has not been studied before together. In this correlational study, organizational justice, four dimensions of fatalism and job type were considered as predictors and work-related stress was the criterion variable. In total, 100 academics and 66 support staff have participated to this study. Multiple regression analysis with backward elimination was conducted. Results indicated that organizational justice, job type and luck were significant predictors of the work-related stress. While an increase on organizational justice perceptions lowers the work-related stress, luck and work-related stress seem increasing together. Additionally, academic personnel have higher stress levels than support staff. However, superstition, personal control, and predetermination dimensions of the fatalism were not found to be significantly associated with work related stress. Policy improvements were offered in line with the findings and recommendations for future studies were prescribed in discussion.


  • APA, (2017). Stress in America: The State of Our Nation. American Psychological Association Report. stress/2017/ state-nation.pdf
  • Aranda, M. P., Castaneda, I., Lee, P. J., & Sobel, E. (2001). Stress, social support, and coping as predictors of depressive symptoms: Gender differences among Mexican Americans. Social Work Research, 25(1), 37-48.
  • Aslantekin, F., Erdem, R., Aslan, G., & Göktaş, B. (2005). Hastane çalışanlarının toplumsal kültürel özellikleri. Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi, 8(2), 149-164.
  • Bakhshi, A., Kumar, K., & Rani, E. (2009). Organizational justice perceptions as predictor of job satisfaction and organization commitment. International journal of Business and Management, 4(9), 145.
  • Beckert, J., & Lutter, M. (2013). Why the poor play the lottery: Sociological approaches to explaining class- based lottery play. Sociology, 47(6), 1152-1170.
  • Bies, R. J. (2005). Are Procedural Justice and Interactional Justice Conceptually Distinct? In J. Greenberg & J. A. Colquitt (Eds.), Handbook of organizational justice (pp. 85-112). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
  • Cropanzano, R., Prehar, C. A., & Chen, P. Y. (2002). Using social exchange theory to distinguish procedural from interactional justice. Group & Organization Management, 27(3), 324-351.
  • Cropanzano, R., Bowen, D. E., & Gilliland, S. W. (2007). The management of organizational justice. Academy of Management Perspectives, 21(4), 34-48.
  • Colquitt, J. A. (2001). On the dimensionality of organizational justice: a construct validation of a measure. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86(3), 386-400.
  • DeConinck, J. B., & Stilwell, C. D. (2004). Incorporating organizational justice, role states, pay satisfaction and supervisor satisfaction in a model of turnover intentions. Journal of Business Research, 57(3), 225-231.
  • De Los Monteros, K. E., & Gallo, L. C. (2011). The relevance of fatalism in the study of Latinas’ cancer screening behavior: A systematic review of the literature. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 18(4), 310-318.
  • Egede, L. E., & Bonadonna, R. J. (2003). Diabetes self-management in African Americans: an exploration of the role of fatalism. The Diabetes Educator, 29(1), 105-115.
  • Efeoğlu, İ. E., & İplik, E. (2011). Algılanan örgütsel adaletin örgütsel sinizm üzerindeki etkilerini belirlemeye yönelik ilaç sektöründe bir uygulama. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 20(3), 343-360.
  • Efeoğlu, İ. F., (2006). İş-aile yaşam catışmasının iş stresi, iş doyumu ve örgütselbağlılık üzerindeki etkileri: İlaç sektöründe bir araştırma [Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi]. Çukurova Üniversitesi.
  • Ehsani, K., & Hosseini, S. M. N. (2015). Investigating the relationship of economic, social and cultural capitals with fatalism in Isfahan. Journal of Sociological Research, 6(2), 68-83. Doi:10.5296/ jsr.v6i2.8145
  • Elder, J. W. (1966). Fatalism in India: A comparison between Hindus and Muslims. Anthropological Quarterly, 39(3), 227-243.
  • Elovainio, M., Kivimäki, M., & Vahtera, J. (2002). Organizational justice: evidence of a new psychosocial predictor of health. American Journal of Public Health, 92(1), 105-108.
  • EU-OSHA (2013). European opinion poll on occupational safety and health. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
  • Folger, R., & Konovsky, M. A. (1989). Effects of procedural and distributive justice on reactions to pay raise decisions. Academy of Management journal, 32(1), 115-130.
  • Foster, K., R. & Kokko, H. (2009). The evolution of superstitious and superstition-like behavior. Proc. R. Soc. B., 276, 31-37.
  • Fraenkel, J.R., & Wallen, N.E. (2006). How to design and evaluate research in education (6th ed.). The McGraw-Hill Companies.
  • Francis, L., & Barling, J. (2005). Organizational injustice and psychological strain. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement, 37(4), 250.
  • Fox, S., Spector, P. E., & Miles, D. (2001). Counterproductive work behavior (CWB) in response to job stressors and organizational justice: Some mediator and moderator tests for autonomy and emotions. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 59(3), 291-309.
  • Gilliland, S. W. (1993). The perceived fairness of selection systems: An organizational justice perspective. Academy of Management Review, 18(4), 694-734.
  • Göksel, A. & Tomruk, Z. (2016). Akademisyenlerde stress kaynakları ile stresle başa çıkmada ve stress durumunda gösterilen davranışların ilişkisi. Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 315-343.
  • Grandey, A.A. ve Cropanzano, R. (1998), The conversation of resources model applied to work-family conflict and strain. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 54, 350–370.
