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Seyhan Baraj Gölünde Askıda Sedimentin Alansal Dağılımının ve Zamansal Değişiminin Uzaktan Algılama ile Belirlenmesi

Year 2023, Volume: 47 Issue: 2, 103 - 118, 25.12.2023


Küresel iklim değişikliği, sanayileşme, hızlı nüfus artışı ve benzeri sebepler ile tatlı suya ulaşmak gün geçtikçe zorlaştırmaktadır. Tatlı suları korumak amacıyla sulak alanlar gibi doğal gölleri korumaya yönelik tedbirler alınmakta ayrıca akarsular üzerinde depolamalı su yapıları inşaa edilmektedir. Depolamalı su yapılarının planlanmasında, yapının ömrünü etkileyen en önemli faktör, su rezervuarına giren sedimentin tespit edilmesidir. Bu sediment baraj haznesinde birikerek kullanılabilir su miktarını düşürdüğü gibi yapının dip savak veya su alma yapısı gibi kritik yapılarını da kullanılmaz hale getirmektedir. Bu çalışmamızda uydu verileri ile yersel veriler arasında bir model oluşturularak üretilen, Toplam Askıda Sediment’e (TSS) ait parametreler ile Türkiye’nin güneyinde Adana il sınırları içerisinde yer alan Seyhan Baraj Gölüne ait Sentinel-2 uydu verileri kullanılarak, TSS’nin alansal dağılımı ve zamansal değişimi incelenmiştir. Tüm göl baz alındığında en yüksek TSS konsantrasyonu 26.03.2020 tarihinde 25.01 mg/L, en düşük değeri ise 23.01.2021 tarihinde 17.65 mg/L olarak bulunmuştur. Seyhan Baraj Gölünde uzaktan algılama tabanlı TSS izlenmesine yönelik kurulacak bir sisteme altlık olması açısından önceden bilinen uydu geçiş zamanlarında daha çok noktadan numune alınarak TSS parametrelerinin daha hassas belirlenmesi mümkün olabilecektir. Bu sayede belirli noktalardan örnek alınarak TSS değerleri yerine tüm göl yüzeyine ait TSS değerleri tespit edilebilecektir.


