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Measuring Motivation for Science in Early Childhood: An Adaptation Study*

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 45 - 61, 31.03.2022


The aim of this study is to adapt the "Teacher Rating Scale of Children's Motivation for Science" developed by Patrick and Mantzipoulos (2008), which measures motivation towards science in early childhood, to Turkish culture and to examine the psychometric properties of the scale. The study group of the research consists of 367 children aged 48-72 months. In order to establish evidence of the validity and reliability of the measurement tool, various analyzes were performed. According to the results of the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) regarding the construct validity; Two of the goodness of fit index were found to be acceptable and five of them showed perfect fit. It was seen that the Turkish version of the scale confirmed the two-dimensional structure in the original 14-item “Children's Motivation for Science: Teacher Evaluation Scale (COBIM)”. Factor load values change between 0.77 and 0.91 for the sub-dimension of Interest in Learning Science, 0.49 and 0.85 for the sub-dimension of Independence versus the Need for Support for Learning Science. In order to prove reliability, Mcdonald omega (ω) obtained by using factor loading values and specific variances as well as Cronbach alpha coefficient was calculated. While the omega coefficient obtained for the first sub-dimension was 0.95, the omega coefficient obtained for the second sub-dimension was determined as 0.88. The Cronbach alpha coefficients calculated for both sub-dimensions are 0.95 and 0.89, respectively. All these analysis results show that the scale is a valid and reliable measurement tool that can be used to determine the science motivation of 48-72 months old children.


  • Akman, B., Üstün, E., & Güler, T. (2003). 6 yaş çocuklarının bilim süreçlerini kulllanma yetenekleri. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 24(24).
  • Akman, B., Veziroglu, M., Alabay, E., Aksoy, P., & Gelbal, S. (2010). A study on the effects of teachers' attitudes on children's beliefs about science. In Canada International Conference on Education Bildiriler Kitabı (pp. 536-540).
  • Alabay, E., Yıldırım Doğru S. S. & Akman, B. (2020). Sciencestart!™ destekli bilim eğitim programının 60-72 aylık çocukların bilimsel süreç becerilerine ve bilimsel inanca ve yönelime etkisi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 35(1), 20-39.
  • Alkan, İ., & Bayri, N. (2017). Fen Öğrenmeye Yönelik Motivasyon İle Fen Başarısı Arasındaki İlişki Üzerine Bir Meta Analiz Çalışması. Dicle Üniversitesi Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, (32), 865-874.
  • Altiparmak, T., & Eryilmaz-Mustu, Ö. (2021). The Effects of SCAMPER Technique Activities in the 8th Grade Simple Machines Unit on Students' Academic Achievement, Motivation and Attitude towards Science Lessons. International Journal of Educational Methodology, 7(1), 155-170.
  • Arslan, S, Yilmaz, B., Akcaalan, M., Yilan, A. & Cavdar, R. (2015). Evaluating the Psychometric Properties of Turkish Version of The Science Motivation Questionnaire. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, Special Issue for INTE 2015, 162-166.
  • Ayyıldız, H., & Cengiz, E. (2006). Pazarlama modellerinin testinde kullanılabilecek yapısal eşitlik modeli (YEM) üzerine kavramsal bir inceleme. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(1), 63-84.
  • Baram-Tsabari, A., Sethi, R. J., Bry, L., & Yarden, A. (2005). Students' spontaneous and school-related interests in science and technology. European Science Education Research Association, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Bowman, B., Donovan, S., & Burns, S. (2001). Eager to learn: Educating our preschoolers. Report of the committee on early childhood pedagogy. Commission on Behavioural and Social Sciences and Education National Research Council
  • Brown, T. A. (2006). Confirmatory Factor Analysis For Applied Research. Guilford publications.
  • Brown, T. A. (2015). Confirmatory factor analysis for applied research (2nd ed.). Guilford publications
  • Bryman, A., & Cramer, D. (2002). Quantitative data analysis with SPSS release 10 for Windows: A guide for social scientists. Routledge.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2012). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayınları.
  • Cheatum, B. A., & Hammond, A. A. (2000). Physical activities for improving children's learning and behavior: A guide to sensory motor development. Human Kinetics.
  • Chouinard, M. M., Harris, P. L., & Maratsos, M. P. (2007). Children's questions: A mechanism for cognitive development. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, i-129.