  • Greenberg, J. (1987). A taxonomy of organizational justice theories. Academy of Management Review, 12(1), 9-22.
  • Güler, A. (2013). Örgütsel stres ve sağlık çalışanlarında örgütsel stresle başa çıkma yolları [Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi]. Beykent Üniversitesi.
  • Health & Safety Executive (report). (2017).
  • Hunt, M. O. (2004). Race/ethnicity and beliefs about wealth and poverty. Social Science Quarterly, 85(3), 827-853.
  • Hunt, M. O. (2002). Religion, race/ethnicity, and beliefs about poverty. Social Science Quarterly, 83(3), 810-831.
  • Hunt, M. O. (1996). The individual, society, or both? A comparison of Black, Latino, and White beliefs about the causes of poverty. Social Forces, 75(1), 293-322.
  • ILO, (2016). Workplace stress: A collective challenge. Turin: International Training Centre of the ILO.
  • Jacobson, C. K. (1999). Denominational and racial and ethnic differences in fatalism. Review of Religious Research, 9-20.
  • Johnson, S., Cooper, C., Cartwright, S., Donald, I., Taylor, P., & Millet, C. (2005). The experience of work-related stress across occupations. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 20(2), 178-187.
  • Judge, T. A., & Colquitt, J. A. (2004). Organizational justice and stress: the mediating role of work-family conflict. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(3), 395.
  • Kaya, A. & Bozkur, B. (2015). Kadercilik eğilimi ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(3). DOI: 10.17860/efd.55137
  • Kaya, A. & Bozkur, B. (2017). Kadercilik eğilimi ile öz-yeterlik inancı ve savunma mekanizmaları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Ege Eğitim Dergisi, 18(1), 124-145.
  • Kuşat, A. (2000). Psikolojik bir olgu olarak kendini aldatma ve dini inançla ilişkisi. Dini Araştırmalar, 3(8), 97- 116.
  • Kotteeswari, M., & Sharief, S. T. (2014). Job stress and its impact on employee’s performance a study with reference to employees working in Bpos. International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, 2(4), 18-25.
  • Lambert, E. G., Hogan, N. L., & Griffin, M. L. (2007). The impact of distributive and procedural justice on correctional staff job stress, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. Journal of Criminal Justice, 35(6), 644-656.
  • Leka, S., Griffiths, A., & Cox, T. (2004). Work organization and stress. World Health Organization
  • McFarlin, D. B., & Sweeney, P. D. (1992). Distributive and procedural justice as predictors of satisfaction with personal and organizational outcomes. Academy of Management Journal, 35(3), 626-637.
  • Miles, A., Voorwinden, S., Chapman, S., & Wardle, J. (2008). Psychologic predictors of cancer information avoidance among older adults: the role of cancer fear and fatalism. Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Biomarkers, 17(8), 1872-1879. DOI: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-08-0074
  • Moorman, R. H., Blakely, G. L., & Niehoff, B. P. (1998). Does perceived organizational support mediate the relationship between procedural justice and organizational citizenship behavior? Academy of Management Journal, 41(3), 351-357.
  • Morey, J. N., Boggero, I. A., Scott, A. B., & Segerstrom, S. C. (2015). Current directions in stress and human immune function. Current Opinion in Psychology, 5, 13-17.
  • Neuman, J. H. (2004). Injustice, stress, and aggression in organizations. In Griffin, R. W. and O’Leary Kelly, A. M. (Eds), The dark side of organizational behavior. Jossey-Bass.
  • Park, C. L., Edmondson, D., & Mills, M. A. (2010). Religious worldviews and stressful encounters: Reciprocal influence from a meaning-making perspective. In Handbook of stressful transitions across the lifespan (pp. 485-501). Springer.
  • Powe, B. D., Daniels, E. C., & Finnie, R. (2005). Comparing perceptions of cancer fatalism among African American patients and their providers. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 17(8), 318-324.
  • Powe, B. D., & Finnie, R. (2003). Cancer fatalism: The state of the science. Cancer Nursing, 26(6), 454-467.
  • Sarvan, F. & Karakaş, K. (2001). An approach to the emotional as-pects of professional growth in academic organizations, Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, 1(1).
  • Shen, L., Condit, C. M., & Wright, L. (2009). The psychometric property and validation of a fatalism scale. Psychology and Health, 24(5), 597-613.
  • Skarlicki, D. P., & Folger, R. (1997). Retaliation in the workplace: The roles of distributive, procedural, and interactional justice. Journal of applied Psychology, 82(3), 434.
  • Straughan, P. T., & Seow, A. (1998). Fatalism reconceptualized: A concept to predict health screening behavior. Journal of Gender, Culture and Health, 3(2), 85-100.
  • Tyler, T. R. (1988). What is procedural justice? Criteria used by citizens to assess the fairness of legal procedures. Law and Society Review, 22(1), 103-135.
  • Yıldırım, F. (2007). İş doyumu ile örgütsel adalet ilişkisi. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 62(01), 253-278.
  • West, S. A., Griffin, A. S., & Gardner, A. (2007). Social semantics: Altruism, cooperation, mutualism, strong reciprocity and group selection. J. Evol. Biol. 20, 415–432. doi:10.1111/ j.1420-9101.2006.01258.x
  • Wheaton, B. (1983). Stress, personal coping resources, and psychiatric symptoms: An investigation of interactive models. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 24(3), 208-229.
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Research Article

Özgür Önen 0000-0002-3715-7488

Publication Date October 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 8 Issue: 4


APA Önen, Ö. (2021). The Predictors of Work-Related Stress: Organizational Justice and Fatalism. International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies, 8(4), 177-185.