Research Article
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Year 2019, Issue: 22, 209 - 224, 01.01.2019


People prefer to consume products and services that do
not violate their religious beliefs. On the other hand, this tendency has
particularly influenced their preferences and activities in the spheres of
banking, food, and tourism. The Halal concept, which is important for Muslims,
is particularly salient in the context of tourism. This study examines the
impacts Muslim tourists and non-Muslim tourists have on Turkey’s tourism income
by using regression analysis. This study focuses on the period between 1996 and
2015. The study also compares the impacts Arab tourists and non-Arab tourists
have on Turkey’s tourism income. The results reveal that Muslim tourists
contribute less to Turkey’s tourism income than their non-Muslim counterparts.
On the other hand, we have also found that Arab tourists contribute more to
Turkey’s tourism income than non-Arab tourists.


  • Akkemik, K.A. (2012). Assessing The Importance of International Tourism For The Turkish Eco-nomy: A Social Accounting Matrix Analysis. Tourism Management 33, 790-801.
  • Aktaş, C. (2011). Türkiye'nin Turizm Gelirini Etkileyen Değişkenler İçin En Uygun Regresyon Denk-leminin Belirlenmesi. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi 6(2), 163-174.
  • Battour, M., Battor, M., and Muhammad A.B. (2014). Islamic Attributes of Destination: Construct Development and Measurement Validation and Their Impact on Tourist Satisfaction. In-ternational Journal of Tourism Research 16, 556-564.
  • Battour, M. and Ismail, M.N. (2016). Halal Tourism: Concepts, Practises, Challenges and Future. To-urism Management Perspectives 19, 150-154.
  • Battour, M., Mohd N. I., and Moustafa B., (2011) The Impact Of Destination Attributes On Muslim Tourist's Choice. International Journal of Tourism Research 13(6): 527-540.
  • Battour, M., Mohd N.I., and Moustafa B., (2010) Toward A Halal Tourism Market. Tourism Market 15: 1-10.
  • Çimat, A., and Bahar, O. (2003). Turizm Sektörünün Türkiye Ekonomisi İçindeki Yeri Ve Önemi Üze-rine Bir Değerlendirme. Akdeniz University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sci-ences Faculty Journal/Akdeniz Universitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Dergisi, (6).
  • Demir, Ç., (2010). 1980-2007 Türkiye turizm ekonometrik analizi: Zaman serisi yaklaşımı., PhD The-sis. DEÜ Sosyal Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Dilek, Serkan and Çakmak, Fatih (2017). Helal Turizm Eğilimleri: Kastamonu İlinde Bir Uygulama. İn-san ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi 6(6), 314-339.
  • Eid, R., (2015). Integrating Muslim customer perceived value, satisfaction, loyalty and retention in the tourism industry: An empirical study. International Journal of Tourism Research 17(3), 249-260.
  • Eid, R., and Hatem E, (2015). Muslim tourist perceived value in the hospitality and tourism industry. Journal of Travel Research 54(6), 774-787.
  • Gohary, Hatem-El (2016). Halal Tourism, Is It Really Halal?, Tourism Management Perspectives. 19, 124-130.
  • Gujarati, D. N. (2010). Temel Ekonometri (Çev. Ümit Senesen ve Gülay Günlük Senesen). Yedinci Basım, Istanbul: Literatür Yayınları.
  • Henderson, Joan C. (2011). Religious Tourism and Its Management: The Hajj in Saudi Arabia. Inter-national Journal of Tourism Research 13, 541-552.
  • Henderson, Joan C. (2010). Sharia-Compliant Hotels. Tourism and Hospitality Research 10(3), 246-254.
  • Hung, Wei-Ting, Jui-Kuo Shang and Fei-Ching Wang (2013) A multilevel analysis on the determi-nants of household tourism expenditure, Current Issues in Tourism 16(6), 612-617.
  • Jafari, J. and Noel Scott. (2014) Muslim world and its tourisms. Annals of Tourism Research 44, 1-19.
  • Juan L. Nicolau, Francisco J. Más, (2005) Heckit modelling of tourist expenditure: evidence from Spain, International Journal of Service Industry Management 16(3), 271-293.
  • Kamarudin, L.M and Ismail, H.N. (2014). Developing Framework of Muslim Toruists Typology from the Perspective of Pilgrimage Tourism’. International Conference on Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism (ICHLST) 2014 National Law University, New Delhi, India, 6-8 February.