  • Comrey, A. L., & Lee, H. B. (1992). A first course in factor analysis (2nd ed.). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., pp.216.
  • Crocker, L., & Algina, J. (1986). Introduction to classical and modern test theory. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 6277 Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando.
  • Çeliker, H. D., Tokcan, A., & Korkubilmez, S. (2015). Fen Öğrenmeye Yönelik Motivasyon Bilimsel Yaratıcılığı Etkiler Mi?/Does Motivation Toward Scıence Learning Affect The Scientific Creativity? Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 12(30), 167-192. Diaconu, M., Heuberger, E., Mateus-Berr, R., & Vosicky, L. M. (Eds.). (2011). Senses and the city: an interdisciplinary approach to urban sensescapes, 4, LIT Verlag Münster.
  • Dilek, H., Tasdemir, A., Konca, A. S., & Baltaci, S. (2020). Preschool children’s science motivation and process skills during inquiry-based STEM activities. Journal of Education in Science Environment and Health, 6(2), 92-104.
  • Donovan, C. A., Smolkin, L. B., & Lomax, R. G. (2000). Beyond The Independent-Level Text: Considering The Reader? Text Match In First Graders'self-Selectıons During Recreational Reading. Reading Psychology, 21(4), 309-333.
  • Early, D. M., Iruka, I. U., Ritchie, S., Barbarin, O. A., Winn, D. M. C., Crawford, G. M., Frome, P. M., Clifford, R. M., Burchinal, M., Howes, C., Bryant, D. M., & Pianta, R. C. (2010). How do prekindergarteners spend their time? Gender, ethnicity, and income as predictors of experiences in pre-kindergarten classrooms. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 25(2), 177-193.
  • Fortus, D., & Touitou, I. (2021). Changes to students’ motivation to learn science. Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research, 3(1), 1-14.
  • Freedman-Doan, C., Wigfield, A., Eccles, J. S., Blumenfeld, P., Arbreton, A., & Harold, R. D. (2000). What am I best at? Grade and gender differences in children's beliefs about ability improvement. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 21(4), 379-402.
  • Hong, S. Y., & Diamond, K. E. (2012). Two approaches to teaching young children science concepts, vocabulary, and scientific problem-solving skills. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 27(2), 295- 305.
  • Hooper, D., & Coughlan, J. i Mullen, MR (2008). Structural equation modelling: Guidelines for determining model fit. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 6(1), 53-60.
  • Karakaya, F., Yılmaz, M., & Avgın, S. S. (2018). Ortaokul öğrencilerinin fen öğrenmeye yönelik motivasyonlarının incelenmesi. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 15(2), 359-374.
  • Lee, O., & Brophy, J. (1996). Motivational patterns observed in sixth‐grade science classrooms. Journal of Research in Science Teaching: The Official Journal of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, 33(3), 303-318.
  • Lucke, J. F. (2005). The α and the ω of congeneric test theory: An extension of reliability and internal consistency to heterogeneous tests. Applied Psychological Measurement, 29(1), 65-81.
  • Machado, J. M. (2015). Early childhood experiences in language arts: Early literacy. Cengage Learning.
  • Mantzicopoulos, P., & Patrick, H. (2013). A framework for studying young children’s socially derived motivation for science. Manuscript under review.
  • Mantzicopoulos, P., Patrick, H., & Samarapungavan, A. (2008). Young children's motivational beliefs about learning science. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 23(3), 378-394.
  • Mantzicopoulos, P., Patrick, H., & Samarapungavan, A. (2013). Science literacy in school and home contexts: Kindergarteners’ science achievement and motivation. Cognition and Instruction, 31(1), 62-119.
  • Mohr, K. A. (2006). Children's choices for recreational reading: A three-part investigation of selection preferences, rationales, and processes. Journal of Literacy Research, 38(1), 81-104.
  • Oppermann, E., Brunner, M., & Anders, Y. (2019). The interplay between preschool teachers' science self-efficacy beliefs, their teaching practices, and girls' and boys' early science motivation. Learning and Individual Differences, 70, 86-99.
  • Patrick, H., & Mantzicopoulos, P. (2008). Teacher rating scale of children’s motivation for science. Unpublished manuscript, Department of Educational Studies, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
  • Patrick, H., & Mantzicopoulos, P. (2014). Engaging young children with informational books. Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press.
