Research Article
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Doğal Afetlerin Direncini Keşfetmek: Bibliyometrik Bir Analiz

Year 2023, Volume: 8 Issue: Special Issue, 26 - 41, 26.12.2023


Bu çalışmanın amacı, bibliyometrik yöntemlerle afet dayanıklılığının ana hatlarını ortaya koymaktır. Çalışma, ilgili literatür hakkında daha derin bir anlayış kazanmak için son 20 yılı kapsayan afete dayanıklılık literatürünü derinlemesine incelemektedir. Çalışmada afet direnci anahtar kelimesini kullanan en çok literatüre sahip en iyi 10 derginin bibliyometrik analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir ve toplamda konuyla ilgili yapılmış 1561 makale incelemiştir. Çalışmada Bibliyometrik ağ, VOSviewer yazılım aracı kullanılarak da analiz görselleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışma, afet direncinin son zamanlarda araştırma faaliyetlerinde önemli bir artışa sahip olduğunu göstermektedir. Ek olarak, çalışmada, Covid-19 salgınının 2020 ile 2022 arasında yayınlanan dayanıklılık araştırmalarının sayısını artırdığı tespit edilmiştir. Yazarların teorik çerçevesi, afet türleri, sayısal analiz, afet yönetimi, yönetim, topluluk ve sosyal perspektifler gibi birincil odak alanları olmak üzere 12 anahtar kelime kümesi belirlenerek irdelenmiştir. Akademisyenlerin genel olarak literatürde dayanıklılık, risk azaltma, kırılganlık azaltma, iklim değişikliği ve afet yönetimi üzerinde durduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Bu çalışma, konuyla ilgili alanın gelecekteki büyümesini ve gelişimini tahmin ederken, afete dayanıklılık araştırmasının mevcut durumunu vurgulamaktadır.


