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Mimarlıkta Akıllı Malzeme

Year 2020, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 241 - 254, 25.12.2020


Akıllı malzemeler alanı yirminci yüzyılda büyük bir gelişim yaşamıştır, yirmi birinci yüzyılın başlamasıyla beraber gelişme hızını daha da artırmıştır. Bu, mimarinin kendisinin gelişimine giden yolu açmıştır, tasarımcıların ve inşaat profesyonellerinin düşünme biçimini yeniden şekillendirmiştir. Akıllı malzeme kullanımının mimarlık uygulamalarında gittikçe daha fazla gelişmesi ve entegre olması, sadece bir uygulama olarak değil, tasarım sürecinin ilk aşamalarında da dikkate alınmasının gerekli olduğu açıklığa kavuşmaktadır. Araştırma, akıllı malzeme sistemlerinin mimarlık alanındaki özelliklerini ve avantajlarını araştırmayı, daha iyi uyarlanabilir özelliklere sahip mimari yaratmanın yolunu araştırmayı ve nihayetinde yapısal, iklimsel ve mimari performanslara kafa yoran kullanıcılar için en uygun ortamı sağlayarak ‘‘adapte edilebilirlik durumuna” ulaşmayı amaçlamaktadır. Mimarlık alanındaki araştırmacılar olarak, akıllı malzeme sistem teknolojilerini daha iyi anlayarak, mimari geliştirilebilir ve yenilik dönemine ulaşabilir.


Makalede, ulusal ve uluslararası araştırma ve yayın etiğine uyulmuştur. Çalışmada Etik Kurul izni gerekmemiştir.


  • Abdullah, Y. S. ve Al-Alwan, H. A. S. (2019). Smart material systems and adaptiveness in architecture. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 10(3), 623–638. doi:10.1016/j.asej.2019.02.002.
  • Addington, D. M. ve Schodek, D. L. (2005). Smart materials and technologies in architecture. Oxford: Architectural Press.
  • African Wildlife Foundation (AWF). (2020). Erişim Tarihi: 30.08.2020., We have a responsibility to undo the harm we’ve done the world.
  • Alibaba. (2019)., HOHO 2019 New Smart Nano Photochromic Film VLT Transition Chameleon Tints For Car Window And Building Glass, Erişim Tarihi: 30.08.2020.
  • Anonim. (2017). Elektrokromik (Gerilim İle Renk Değiştiren) Malzemeler, Yapısı ve Kullanım Yerleri Nelerdir? Erişim Adresi (30.08.2020):
  • Anonim. (2020). Photovoltaics (PV) has become the cheapest source of electrical power in regions with a high potential. Erişim Adresi (30.08.2020):,percent%20of%20global%20electricity%20demand
  • Bazilian, M., Onyeji, I., Liebreich, M., MacGill, I., Chase, J., Shah, J., … Zhengrong, S. (2013). Re-considering the economics of photovoltaic power. Renewable Energy, 53, 329–338. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2012.11.029
  • Cloudhem. (2020). Erişim Adresi (30.08.2020):
  • Diri, A. C., ve Gülçelik, L. (2018). The relationship between materials and esthetics in architecture: 5. international architectural design conference. Dubrovnik.
  • Elektrik elektronik egitimi. (2017,18 05). degistiren.html, Elektrokromik (Gerilim İle Renk Değiştiren) Malzemeler, Yapısı ve Kullanım Yerleri Nelerdir?, Erişim Tarihi: 30.08.2020.