  • Akgül, M.A., & Dağdeviren, M., Ekmekçi̇, F., Kağnıcıoğlu, N., (2019). Köyceğiz Gölü Su Kalitesi Parametrelerinin Uzaktan Algılama İle Tahmin Edilmesi. 10. Ulusal Hidroloji Kongresi, 9-12 Ekim 2019, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi, Muğla/TURKEY, Volume 2, P. 805-814.
  • Bernstein, L.S., Adler-Golden, S.M., Sundberg, R.L., Levine, R.Y., Perkins, T.C., Berk, A., (2005). Validation of the Quick Atmospheric Correction (QUAC) algorithm for VNIR- SWIR multi- and hyperspectral imagery. SPIE, Proceedings, Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XI. Vol. 5806, pp. 668-678. https://doi. org/10.1117/12.603359.
  • Bresciani M., Cazzaniga I., Austoni M., Sforzi T., Buzzi F., Morabito G., Giardino C., (2018). “Mapping phytoplankton blooms in deep subalpine lakes from Sentinel-2A and Landsat-8.”, Hydrobiologia https://doi. org/10.1007/s10750-017-3462-2.
  • Canty, J.M., (2014). Image Analysis, Classification and Change Detection in Remote Sensing, with Algorithms for ENVI/IDL and Python, Third Edition. CRC Press.
  • DSİ, (2014). Seyhan Havzası Master Plan Raporu.,6.Bölge Müdürlüğü, Adana.
  • ESA, (2015). Sentinel-2 User Handbook, ESA Standard Doc., 24/07/2015 Issue 1 Rev 2.
  • ESRI, (2011). ArcGIS Desktop: Release 10. Redlands, CA: Environmental Systems Research Institute.
  • EOS, (2019)., Date of access: 17.11.2019.
  • Gupta, H.V., Sorooshian S., and Yapo, P.O., (1999). Status Of Automatic Calibration For Hydrologic Models: Comparison with Multilevel Expert Calibration, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 4(2), 135-143. (135).
  • Güvel, Ş.P., Akgül, M.A., Aksu, H., (2022). Flood inundation maps using Sentinel-2: a case study in Berdan Plain. Water Supply 1 April 2022;22 (4): 4098–4108. ws.2022.039.
  • Huizingh, E., (2007). Applied Statistics with SPSS. SAGE Publications Ltd, London. https://doi. org/10.4135/9781446249390.
  • Kabbara, N., Benkheil, J., Awad, M., Barale, V., (2008). “Monitoring water quality in the coastal area of Tripoli (Lebanon) using high resolution satellite data.”, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 63, 488–495.
  • Kontopoulou, E., Kolokoussis, P., Karantzalos K., (2017). “Water quality estimation in Greek lakes from Landsat 8 multispectral satellite data”, European Water, Vol.58, pp.191-196.
  • Matthews, G.V.T., (1993). The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands: Its History and Development (Ramsar Convention Bureau).
  • Nash, J.E., Sutcliffe, J.V., (1970). River Flow Forecasting through Conceptual Models 1. A Discussion of Principles. Journal of Hydrology 10(3), 282-290.
  • Sentinel-2 Team, (2015). “The story of Sentinel-2”, ESA Bulletin 161. P:8.
  • Shiklomanov, I., (1993). “World fresh water resources.”, In: P.H. Gleick, editor. Water in crisis: A guide to the world’s fresh water resources. Oxford Univ. Press, New York.
  • Sòria-Perpinyà, X., Vicente, E., Urrego, P., Pereira- Sandoval, M., Tenjo, C., Ruíz-Verdú, A., Delegido, J., Soria, J.M., Peña, R., Moreno, J., (2021). Validation of water quality monitoring algorithms for sentinel-2 and sentinel-3 in Mediterranean inland waters with in situ reflectance data. Water (Switzerland) 13. https://
  • Ticman, Kristina Di V., Medina Jommer M., Gubatanga Jr. Edgardo V., Jalbuena Rey L., Santos Justin Ace S., Ana Raymund Rhommel C. Sta., Blanco Ariel C., (2018). “Assessment of Landsat 8-Based Indices for Water Quality Parameter Estimation in Laguna De Bay, Philippines”, 39th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS 2018).
  • Vanhellemont, Q., Ruddick, K., (2016). “ACOLITE processing for Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8: atmospheric correction and aquatic applications extended abstract submitted for the 2016 Ocean Optics Conference”, to be held in Victoria, BC, Canada, 23-28 October 2016.
  • Van Liew, M.W., Arnold, J.G., and Garbrecht, J.D., (2003). Hydrologic simulation on agricultural watersheds: Choosing between two models. Trans. ASAE 46(6): 1539-1551.
  • Zhan, Y., Delegido, J., Erena, M., Soria, J.M., Ruiz- Verdú, A., Urrego, P., Sòria-Perpinyà, X., Vicente, E., Moreno, J., (2022). Mar Menor lagoon (SE Spain) chlorophyll-a and turbidity estimation with Sentinel-2. Limnetica 41, 1.
Year 2023, Volume: 47 Issue: 2, 103 - 118, 25.12.2023