  • Patrick, H., Mantzicopoulos, P., & Samarapungavan, A. (2009). Motivation for learning science in kindergarten: Is there a gender gap and does integrated inquiry and literacy instruction make a difference. Journal of Research in Science Teaching: The Official Journal of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, 46(2), 166-191.
  • Price, L. H., Bradley, B. A., & Smith, J. M. (2012). A comparison of preschool teachers’ talk during storybook and information book read-alouds. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 27(3), 426- 440.
  • Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations: Classic definitions and new directions. Contemporary educational psychology, 25(1), 54-67.
  • Saçkes, M. (2013). Children's competencies in process skills in kindergarten and their impact on academic achievement in third grade. Early Education & Development, 24(5), 704-720.
  • Saçkes, M., Trundle, K. C., & Bell, R. L. (2013). Science Learning Experiences in Kindergarten and Children’s Growth in Science Performance in Elementary Grades. Education and Science, 38 (167), 114-127.
  • Saçkes, M., Trundle, K. C., Bell, R. L., & O'Connell, A. A. (2011). The influence of early science experience in kindergarten on children's immediate and later science achievement: Evidence from the early childhood longitudinal study. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 48(2), 217-235.
  • Schiefele, U., & Rheinberg, F. (1997). Motivation and knowledge acquisition: Searching for mediating processes. Advances in motivation and achievement, 10, 251-301.
  • Schulze, S., & Van Heerden, M. (2015). Learning environments matter: Identifying influences on the motivation to learn science. South African Journal of Education, 35(2), 1-9.
  • Schunk, D. H. (1991). Self-efficacy and academic motivation. Educational psychologist, 26(3-4), 207-231.
  • Schunk, D. H., Pintrich, P. R., & Meece, J. L. (2008). Motivation in education: Theory, research,and applications (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs: Merrill Prentice-Hall.
  • Sert Çıbık, A. (2014, December). Investigation of primary education second level students' motivations toward science learning in terms of various factors. In Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning & Teaching, 15(2).
  • Süzük, E. (2019). Fen Bilimleri Motivasyon Ölçeği II’nin Türkçe’ye Ve Fiziğe Uyarlanması: Fizik Motivasyon Ölçeği. Anadolu Öğretmen Dergisi, 3(2), 126-141.
  • Tabachnick, B. G., Fidell, L. S., & Ullman, J. B. (2007). Using multivariate statistics (Vol. 5, pp. 481-498). Boston, MA: Pearson.
  • Tekin, A. D., & Yıldırım, M. Probleme Dayalı Öğrenme Yaklaşımının Ortaokul Öğrencilerinin Bilimsel Süreç Becerilerine Ve Fen Öğrenmeye Yönelik Motivasyonlarına Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Araştırma Ve Deneyim Dergisi, 5(2), 58-71.
  • Uzun, N., & Keleş, Ö. (2012). İlköğretim öğrencilerinin fen öğrenmeye yönelik motivasyon düzeylerinin değerlendirilmesi. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9(20), 313-327.
  • Wolters, C. A., & Rosenthal, H. (2000). The relation between students’ motivational beliefs and their use of motivational regulation strategies. International journal of educational research, 33(7-8), 801-820.
  • Worth, K. (2010). Science in early childhood classrooms: Content and process. Early Childhood Research & Practice (ECRP), 12(2), 1-17.