  • Kandemir, Orhan and Gökbeşe, Esra (2017). Helal Turizmin Türkiye İçin Önemi ve Bölgesel Potan-siyelin Değerlendirilmesine Yönelik Nitel Bir Araştırma: Kastamonu Örneği”. Türk & İslam Dünyası Araştırmaları Dergisi 12(4). 299-314.
  • Kim, S., Holly H. I. and Brian EM. K. (2015) Muslim travelers in Asia: The destination preferences and brand perceptions of Malaysian tourists. Journal of Vacation Marketing 21(1), 3-21.
  • Legohérel, Patrick and Kevin K. F. Wong (2006) Market Segmentation in the Tourism Industry and Consumers' Spending, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 20(2) 15-30.
  • Mackinnon, J. G. (1991), Critical Values for Cointegration Tests, R. F. Engle and C. W. J. Granger (Eds), Long-Run Economic Relationship: Readings in Cointegration Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Marrocu, Emanuella; Paci, Rafaella and Zara, Andrea (2015). Micro Economic Determinants of To-urist Expenditure: A Quantile Regression Approach. Tourism Management 50, 13-30.
  • Masoudi, Gerald F. (1993). Kosher Food Regulation and The Religion Clauses Of The First Amend-ment. The University of Chicago Law Review 60(2), 667-696.
  • Mohsin, Asad; Ramli, Noriah and Alkhulayfi, Bader Abdulaziz (2016). Halal Tourism: Emerging Op-portunities. Tourism Management Perspectives 19, 137-143.
  • Rahim, Norafni Farlina Binti; Shafii, Zurina & Shahwan, Syahidawati (2015). Awareness and Percep-tion of Muslim Consumers On Halal Cosmetics and Personal Care Products. International Journal of Business Economics and Management 2(1), 1-14.
  • Samori, Zakiah; Salleh, Norzafir & Khalid, Mohammad (2016). Current Trends In Halal Tourism: Ca-ses On Selected Asian Countries. Tourism Management Perspectives 19, 131-136.
  • Sanchez, A.G., Fernandez-Rubio, E. and Collado, M.D. (2013). Daily expenses of foreign tourists, length of stay and activities: Evidence from Spain. Tourism Economics 19(3), 613-630.
  • Seiler, Vicky., Hsieh, Sheauhsing, Seiler, Micheal and Hsieh, Chiali. (2003). Modeling Travel Expen-ditures for Taiwanese Tourism, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 13(4), 47-60.
  • Sriprasert, Piangpis; Chainin, Oraphan and Abd Rahman, Hamzah (2014). Understanding Behavior and Needs Of Halal Tourism In Andaman Gulf of Thailand: A Case of Asian Muslim. Journal of Advanced Management Science 2(3), 216-220.
  • Şenesen, Ü. (2007), İstatistik Sayıların Arkasını Anlamak, 3. Basım, Literatür Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Tavares, Jean Max., Ivanov, Stanislav. and Neves, Otaviano Neves. (2016). Determinant of Tourists’ Spending During Tours: The Case of Repeat vs. First-Time Visitors to State Minas Gerais, Brazil. Tourism Planning & Development, 13(1), 23-36.
  • Tarı, R. (2010), Ekonometri, 6.Baskı, Umuttepe Yayınları, Kocaeli.
  • Tekin, Ö., A., (2014). "İslami Turizm: Dünyadaki Ve Türkiye'deki Genel Durum Üzerine Bir İncele-me." Journal of International Social Research 7, 29.TURKSTAT (2016), Tourism Statistics.
  • Unal, S., Cengiz, G. and Akkuş, Ç., (2014). The Relationshıp Between the Atmosphere, Emotion, Sa-tisfaction and Behavioral Intention in the Food and Beverage Enterprises. Gazi University Tourism Faculty Journal, Vol:1, No:1, pp. 23-49.
  • Unur, Kamil (2004). Turizmin Ekonomik Etkilerinin Ölçülmesi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilim-ler Enstitüsü Dergisi 6(4), 114-140.
  • Wang, Ying and Davidson, Micheal (2010a). Chinese Holiday Makers’ Expenditure: Implications For Marketing and Marketing. Journal of Marketing and Management 19(4), 373-396.
  • Wang, Ying and Davidson, Micheal (2010b). A review of micro-analyses of tourist expenditure. Current Issues in Tourism 13(6), 507-524.
  • Yalçın, A. Z. and Çakmak, F. (2016). Türkiye’de Kamu Sağlık Harcamalarının İnsani Gelişim Üzerinde-ki Etkisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi 30(4).
  • Yılmaz, M.; Sormaz, Ü.; Güneş, E. and Yetimoğlu, S. (2017). Helal Turizm ve Helal Gıda’nın Türki-ye’deki Durumu. 1.International Tourism Congress 07-09 April, Alanya.
  • Zamani Farahani, H., and Joan C. H., (2010). Islamic tourism and managing tourism development in Islamic societies: the cases of Iran and Saudi Arabia. International Journal of tourism rese-arch 12(1), 79-89.