  • Akgül, M.A., & Dağdeviren, M., Ekmekçi̇, F., Kağnıcıoğlu, N., (2019). Köyceğiz Gölü Su Kalitesi Parametrelerinin Uzaktan Algılama İle Tahmin Edilmesi. 10. Ulusal Hidroloji Kongresi, 9-12 Ekim 2019, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi, Muğla/TURKEY, Volume 2, P. 805-814.
  • Bernstein, L.S., Adler-Golden, S.M., Sundberg, R.L., Levine, R.Y., Perkins, T.C., Berk, A., (2005). Validation of the Quick Atmospheric Correction (QUAC) algorithm for VNIR- SWIR multi- and hyperspectral imagery. SPIE, Proceedings, Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XI. Vol. 5806, pp. 668-678. https://doi. org/10.1117/12.603359.
  • Bresciani M., Cazzaniga I., Austoni M., Sforzi T., Buzzi F., Morabito G., Giardino C., (2018). “Mapping phytoplankton blooms in deep subalpine lakes from Sentinel-2A and Landsat-8.”, Hydrobiologia https://doi. org/10.1007/s10750-017-3462-2.
  • Canty, J.M., (2014). Image Analysis, Classification and Change Detection in Remote Sensing, with Algorithms for ENVI/IDL and Python, Third Edition. CRC Press.
  • DSİ, (2014). Seyhan Havzası Master Plan Raporu.,6.Bölge Müdürlüğü, Adana.
  • ESA, (2015). Sentinel-2 User Handbook, ESA Standard Doc., 24/07/2015 Issue 1 Rev 2.
  • ESRI, (2011). ArcGIS Desktop: Release 10. Redlands, CA: Environmental Systems Research Institute.
  • EOS, (2019)., Date of access: 17.11.2019.
  • Gupta, H.V., Sorooshian S., and Yapo, P.O., (1999). Status Of Automatic Calibration For Hydrologic Models: Comparison with Multilevel Expert Calibration, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 4(2), 135-143. (135).
  • Güvel, Ş.P., Akgül, M.A., Aksu, H., (2022). Flood inundation maps using Sentinel-2: a case study in Berdan Plain. Water Supply 1 April 2022;22 (4): 4098–4108. ws.2022.039.
  • Huizingh, E., (2007). Applied Statistics with SPSS. SAGE Publications Ltd, London. https://doi. org/10.4135/9781446249390.
  • Kabbara, N., Benkheil, J., Awad, M., Barale, V., (2008). “Monitoring water quality in the coastal area of Tripoli (Lebanon) using high resolution satellite data.”, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 63, 488–495.
  • Kontopoulou, E., Kolokoussis, P., Karantzalos K., (2017). “Water quality estimation in Greek lakes from Landsat 8 multispectral satellite data”, European Water, Vol.58, pp.191-196.
  • Matthews, G.V.T., (1993). The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands: Its History and Development (Ramsar Convention Bureau).
  • Nash, J.E., Sutcliffe, J.V., (1970). River Flow Forecasting through Conceptual Models 1. A Discussion of Principles. Journal of Hydrology 10(3), 282-290.
  • Sentinel-2 Team, (2015). “The story of Sentinel-2”, ESA Bulletin 161. P:8.
  • Shiklomanov, I., (1993). “World fresh water resources.”, In: P.H. Gleick, editor. Water in crisis: A guide to the world’s fresh water resources. Oxford Univ. Press, New York.
  • Sòria-Perpinyà, X., Vicente, E., Urrego, P., Pereira- Sandoval, M., Tenjo, C., Ruíz-Verdú, A., Delegido, J., Soria, J.M., Peña, R., Moreno, J., (2021). Validation of water quality monitoring algorithms for sentinel-2 and sentinel-3 in Mediterranean inland waters with in situ reflectance data. Water (Switzerland) 13. https://
  • Ticman, Kristina Di V., Medina Jommer M., Gubatanga Jr. Edgardo V., Jalbuena Rey L., Santos Justin Ace S., Ana Raymund Rhommel C. Sta., Blanco Ariel C., (2018). “Assessment of Landsat 8-Based Indices for Water Quality Parameter Estimation in Laguna De Bay, Philippines”, 39th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS 2018).
  • Vanhellemont, Q., Ruddick, K., (2016). “ACOLITE processing for Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8: atmospheric correction and aquatic applications extended abstract submitted for the 2016 Ocean Optics Conference”, to be held in Victoria, BC, Canada, 23-28 October 2016.
  • Van Liew, M.W., Arnold, J.G., and Garbrecht, J.D., (2003). Hydrologic simulation on agricultural watersheds: Choosing between two models. Trans. ASAE 46(6): 1539-1551.
  • Zhan, Y., Delegido, J., Erena, M., Soria, J.M., Ruiz- Verdú, A., Urrego, P., Sòria-Perpinyà, X., Vicente, E., Moreno, J., (2022). Mar Menor lagoon (SE Spain) chlorophyll-a and turbidity estimation with Sentinel-2. Limnetica 41, 1.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Geological Sciences and Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Mehmet Ali Akgül 0000-0002-5517-9576

Recep Yurtal 0000-0003-3175-6567

Publication Date December 25, 2023
Submission Date June 7, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 47 Issue: 2


APA Akgül, M. A., & Yurtal, R. (2023). Seyhan Baraj Gölünde Askıda Sedimentin Alansal Dağılımının ve Zamansal Değişiminin Uzaktan Algılama ile Belirlenmesi. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi, 47(2), 103-118.