  • Gautschi, G. (2002). Piezoelectric sensorics: force, strain, pressure, scceleration and scoustic emission sensors, materials and amplifiers. Berlin: Springer
  • Krautkrämer, J. ve Krautkrämer, H. (1990). Ultrasonic Testing of Materials. Berlin: Springer
  • Lyons, A. (2010). Materials for architects & builders. Oxford: Architectural Press
  • Messenger, R. A. ve Ventre, J. (2013). Photovoltaic systems engineering. Florida: CRC Press
  • Monk, P. M., Mortimer, R. J. ve Rosseinky, D. R. (2007). Electrochromism and electrochromic devices. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Nikolov, N., ve Fox, J. (2014). Radiation-active surface design: The use of photocatalytic concrete enabling buildings to be active environmental remediators. Eco-Architecture V: Harmonisation between Architecture and Nature, 142, 199–204. doi: 10.2495/ARC140181
  • Okay, O. (2003). Polimerik Malzemelerin Bugünü ve Yarını. İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Kimya Bölümü. İstanbul
  • Orhon, A. V. (2012). Akıllı Malzemelerin Mimarlıkta Kulanımı. Ege Mimarlık, 82, 18–21.
  • Orhon, A. V. (2013). Sürdürülebilir Mimaride Akıllı Malzeme Kullanımı. VIII. Uluslararası Sinan Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitabı, Edirne, 297–304.
  • Palz, W. (Ed). (2013). Solar power for the world: What you wanted to know about photovoltaics. In Solar Power for the World: Vol. 4. What you wanted to know about photovoltaics. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
  • PCM. (2020)., BASF-Micronal’s PCMs, Erişim Tarihi: 30.08.2020.
  • Ritter, A. (2007). Smart materials in architecture, interior architecture and design. Basel: Birkhäuser.
  • Sawin, J., L., Martinot, E., Sonntag-O’Brien, V., McCrone, A., Roussell, J., Barnes, D., & Flavin, C. (2010).
  • Renewables 2010 Global Status Report. Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century. Paris: REN21 Secretariat. Erişim Adresi (30.08.2020):
  • Shubbak, M. H. (2019). The technological system of production and innovation: The case of photovoltaic technology in China. Research Policy, 48(4), 993–1015. doi: 10.1016/j.respol.2018.10.003
  • Solaripedia. (2020a). Erişim Tarihi: 30.08.2020., Solar Ivy Uses PVs and Piezoelectrics,
  • Solaripedia. (2020b). Erişim Tarihi: 30.08.2020., Solar Ivy Uses PVs and Piezoelectrics,
  • Suze, K. (2016). To Make Smart Glass In Airplane Windows Could Have Widespread Uses. Erişim Adresi (30.08.2020):
  • Swanson, R. M. (2009). Photovoltaics power up. Science, 324(5929), 891–892. doi: 10.1126/science.1169616
  • Şensan, S. Ö. (2019). Use of smart materıals in the desıgn of dynamıc intellıgent surfaces. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). The Graduate School of Social Sciences of Izmir University of Economics, İzmir.
  • Ürkmez, B. (2019). Use of smart materıals in the desıgn of dynamıc intellıgent surfaces. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Istanbul Technical University, Architectural Design Computing Programme, İstanbul.