Year 2019, Issue: 22, 209 - 224, 01.01.2019


İnsanlar inançlarını ihlal etmeyen yan ürünler ve
hizmetler tüketmeyi tercih etmektedirler. Bu durum bankacılık, gıda ve turizm
sektöründe açıkça etkisini göstermiştir. Müslümanlar için önemli olan Helal
kavramı, özellikle turizm bağlamında son zamanlarda dikkat çeken bir husustur.
Bu çalışma 1996 ve 2015 yılları arasındaki döneme odaklanarak Müslüman ve
gayrimüslim turistlerin Türkiye’nin turizm gelirleri üzerindeki etkilerini
regresyon analizini kullanarak incelemektedir. Çalışma aynı zamanda Arap
turistlerin ve Arap olmayan turistlerin Türkiye turizm geliri üzerindeki
etkilerini de karşılaştırmaktadır. Sonuçlar, Müslüman turistlerin Müslüman
olmayan meslektaşlarına göre Türkiye turizm gelirine daha az katkıda
bulunduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Öte yandan, Arap turistlerini, Arap olmayan
göre Türkiye turizm gelirine daha fazla katkıda
bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir.


  • Akkemik, K.A. (2012). Assessing The Importance of International Tourism For The Turkish Eco-nomy: A Social Accounting Matrix Analysis. Tourism Management 33, 790-801.
  • Aktaş, C. (2011). Türkiye'nin Turizm Gelirini Etkileyen Değişkenler İçin En Uygun Regresyon Denk-leminin Belirlenmesi. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi 6(2), 163-174.
  • Battour, M., Battor, M., and Muhammad A.B. (2014). Islamic Attributes of Destination: Construct Development and Measurement Validation and Their Impact on Tourist Satisfaction. In-ternational Journal of Tourism Research 16, 556-564.
  • Battour, M. and Ismail, M.N. (2016). Halal Tourism: Concepts, Practises, Challenges and Future. To-urism Management Perspectives 19, 150-154.
  • Battour, M., Mohd N. I., and Moustafa B., (2011) The Impact Of Destination Attributes On Muslim Tourist's Choice. International Journal of Tourism Research 13(6): 527-540.
  • Battour, M., Mohd N.I., and Moustafa B., (2010) Toward A Halal Tourism Market. Tourism Market 15: 1-10.
  • Çimat, A., and Bahar, O. (2003). Turizm Sektörünün Türkiye Ekonomisi İçindeki Yeri Ve Önemi Üze-rine Bir Değerlendirme. Akdeniz University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sci-ences Faculty Journal/Akdeniz Universitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Dergisi, (6).
  • Demir, Ç., (2010). 1980-2007 Türkiye turizm ekonometrik analizi: Zaman serisi yaklaşımı., PhD The-sis. DEÜ Sosyal Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Dilek, Serkan and Çakmak, Fatih (2017). Helal Turizm Eğilimleri: Kastamonu İlinde Bir Uygulama. İn-san ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi 6(6), 314-339.
  • Eid, R., (2015). Integrating Muslim customer perceived value, satisfaction, loyalty and retention in the tourism industry: An empirical study. International Journal of Tourism Research 17(3), 249-260.
  • Eid, R., and Hatem E, (2015). Muslim tourist perceived value in the hospitality and tourism industry. Journal of Travel Research 54(6), 774-787.