  • Aksha, S. K. & Emrich, C. T. (2020). Benchmarking community disaster resilience in Nepal. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(6), 1985.
  • Aitsi-Selmi, A., Egawa, S., Sasaki, H., Wannous, C. & Murray, V. (2015). The Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction: Renewing the global commitment to people’s resilience, health, and well-being. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 6(2), 164-176.
  • Barua, Z., Barua, S., Aktar, S., Kabir, N. & Li, M. (2020). Effects of misinformation on COVID-19 individual responses and recommendations for resilience of disastrous consequences of misinformation. Progress in Disaster Science, 8, 100119.
  • Bayrak, M. M. (2020). Does Indigenous tourism contribute to Indigenous resilience to disasters? A case study on Taiwan's highlands. Progress in Disaster Science, 14, 100220.
  • Birkmann, J., Cardona, O. D., Carreño, M. L., Barbat, A. H., Pelling, M., Schneiderbauer, S., Kienberger, S., Keiler, M., Alexander, D., Zeil, P. & Welle, T. (2013). Framing vulnerability, risk, and societal responses: The MOVE framework. Natural Hazards, 67, 193-211.
  • Blake, D. M., Stevenson, J., Wotherspoon, L., Ivory, V. & Trotter, M. (2019). The role of data and information exchanges in transport system disaster recovery: A New Zealand case study. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 39, 101124.
  • Boon, H. J. (2014). Disaster resilience in a flood-impacted rural Australian town. Natural Hazards, 71, 683-701.
  • Boon, H. J., Cottrell, A., King, D., Stevenson, R. B. & Millar, J. (2012). Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological theory for modelling community resilience to natural disasters. Natural Hazards, 60, 381-408.
  • Carpenter, S. R., Arrow, K. J., Barrett, S., Biggs, R., Brock, W. A., Crépin, A. S. (…) & De Zeeuw, A. (2012). General resilience to cope with extreme events. Sustainability, 4(12), 3248-3259.
  • Chen, W., Cutter, S. L., Emrich, C. T. & Shi, P. (2013). Measuring social vulnerability to natural hazards in the Yangtze River Delta region, China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 4, 169-181.
  • Chester, M., El Asmar, M., Hayes, S. & Desha, C. (2021). Post-disaster infrastructure delivery for resilience. Sustainability, 13(6), 3458.
  • Demiroz, F. & Haase, T. W. (2020). The concept of resilience: A bibliometric analysis of the emergency and disaster management literature. Local Disaster Management, 16-35.
  • Djalante, R., Holley, C. & Thomalla, F. (2011). Adaptive governance and managing resilience to natural hazards. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2(1), 1-14.
  • Djalante, R., Lassa, J., Setiamarga, D., Sudjatma, A., Indrawan, M., Haryanto, B., Mahfud, C., Sinapoy, M. S., Djalante, S., Rafliana, I., Gunawan, L. A., Surtiari, G. A. K. & Warsilah, H. (2020). Review and analysis of current responses to COVID-19 in Indonesia: Period of January to March 2020. Progress in Disaster Science, 6, 100091.
  • Djalante, R., Shaw, R. & DeWit, A. (2020). Building resilience against biological hazards and pandemics: COVID-19 and its implications for the Sendai Framework. Progress in Disaster Science, 6, 100080.
  • Engel, K. E. (2016). Talcahuano, Chile, in the wake of the 2010 disaster: A vulnerable middle? Natural Hazards, 80(2), 1057-1081.
  • Ferreira, R. J., Buttell, F. & Cannon, C. (2020). COVID-19: Immediate predictors of individual resilience. Sustainability, 12(16), 6495.
  • French, A., Mechler, R., Arestegui, M., MacClune, K. & Cisneros, A. (2020). Root causes of recurrent catastrophe: The political ecology of El Niño-related disasters in Peru. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 47, 101539.
  • Graveline, M. H. & Germain, D. (2022). Disaster Risk Resilience: Conceptual Evolution, Key Issues, and Opportunities. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 13(3), 330-341. 00419-0
  • Guo, Y. (2012). Urban resilience in post-disaster reconstruction: Towards a resilient development in Sichuan, China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 3, 45-55. doi:10.1007/s13753-012-0006-2
  • Guo, X., Kapucu, N. & Huang, J. (2021). Examining resilience of disaster response system in response to COVID- 19. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 59, 102239.
  • Han, G. & Kasperson, R. E. (2021). Dilemmas and pathways to dealing with flood problems in twenty-first- century China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2, 21-30. doi:10.1007/s13753-011-0013-8
  • Heinkel, S. B., Thiebes, B., Than, Z. M., Aung, T., Kyi, T. T., Mar, W. L., Oo, S. S., Miller, C., Wilikomm, M., Maung, W., Myint, Z. N., Soe, K. K., Spohner, R. & Kraas, F. (2022). Disaster preparedness and resilience at household level in Yangon, Myanmar. Natural Hazards, 112(2), 1273-1294.
  • Helgeson, J. & O’Fallon, C. (2021). Resilience dividends and resilience windfalls: Narratives that tie disaster resilience co-benefits to long-term sustainability. Sustainability, 13(8), 4554.
  • Hiwasaki, L., Luna, E. & Shaw, R. (2014). Process for integrating local and indigenous knowledge with science for hydro-meteorological disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in coastal and small island communities. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 10, 15-27.