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  • Yilmaz, M. M., & Sigirtmac, A. D. (2021). Turkish Adaptation of Preschool Children's Science Motivation Scale: A Validity and Reliability Study. European Journal of Educational Research, 10(2), 891-906
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Erken Çocuklukta Bilime Yönelik Motivasyonun Ölçülmesi: Bir Uyarlama Çalışması

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 45 - 61, 31.03.2022


Bu çalışmanın amacı; erken çocuklukta bilime yönelik motivasyonu ölçen, Patrick ve Mantzicopoulos tarafından geliştirilen “Teacher Rating Scale of Children’s Motivation for Science (Çocukların Bilime Yönelik Motivasyonları: Öğretmen Değerlendirme Ölçeği-ÇOBİM)”nin Türk kültürüne uyarlanması ve ölçeğin psikometrik özelliklerinin incelenmesidir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu 48-72 aylık 367 çocuk oluşturmaktadır. Ölçme aracının geçerlik ve güvenilirliğine kanıt oluşturmak için çeşitli analizler yapılmıştır. Yapı geçerliğine ilişkin yapılan Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi sonuçlarına göre; uyum iyiliği indekslerinden ikisinin kabul edilebilir, beşinin ise mükemmel uyum gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. Türkçe formun, 14 maddelik ÇOBİM’nin orijinalindeki iki boyutlu yapıyı doğruladığı görülmüştür. Faktör yük değerleri ise; Bilim Öğrenmeye İlgi alt boyutunda 0,77 ile 0,91 arasında, Bilim Öğrenmek İçin Destek İhtiyacına Karşı Bağımsızlık alt boyutunda 0,49 ile 0,85 arasında değiştiği gözlenmiştir. Güvenilirliğe ilişkin kanıt sunmak amacıyla, Cronbach Alpha katsayısının yanı sıra faktör yük değerleri ve özgül varyanslar kullanılarak elde edilen Mcdonald Omega hesaplanmıştır. İlk alt boyut için elde edilen Omega katsayısı 0,95 iken, ikinci alt boyut için elde edilen Omega katsayısı 0,88 olarak belirlenmiştir. Her iki alt boyut için hesaplanan Cronbach Alpha katsayıları ise sırasıyla 0,95 ve 0,89’dur. Tüm bu analiz sonuçları; ölçeğin 48-72 aylık çocukların bilime/fene yönelik motivasyonlarını belirlemede kullanılabilir, geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçme aracı olduğunu göstermektedir.


  • Akman, B., Üstün, E., & Güler, T. (2003). 6 yaş çocuklarının bilim süreçlerini kulllanma yetenekleri. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 24(24).
  • Akman, B., Veziroglu, M., Alabay, E., Aksoy, P., & Gelbal, S. (2010). A study on the effects of teachers' attitudes on children's beliefs about science. In Canada International Conference on Education Bildiriler Kitabı (pp. 536-540).
  • Alabay, E., Yıldırım Doğru S. S. & Akman, B. (2020). Sciencestart!™ destekli bilim eğitim programının 60-72 aylık çocukların bilimsel süreç becerilerine ve bilimsel inanca ve yönelime etkisi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 35(1), 20-39.
  • Alkan, İ., & Bayri, N. (2017). Fen Öğrenmeye Yönelik Motivasyon İle Fen Başarısı Arasındaki İlişki Üzerine Bir Meta Analiz Çalışması. Dicle Üniversitesi Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, (32), 865-874.
  • Altiparmak, T., & Eryilmaz-Mustu, Ö. (2021). The Effects of SCAMPER Technique Activities in the 8th Grade Simple Machines Unit on Students' Academic Achievement, Motivation and Attitude towards Science Lessons. International Journal of Educational Methodology, 7(1), 155-170.
  • Arslan, S, Yilmaz, B., Akcaalan, M., Yilan, A. & Cavdar, R. (2015). Evaluating the Psychometric Properties of Turkish Version of The Science Motivation Questionnaire. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, Special Issue for INTE 2015, 162-166.
  • Ayyıldız, H., & Cengiz, E. (2006). Pazarlama modellerinin testinde kullanılabilecek yapısal eşitlik modeli (YEM) üzerine kavramsal bir inceleme. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(1), 63-84.
  • Baram-Tsabari, A., Sethi, R. J., Bry, L., & Yarden, A. (2005). Students' spontaneous and school-related interests in science and technology. European Science Education Research Association, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Bowman, B., Donovan, S., & Burns, S. (2001). Eager to learn: Educating our preschoolers. Report of the committee on early childhood pedagogy. Commission on Behavioural and Social Sciences and Education National Research Council
  • Brown, T. A. (2006). Confirmatory Factor Analysis For Applied Research. Guilford publications.
  • Brown, T. A. (2015). Confirmatory factor analysis for applied research (2nd ed.). Guilford publications
  • Bryman, A., & Cramer, D. (2002). Quantitative data analysis with SPSS release 10 for Windows: A guide for social scientists. Routledge.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2012). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayınları.