  • Gohary, Hatem-El (2016). Halal Tourism, Is It Really Halal?, Tourism Management Perspectives. 19, 124-130.
  • Gujarati, D. N. (2010). Temel Ekonometri (Çev. Ümit Senesen ve Gülay Günlük Senesen). Yedinci Basım, Istanbul: Literatür Yayınları.
  • Henderson, Joan C. (2011). Religious Tourism and Its Management: The Hajj in Saudi Arabia. Inter-national Journal of Tourism Research 13, 541-552.
  • Henderson, Joan C. (2010). Sharia-Compliant Hotels. Tourism and Hospitality Research 10(3), 246-254.
  • Hung, Wei-Ting, Jui-Kuo Shang and Fei-Ching Wang (2013) A multilevel analysis on the determi-nants of household tourism expenditure, Current Issues in Tourism 16(6), 612-617.
  • Jafari, J. and Noel Scott. (2014) Muslim world and its tourisms. Annals of Tourism Research 44, 1-19.
  • Juan L. Nicolau, Francisco J. Más, (2005) Heckit modelling of tourist expenditure: evidence from Spain, International Journal of Service Industry Management 16(3), 271-293.
  • Kamarudin, L.M and Ismail, H.N. (2014). Developing Framework of Muslim Toruists Typology from the Perspective of Pilgrimage Tourism’. International Conference on Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism (ICHLST) 2014 National Law University, New Delhi, India, 6-8 February.
  • Kandemir, Orhan and Gökbeşe, Esra (2017). Helal Turizmin Türkiye İçin Önemi ve Bölgesel Potan-siyelin Değerlendirilmesine Yönelik Nitel Bir Araştırma: Kastamonu Örneği”. Türk & İslam Dünyası Araştırmaları Dergisi 12(4). 299-314.
  • Kim, S., Holly H. I. and Brian EM. K. (2015) Muslim travelers in Asia: The destination preferences and brand perceptions of Malaysian tourists. Journal of Vacation Marketing 21(1), 3-21.
  • Legohérel, Patrick and Kevin K. F. Wong (2006) Market Segmentation in the Tourism Industry and Consumers' Spending, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 20(2) 15-30.
  • Mackinnon, J. G. (1991), Critical Values for Cointegration Tests, R. F. Engle and C. W. J. Granger (Eds), Long-Run Economic Relationship: Readings in Cointegration Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Marrocu, Emanuella; Paci, Rafaella and Zara, Andrea (2015). Micro Economic Determinants of To-urist Expenditure: A Quantile Regression Approach. Tourism Management 50, 13-30.
  • Masoudi, Gerald F. (1993). Kosher Food Regulation and The Religion Clauses Of The First Amend-ment. The University of Chicago Law Review 60(2), 667-696.
  • Mohsin, Asad; Ramli, Noriah and Alkhulayfi, Bader Abdulaziz (2016). Halal Tourism: Emerging Op-portunities. Tourism Management Perspectives 19, 137-143.
  • Rahim, Norafni Farlina Binti; Shafii, Zurina & Shahwan, Syahidawati (2015). Awareness and Percep-tion of Muslim Consumers On Halal Cosmetics and Personal Care Products. International Journal of Business Economics and Management 2(1), 1-14.
  • Samori, Zakiah; Salleh, Norzafir & Khalid, Mohammad (2016). Current Trends In Halal Tourism: Ca-ses On Selected Asian Countries. Tourism Management Perspectives 19, 131-136.