  • Islam, M. A., Chisty, M. A., Fuad, A., Rahman, M., Muhtasim, M., Dola, S. E. A., Biva, F. J. & Khan, N. A. (2022). Using ARC-D Toolkit for Measuring Community Resilience to Disasters. Sustainability, 14(3), 1758.
  • Jiang, L. I. (2013). Implementation of disaster reduction measures and enhancement of integrated risk governance in China: Summary of the Remarks at the High-Level Dialogue, Official Statement, and Plenary Session of the Fourth Session of the Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction, 21–23 May 2013, Geneva, Switzerland. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 4, 101-104. doi:10.1007/s13753-013-0011-0
  • Kaim, A., Jaffe, E., Siman-Tov, M., Khairish, E. & Adini, B. (2020). Impact of a brief educational intervention on knowledge, perceived knowledge, perceived safety, and resilience of the public during COVID-19 crisis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(16), 5971.
  • Kelman, I., Gaillard, J. C. & Mercer, J. (2015). Climate change’s role in disaster risk reduction’s future: Beyond vulnerability and resilience. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 6(1), 21-27.
  • Kimhi, S., Marciano, H., Eshel, Y. & Adini, B. (2020). Resilience and demographic characteristics predicting distress during the COVID-19 crisis. Social Science & Medicine, 265, 113389.
  • Kittipongvises, S., Phetrak, A., Rattanapun, P., Brundiers, K., Buizer, J. L. & Melnick, R. (2020). AHP-GIS analysis for flood hazard assessment of the communities near by the world heritage site on Ayutthaya Island, Thailand. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 48, 101612.
  • Lara, A., Garcia, X., Bucci, F. & Ribas, A. (2017). What do people think about the flood risk? An experience with the residents of Talcahuano city, Chile. Natural Hazards, 85, 1557-1575.
  • Li, X., Lam, N., Qiang, Y., Li, K., Yin, L., Liu, S. & Zheng, W. (2016). Measuring county resilience after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 7, 393-412. 016-0109-2
  • Mavhura, E., Manyangadze, T. & Aryal, K. R. (2021). A composite inherent resilience index for Zimbabwe: An adaptation of the disaster resilience of place model. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 57, 102152.
  • McConnell, C. & Bertolin, C. (2019). Quantifying environmental impacts of temporary housing at the urban scale: Intersection of vulnerability and post-hurricane relief in New Orleans. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 10, 478-492.
  • Mulyasari, F., Inoue, S., Prashar, S., Isayama, K., Basu, M., Srivastava, N. & Shaw, R. (2013). Disaster preparedness: Looking through the lens of hospitals in Japan. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 4, 89-100.
  • Ner, N. T., Okyere, S. A., Abunyewah, M. & Kita, M. (2022). Integrating resilience attributes into local disaster management plans in Metro Manila: Strengths, weaknesses, and gaps. Progress in Disaster Science, 16, 100249.
  • Norris, F. H., Sherrieb, K., Galea, S. & Pfefferbaum, B. (2008). Capacities that promote community resilience: Can we assess them? Paper presented at the 2nd annual Department of Homeland Security University Network Summit, Washington.
  • Opiyo, F., Wasonga, O., Nyangito, M., Schilling, J. & Munang, R. (2015). Drought adaptation and coping strategies among the Turkana pastoralists of northern Kenya. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 6, 295-309.
  • Parsons, M., Reeve, I., McGregor, J., Hastings, P., Marshall, G. R., McNeill, J., Stayler, R. & Glavac, S. (2021). Disaster resilience in Australia: A geographic assessment using an index of coping and adaptive capacity. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 62, 102422.
  • Peng, Y., Shen, Q., Shen, L., Lu, C. & Yuan, Z. (2014). A generic decision model for developing concentrated rural settlement in post-disaster reconstruction: A China study. Natural Hazards, 71, 611-637.
  • Pescaroli, G. & Alexander, D. (2016). Critical infrastructure, panarchies, and the vulnerability paths of cascading disasters. Natural Hazards, 82, 175-192.
  • Rafiei-Sardooi, E., Azareh, A., Choubin, B., & Clague, J. J. (2021). Evaluating urban flood risk using hybrid method of TOPSIS and machine learning. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 66, 102614.
  • Rodriquez, C., Mendes, J. M. & Romão, X. (2022). Identifying the Importance of Disaster Resilience Dimensions across Different Countries Using the Delphi Method. Sustainability, 14(15), 9162.
  • Rose, A. & Krausmann, E. (2013). An economic framework for the development of a resilience index for business recovery. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 5, 73-83.
  • Udmale, P. D., Ichikawa, Y., Manandhar, S., Ishidaira, H., Kiem, A. S., Shaowei, N. & Panda, S. N. (2015). How did the 2012 drought affect rural livelihoods in vulnerable areas? Empirical evidence from India. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 13, 454-469.
  • Wu, C. K., Nguyen, N. A., Dang, T. Q. T. & Nguyen, M. U. (2022). The Impact of COVID-19 on Ethnic Business Households Involved in Tourism in Ninh Thuan, Vietnam. Sustainability, 14(24), 16800.