Smart Material in Architecture

Year 2020, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 241 - 254, 25.12.2020


The field of smart materials has experienced a great development in the 20th century, and with the beginning of the 21st century, it has further increased the speed of development. This leaded up to the architecture to develop itself, reshaped the way of thinking designers and construction professionals. It is becoming clear that the use of smart materials has become more and more developed and integrated in architectural applications needs to be considered not only as an application but also in the early stages of the design process. The research aims to explore the architectural characteristics and advantages of smart material systems, to explore the way to create architecture with better adaptable features, and ultimately to achieve the “state of adaptability” by providing the most suitable environment for users who are concerned with structural, climatic and architectural performances. As researchers in the area of architecture, by understanding the smart material systems technologies better, architecture can be improved and can reach the era of innovation.


  • Abdullah, Y. S. ve Al-Alwan, H. A. S. (2019). Smart material systems and adaptiveness in architecture. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 10(3), 623–638. doi:10.1016/j.asej.2019.02.002.
  • Addington, D. M. ve Schodek, D. L. (2005). Smart materials and technologies in architecture. Oxford: Architectural Press.
  • African Wildlife Foundation (AWF). (2020). Erişim Tarihi: 30.08.2020., We have a responsibility to undo the harm we’ve done the world.
  • Alibaba. (2019)., HOHO 2019 New Smart Nano Photochromic Film VLT Transition Chameleon Tints For Car Window And Building Glass, Erişim Tarihi: 30.08.2020.
  • Anonim. (2017). Elektrokromik (Gerilim İle Renk Değiştiren) Malzemeler, Yapısı ve Kullanım Yerleri Nelerdir? Erişim Adresi (30.08.2020):
  • Anonim. (2020). Photovoltaics (PV) has become the cheapest source of electrical power in regions with a high potential. Erişim Adresi (30.08.2020):,percent%20of%20global%20electricity%20demand
  • Bazilian, M., Onyeji, I., Liebreich, M., MacGill, I., Chase, J., Shah, J., … Zhengrong, S. (2013). Re-considering the economics of photovoltaic power. Renewable Energy, 53, 329–338. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2012.11.029
  • Cloudhem. (2020). Erişim Adresi (30.08.2020):
  • Diri, A. C., ve Gülçelik, L. (2018). The relationship between materials and esthetics in architecture: 5. international architectural design conference. Dubrovnik.
  • Elektrik elektronik egitimi. (2017,18 05). degistiren.html, Elektrokromik (Gerilim İle Renk Değiştiren) Malzemeler, Yapısı ve Kullanım Yerleri Nelerdir?, Erişim Tarihi: 30.08.2020.
  • Gautschi, G. (2002). Piezoelectric sensorics: force, strain, pressure, scceleration and scoustic emission sensors, materials and amplifiers. Berlin: Springer
  • Krautkrämer, J. ve Krautkrämer, H. (1990). Ultrasonic Testing of Materials. Berlin: Springer
  • Lyons, A. (2010). Materials for architects & builders. Oxford: Architectural Press
  • Messenger, R. A. ve Ventre, J. (2013). Photovoltaic systems engineering. Florida: CRC Press
  • Monk, P. M., Mortimer, R. J. ve Rosseinky, D. R. (2007). Electrochromism and electrochromic devices. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Nikolov, N., ve Fox, J. (2014). Radiation-active surface design: The use of photocatalytic concrete enabling buildings to be active environmental remediators. Eco-Architecture V: Harmonisation between Architecture and Nature, 142, 199–204. doi: 10.2495/ARC140181
  • Okay, O. (2003). Polimerik Malzemelerin Bugünü ve Yarını. İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Kimya Bölümü. İstanbul
  • Orhon, A. V. (2012). Akıllı Malzemelerin Mimarlıkta Kulanımı. Ege Mimarlık, 82, 18–21.
  • Orhon, A. V. (2013). Sürdürülebilir Mimaride Akıllı Malzeme Kullanımı. VIII. Uluslararası Sinan Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitabı, Edirne, 297–304.
  • Palz, W. (Ed). (2013). Solar power for the world: What you wanted to know about photovoltaics. In Solar Power for the World: Vol. 4. What you wanted to know about photovoltaics. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
  • PCM. (2020)., BASF-Micronal’s PCMs, Erişim Tarihi: 30.08.2020.
  • Ritter, A. (2007). Smart materials in architecture, interior architecture and design. Basel: Birkhäuser.
  • Sawin, J., L., Martinot, E., Sonntag-O’Brien, V., McCrone, A., Roussell, J., Barnes, D., & Flavin, C. (2010).
  • Renewables 2010 Global Status Report. Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century. Paris: REN21 Secretariat. Erişim Adresi (30.08.2020):
  • Shubbak, M. H. (2019). The technological system of production and innovation: The case of photovoltaic technology in China. Research Policy, 48(4), 993–1015. doi: 10.1016/j.respol.2018.10.003
  • Solaripedia. (2020a). Erişim Tarihi: 30.08.2020., Solar Ivy Uses PVs and Piezoelectrics,
  • Solaripedia. (2020b). Erişim Tarihi: 30.08.2020., Solar Ivy Uses PVs and Piezoelectrics,
  • Suze, K. (2016). To Make Smart Glass In Airplane Windows Could Have Widespread Uses. Erişim Adresi (30.08.2020):
  • Swanson, R. M. (2009). Photovoltaics power up. Science, 324(5929), 891–892. doi: 10.1126/science.1169616
  • Şensan, S. Ö. (2019). Use of smart materıals in the desıgn of dynamıc intellıgent surfaces. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). The Graduate School of Social Sciences of Izmir University of Economics, İzmir.
  • Ürkmez, B. (2019). Use of smart materıals in the desıgn of dynamıc intellıgent surfaces. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Istanbul Technical University, Architectural Design Computing Programme, İstanbul.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Architecture
Journal Section Review Articles

Ahmet Selçuk Topal 0000-0002-1774-7712

Ümit Arpacıoğlu 0000-0001-8858-7499

Publication Date December 25, 2020
Submission Date August 24, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


APA Topal, A. S., & Arpacıoğlu, Ü. (2020). Mimarlıkta Akıllı Malzeme. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 5(2), 241-254.