  • Sanchez, A.G., Fernandez-Rubio, E. and Collado, M.D. (2013). Daily expenses of foreign tourists, length of stay and activities: Evidence from Spain. Tourism Economics 19(3), 613-630.
  • Seiler, Vicky., Hsieh, Sheauhsing, Seiler, Micheal and Hsieh, Chiali. (2003). Modeling Travel Expen-ditures for Taiwanese Tourism, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 13(4), 47-60.
  • Sriprasert, Piangpis; Chainin, Oraphan and Abd Rahman, Hamzah (2014). Understanding Behavior and Needs Of Halal Tourism In Andaman Gulf of Thailand: A Case of Asian Muslim. Journal of Advanced Management Science 2(3), 216-220.
  • Şenesen, Ü. (2007), İstatistik Sayıların Arkasını Anlamak, 3. Basım, Literatür Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Tavares, Jean Max., Ivanov, Stanislav. and Neves, Otaviano Neves. (2016). Determinant of Tourists’ Spending During Tours: The Case of Repeat vs. First-Time Visitors to State Minas Gerais, Brazil. Tourism Planning & Development, 13(1), 23-36.
  • Tarı, R. (2010), Ekonometri, 6.Baskı, Umuttepe Yayınları, Kocaeli.
  • Tekin, Ö., A., (2014). "İslami Turizm: Dünyadaki Ve Türkiye'deki Genel Durum Üzerine Bir İncele-me." Journal of International Social Research 7, 29.TURKSTAT (2016), Tourism Statistics.
  • Unal, S., Cengiz, G. and Akkuş, Ç., (2014). The Relationshıp Between the Atmosphere, Emotion, Sa-tisfaction and Behavioral Intention in the Food and Beverage Enterprises. Gazi University Tourism Faculty Journal, Vol:1, No:1, pp. 23-49.
  • Unur, Kamil (2004). Turizmin Ekonomik Etkilerinin Ölçülmesi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilim-ler Enstitüsü Dergisi 6(4), 114-140.
  • Wang, Ying and Davidson, Micheal (2010a). Chinese Holiday Makers’ Expenditure: Implications For Marketing and Marketing. Journal of Marketing and Management 19(4), 373-396.
  • Wang, Ying and Davidson, Micheal (2010b). A review of micro-analyses of tourist expenditure. Current Issues in Tourism 13(6), 507-524.
  • Yalçın, A. Z. and Çakmak, F. (2016). Türkiye’de Kamu Sağlık Harcamalarının İnsani Gelişim Üzerinde-ki Etkisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi 30(4).
  • Yılmaz, M.; Sormaz, Ü.; Güneş, E. and Yetimoğlu, S. (2017). Helal Turizm ve Helal Gıda’nın Türki-ye’deki Durumu. 1.International Tourism Congress 07-09 April, Alanya.
  • Zamani Farahani, H., and Joan C. H., (2010). Islamic tourism and managing tourism development in Islamic societies: the cases of Iran and Saudi Arabia. International Journal of tourism rese-arch 12(1), 79-89.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Fatih Çakmak 0000-0003-4439-0242

Serkan Dilek

Publication Date January 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Issue: 22


APA Çakmak, F., & Dilek, S. (2019). RELIGION AND TOURISM IN TURKEY: AN ECONOMICALLY EMPIRICAL STUDY. Uluslararası İktisadi Ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi(22), 209-224.


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