Exploring the Resilience of Natural Disasters: A Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis

Year 2023, Volume: 8 Issue: Special Issue, 26 - 41, 26.12.2023


The study's objective is to provide an outline of disaster resilience through bibliometric methods. The study delves into the disaster resilience literature spanning the last 20 years to gain a more profound understanding of the related literature. A bibliometric analysis of 10 top journals with the most literature using the keyword disaster resilience was conducted, resulting in 1561 articles. The bibliometric network was also visualized using the VOSviewer software tool. This study shows that disaster resilience has recently had a significant increase in research activity. Additionally, the study found that the Covid-19 epidemic increased the number of resilience research published between 2020 and 2022. The theoretical framework of the authors was scrutinized, identifying 12 keyword clusters, with the primary focus areas being disaster types, numerical analysis, disaster management, and community and social perspectives. Scholars emphasized resilience, risk reduction, vulnerability reduction, climate change, and disaster management in the literature. This study highlights the current state of disaster resilience research while forecasting the field's future growth and development.


The article complies with national and international research and publication ethics. Ethics committee approval was not required for the study.


  • Aksha, S. K. & Emrich, C. T. (2020). Benchmarking community disaster resilience in Nepal. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(6), 1985.
  • Aitsi-Selmi, A., Egawa, S., Sasaki, H., Wannous, C. & Murray, V. (2015). The Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction: Renewing the global commitment to people’s resilience, health, and well-being. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 6(2), 164-176.
  • Barua, Z., Barua, S., Aktar, S., Kabir, N. & Li, M. (2020). Effects of misinformation on COVID-19 individual responses and recommendations for resilience of disastrous consequences of misinformation. Progress in Disaster Science, 8, 100119.
  • Bayrak, M. M. (2020). Does Indigenous tourism contribute to Indigenous resilience to disasters? A case study on Taiwan's highlands. Progress in Disaster Science, 14, 100220.
  • Birkmann, J., Cardona, O. D., Carreño, M. L., Barbat, A. H., Pelling, M., Schneiderbauer, S., Kienberger, S., Keiler, M., Alexander, D., Zeil, P. & Welle, T. (2013). Framing vulnerability, risk, and societal responses: The MOVE framework. Natural Hazards, 67, 193-211.
  • Blake, D. M., Stevenson, J., Wotherspoon, L., Ivory, V. & Trotter, M. (2019). The role of data and information exchanges in transport system disaster recovery: A New Zealand case study. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 39, 101124.
  • Boon, H. J. (2014). Disaster resilience in a flood-impacted rural Australian town. Natural Hazards, 71, 683-701.
  • Boon, H. J., Cottrell, A., King, D., Stevenson, R. B. & Millar, J. (2012). Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological theory for modelling community resilience to natural disasters. Natural Hazards, 60, 381-408.
  • Carpenter, S. R., Arrow, K. J., Barrett, S., Biggs, R., Brock, W. A., Crépin, A. S. (…) & De Zeeuw, A. (2012). General resilience to cope with extreme events. Sustainability, 4(12), 3248-3259.
  • Chen, W., Cutter, S. L., Emrich, C. T. & Shi, P. (2013). Measuring social vulnerability to natural hazards in the Yangtze River Delta region, China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 4, 169-181.
  • Chester, M., El Asmar, M., Hayes, S. & Desha, C. (2021). Post-disaster infrastructure delivery for resilience. Sustainability, 13(6), 3458.
  • Demiroz, F. & Haase, T. W. (2020). The concept of resilience: A bibliometric analysis of the emergency and disaster management literature. Local Disaster Management, 16-35.
  • Djalante, R., Holley, C. & Thomalla, F. (2011). Adaptive governance and managing resilience to natural hazards. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2(1), 1-14.