  • Cheatum, B. A., & Hammond, A. A. (2000). Physical activities for improving children's learning and behavior: A guide to sensory motor development. Human Kinetics.
  • Chouinard, M. M., Harris, P. L., & Maratsos, M. P. (2007). Children's questions: A mechanism for cognitive development. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, i-129.
  • Comrey, A. L., & Lee, H. B. (1992). A first course in factor analysis (2nd ed.). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., pp.216.
  • Crocker, L., & Algina, J. (1986). Introduction to classical and modern test theory. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 6277 Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando.
  • Çeliker, H. D., Tokcan, A., & Korkubilmez, S. (2015). Fen Öğrenmeye Yönelik Motivasyon Bilimsel Yaratıcılığı Etkiler Mi?/Does Motivation Toward Scıence Learning Affect The Scientific Creativity? Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 12(30), 167-192. Diaconu, M., Heuberger, E., Mateus-Berr, R., & Vosicky, L. M. (Eds.). (2011). Senses and the city: an interdisciplinary approach to urban sensescapes, 4, LIT Verlag Münster.
  • Dilek, H., Tasdemir, A., Konca, A. S., & Baltaci, S. (2020). Preschool children’s science motivation and process skills during inquiry-based STEM activities. Journal of Education in Science Environment and Health, 6(2), 92-104.
  • Donovan, C. A., Smolkin, L. B., & Lomax, R. G. (2000). Beyond The Independent-Level Text: Considering The Reader? Text Match In First Graders'self-Selectıons During Recreational Reading. Reading Psychology, 21(4), 309-333.
  • Early, D. M., Iruka, I. U., Ritchie, S., Barbarin, O. A., Winn, D. M. C., Crawford, G. M., Frome, P. M., Clifford, R. M., Burchinal, M., Howes, C., Bryant, D. M., & Pianta, R. C. (2010). How do prekindergarteners spend their time? Gender, ethnicity, and income as predictors of experiences in pre-kindergarten classrooms. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 25(2), 177-193.
  • Fortus, D., & Touitou, I. (2021). Changes to students’ motivation to learn science. Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research, 3(1), 1-14.
  • Freedman-Doan, C., Wigfield, A., Eccles, J. S., Blumenfeld, P., Arbreton, A., & Harold, R. D. (2000). What am I best at? Grade and gender differences in children's beliefs about ability improvement. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 21(4), 379-402.
  • Hong, S. Y., & Diamond, K. E. (2012). Two approaches to teaching young children science concepts, vocabulary, and scientific problem-solving skills. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 27(2), 295- 305.
  • Hooper, D., & Coughlan, J. i Mullen, MR (2008). Structural equation modelling: Guidelines for determining model fit. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 6(1), 53-60.
  • Karakaya, F., Yılmaz, M., & Avgın, S. S. (2018). Ortaokul öğrencilerinin fen öğrenmeye yönelik motivasyonlarının incelenmesi. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 15(2), 359-374.
  • Lee, O., & Brophy, J. (1996). Motivational patterns observed in sixth‐grade science classrooms. Journal of Research in Science Teaching: The Official Journal of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, 33(3), 303-318.
  • Lucke, J. F. (2005). The α and the ω of congeneric test theory: An extension of reliability and internal consistency to heterogeneous tests. Applied Psychological Measurement, 29(1), 65-81.
  • Machado, J. M. (2015). Early childhood experiences in language arts: Early literacy. Cengage Learning.
  • Mantzicopoulos, P., & Patrick, H. (2013). A framework for studying young children’s socially derived motivation for science. Manuscript under review.
  • Mantzicopoulos, P., Patrick, H., & Samarapungavan, A. (2008). Young children's motivational beliefs about learning science. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 23(3), 378-394.
  • Mantzicopoulos, P., Patrick, H., & Samarapungavan, A. (2013). Science literacy in school and home contexts: Kindergarteners’ science achievement and motivation. Cognition and Instruction, 31(1), 62-119.
  • Mohr, K. A. (2006). Children's choices for recreational reading: A three-part investigation of selection preferences, rationales, and processes. Journal of Literacy Research, 38(1), 81-104.
  • Oppermann, E., Brunner, M., & Anders, Y. (2019). The interplay between preschool teachers' science self-efficacy beliefs, their teaching practices, and girls' and boys' early science motivation. Learning and Individual Differences, 70, 86-99.