  • Djalante, R., Lassa, J., Setiamarga, D., Sudjatma, A., Indrawan, M., Haryanto, B., Mahfud, C., Sinapoy, M. S., Djalante, S., Rafliana, I., Gunawan, L. A., Surtiari, G. A. K. & Warsilah, H. (2020). Review and analysis of current responses to COVID-19 in Indonesia: Period of January to March 2020. Progress in Disaster Science, 6, 100091.
  • Djalante, R., Shaw, R. & DeWit, A. (2020). Building resilience against biological hazards and pandemics: COVID-19 and its implications for the Sendai Framework. Progress in Disaster Science, 6, 100080.
  • Engel, K. E. (2016). Talcahuano, Chile, in the wake of the 2010 disaster: A vulnerable middle? Natural Hazards, 80(2), 1057-1081.
  • Ferreira, R. J., Buttell, F. & Cannon, C. (2020). COVID-19: Immediate predictors of individual resilience. Sustainability, 12(16), 6495.
  • French, A., Mechler, R., Arestegui, M., MacClune, K. & Cisneros, A. (2020). Root causes of recurrent catastrophe: The political ecology of El Niño-related disasters in Peru. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 47, 101539.
  • Graveline, M. H. & Germain, D. (2022). Disaster Risk Resilience: Conceptual Evolution, Key Issues, and Opportunities. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 13(3), 330-341. 00419-0
  • Guo, Y. (2012). Urban resilience in post-disaster reconstruction: Towards a resilient development in Sichuan, China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 3, 45-55. doi:10.1007/s13753-012-0006-2
  • Guo, X., Kapucu, N. & Huang, J. (2021). Examining resilience of disaster response system in response to COVID- 19. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 59, 102239.
  • Han, G. & Kasperson, R. E. (2021). Dilemmas and pathways to dealing with flood problems in twenty-first- century China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2, 21-30. doi:10.1007/s13753-011-0013-8
  • Heinkel, S. B., Thiebes, B., Than, Z. M., Aung, T., Kyi, T. T., Mar, W. L., Oo, S. S., Miller, C., Wilikomm, M., Maung, W., Myint, Z. N., Soe, K. K., Spohner, R. & Kraas, F. (2022). Disaster preparedness and resilience at household level in Yangon, Myanmar. Natural Hazards, 112(2), 1273-1294.
  • Helgeson, J. & O’Fallon, C. (2021). Resilience dividends and resilience windfalls: Narratives that tie disaster resilience co-benefits to long-term sustainability. Sustainability, 13(8), 4554.
  • Hiwasaki, L., Luna, E. & Shaw, R. (2014). Process for integrating local and indigenous knowledge with science for hydro-meteorological disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in coastal and small island communities. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 10, 15-27.
  • Islam, M. A., Chisty, M. A., Fuad, A., Rahman, M., Muhtasim, M., Dola, S. E. A., Biva, F. J. & Khan, N. A. (2022). Using ARC-D Toolkit for Measuring Community Resilience to Disasters. Sustainability, 14(3), 1758.
  • Jiang, L. I. (2013). Implementation of disaster reduction measures and enhancement of integrated risk governance in China: Summary of the Remarks at the High-Level Dialogue, Official Statement, and Plenary Session of the Fourth Session of the Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction, 21–23 May 2013, Geneva, Switzerland. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 4, 101-104. doi:10.1007/s13753-013-0011-0
  • Kaim, A., Jaffe, E., Siman-Tov, M., Khairish, E. & Adini, B. (2020). Impact of a brief educational intervention on knowledge, perceived knowledge, perceived safety, and resilience of the public during COVID-19 crisis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(16), 5971.
  • Kelman, I., Gaillard, J. C. & Mercer, J. (2015). Climate change’s role in disaster risk reduction’s future: Beyond vulnerability and resilience. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 6(1), 21-27.
  • Kimhi, S., Marciano, H., Eshel, Y. & Adini, B. (2020). Resilience and demographic characteristics predicting distress during the COVID-19 crisis. Social Science & Medicine, 265, 113389.
  • Kittipongvises, S., Phetrak, A., Rattanapun, P., Brundiers, K., Buizer, J. L. & Melnick, R. (2020). AHP-GIS analysis for flood hazard assessment of the communities near by the world heritage site on Ayutthaya Island, Thailand. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 48, 101612.
  • Lara, A., Garcia, X., Bucci, F. & Ribas, A. (2017). What do people think about the flood risk? An experience with the residents of Talcahuano city, Chile. Natural Hazards, 85, 1557-1575.
  • Li, X., Lam, N., Qiang, Y., Li, K., Yin, L., Liu, S. & Zheng, W. (2016). Measuring county resilience after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 7, 393-412. 016-0109-2
  • Mavhura, E., Manyangadze, T. & Aryal, K. R. (2021). A composite inherent resilience index for Zimbabwe: An adaptation of the disaster resilience of place model. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 57, 102152.
  • McConnell, C. & Bertolin, C. (2019). Quantifying environmental impacts of temporary housing at the urban scale: Intersection of vulnerability and post-hurricane relief in New Orleans. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 10, 478-492.
  • Mulyasari, F., Inoue, S., Prashar, S., Isayama, K., Basu, M., Srivastava, N. & Shaw, R. (2013). Disaster preparedness: Looking through the lens of hospitals in Japan. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 4, 89-100.
  • Ner, N. T., Okyere, S. A., Abunyewah, M. & Kita, M. (2022). Integrating resilience attributes into local disaster management plans in Metro Manila: Strengths, weaknesses, and gaps. Progress in Disaster Science, 16, 100249.
  • Norris, F. H., Sherrieb, K., Galea, S. & Pfefferbaum, B. (2008). Capacities that promote community resilience: Can we assess them? Paper presented at the 2nd annual Department of Homeland Security University Network Summit, Washington.
  • Opiyo, F., Wasonga, O., Nyangito, M., Schilling, J. & Munang, R. (2015). Drought adaptation and coping strategies among the Turkana pastoralists of northern Kenya. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 6, 295-309.
  • Parsons, M., Reeve, I., McGregor, J., Hastings, P., Marshall, G. R., McNeill, J., Stayler, R. & Glavac, S. (2021). Disaster resilience in Australia: A geographic assessment using an index of coping and adaptive capacity. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 62, 102422.
  • Peng, Y., Shen, Q., Shen, L., Lu, C. & Yuan, Z. (2014). A generic decision model for developing concentrated rural settlement in post-disaster reconstruction: A China study. Natural Hazards, 71, 611-637.
  • Pescaroli, G. & Alexander, D. (2016). Critical infrastructure, panarchies, and the vulnerability paths of cascading disasters. Natural Hazards, 82, 175-192.
  • Rafiei-Sardooi, E., Azareh, A., Choubin, B., & Clague, J. J. (2021). Evaluating urban flood risk using hybrid method of TOPSIS and machine learning. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 66, 102614.
  • Rodriquez, C., Mendes, J. M. & Romão, X. (2022). Identifying the Importance of Disaster Resilience Dimensions across Different Countries Using the Delphi Method. Sustainability, 14(15), 9162.
  • Rose, A. & Krausmann, E. (2013). An economic framework for the development of a resilience index for business recovery. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 5, 73-83.
  • Udmale, P. D., Ichikawa, Y., Manandhar, S., Ishidaira, H., Kiem, A. S., Shaowei, N. & Panda, S. N. (2015). How did the 2012 drought affect rural livelihoods in vulnerable areas? Empirical evidence from India. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 13, 454-469.
  • Wu, C. K., Nguyen, N. A., Dang, T. Q. T. & Nguyen, M. U. (2022). The Impact of COVID-19 on Ethnic Business Households Involved in Tourism in Ninh Thuan, Vietnam. Sustainability, 14(24), 16800.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Architecture (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Melike Kalkan 0000-0003-2436-4426

Hüseyin Berk Türker 0000-0002-8995-3259

Publication Date December 26, 2023
Submission Date July 31, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 8 Issue: Special Issue


APA Kalkan, M., & Türker, H. B. (2023). Exploring the Resilience of Natural Disasters: A Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 8(Special Issue), 26-41.