  • Patrick, H., & Mantzicopoulos, P. (2008). Teacher rating scale of children’s motivation for science. Unpublished manuscript, Department of Educational Studies, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
  • Patrick, H., & Mantzicopoulos, P. (2014). Engaging young children with informational books. Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press.
  • Patrick, H., Mantzicopoulos, P., & Samarapungavan, A. (2009). Motivation for learning science in kindergarten: Is there a gender gap and does integrated inquiry and literacy instruction make a difference. Journal of Research in Science Teaching: The Official Journal of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, 46(2), 166-191.
  • Price, L. H., Bradley, B. A., & Smith, J. M. (2012). A comparison of preschool teachers’ talk during storybook and information book read-alouds. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 27(3), 426- 440.
  • Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations: Classic definitions and new directions. Contemporary educational psychology, 25(1), 54-67.
  • Saçkes, M. (2013). Children's competencies in process skills in kindergarten and their impact on academic achievement in third grade. Early Education & Development, 24(5), 704-720.
  • Saçkes, M., Trundle, K. C., & Bell, R. L. (2013). Science Learning Experiences in Kindergarten and Children’s Growth in Science Performance in Elementary Grades. Education and Science, 38 (167), 114-127.
  • Saçkes, M., Trundle, K. C., Bell, R. L., & O'Connell, A. A. (2011). The influence of early science experience in kindergarten on children's immediate and later science achievement: Evidence from the early childhood longitudinal study. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 48(2), 217-235.
  • Schiefele, U., & Rheinberg, F. (1997). Motivation and knowledge acquisition: Searching for mediating processes. Advances in motivation and achievement, 10, 251-301.
  • Schulze, S., & Van Heerden, M. (2015). Learning environments matter: Identifying influences on the motivation to learn science. South African Journal of Education, 35(2), 1-9.
  • Schunk, D. H. (1991). Self-efficacy and academic motivation. Educational psychologist, 26(3-4), 207-231.
  • Schunk, D. H., Pintrich, P. R., & Meece, J. L. (2008). Motivation in education: Theory, research,and applications (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs: Merrill Prentice-Hall.
  • Sert Çıbık, A. (2014, December). Investigation of primary education second level students' motivations toward science learning in terms of various factors. In Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning & Teaching, 15(2).
  • Süzük, E. (2019). Fen Bilimleri Motivasyon Ölçeği II’nin Türkçe’ye Ve Fiziğe Uyarlanması: Fizik Motivasyon Ölçeği. Anadolu Öğretmen Dergisi, 3(2), 126-141.
  • Tabachnick, B. G., Fidell, L. S., & Ullman, J. B. (2007). Using multivariate statistics (Vol. 5, pp. 481-498). Boston, MA: Pearson.
  • Tekin, A. D., & Yıldırım, M. Probleme Dayalı Öğrenme Yaklaşımının Ortaokul Öğrencilerinin Bilimsel Süreç Becerilerine Ve Fen Öğrenmeye Yönelik Motivasyonlarına Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Araştırma Ve Deneyim Dergisi, 5(2), 58-71.
  • Uzun, N., & Keleş, Ö. (2012). İlköğretim öğrencilerinin fen öğrenmeye yönelik motivasyon düzeylerinin değerlendirilmesi. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9(20), 313-327.
  • Wolters, C. A., & Rosenthal, H. (2000). The relation between students’ motivational beliefs and their use of motivational regulation strategies. International journal of educational research, 33(7-8), 801-820.
  • Worth, K. (2010). Science in early childhood classrooms: Content and process. Early Childhood Research & Practice (ECRP), 12(2), 1-17.
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Toplam 56 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Eğitim Üzerine Çalışmalar
Bölüm Eğitim Bilimleri ve Alan Eğitimi Çalışmaları

Merve Bulut Öngen 0000-0001-8753-9399

Ebru Ersay 0000-0002-1326-238X

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 24 Mart 2022
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mart 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Kasım 2021
Kabul Tarihi 28 Şubat 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Bulut Öngen, M., & Ersay, E. (2022). Erken Çocuklukta Bilime Yönelik Motivasyonun Ölçülmesi: Bir Uyarlama Çalışması. Gazi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 8(1), 45-61.