Research Article
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Does the Fear of Missing out Affect Social Exclusion in Social Relations? The Role of Phubbing

Year 2021, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 64 - 77, 28.02.2021



  • Abeele, M. M. V., Antheunis, M. L., & Schouten, A. P. (2016). The effect of mobile messaging during a conversation on impression formation and interaction quality. Computers in Human Behavior, 62, 562-569.
  • Abeele, M. V. (2020). The Social Consequences of Phubbing. The Oxford Handbook of Mobile Communication and Society, 158.
  • Andreassen, C. S., Pallesen, S., & Griffiths, M. D. (2017). The relationship between addictive use of social media, narcissism, and self-esteem: Findings from a large national survey. Addictive behaviors, 64, 287-293.
  • Arbuckle, J. L. (2016). User’s guide. IBM SPSS AMOS for structural equation modeling, Version 24.0.
  • Baumeister, R. F., & Leary, M. R. (1995). The need to belong: desire for interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation. Psychological bulletin, 117(3), 497.
  • Billieux, J., Maurage, P., Lopez-Fernandez, O., Kuss, D. J., & Griffiths, M. D. (2015). Can disordered mobile phone use be considered a behavioral addiction? An update on current evidence and a comprehensive model for future research. Current Addiction Reports, 2(2), 156-162.
  • Błachnio, A., & Przepiórka, A. (2018). Facebook intrusion, fear of missing out, narcissism, and life satisfaction: A cross-sectional study. Psychiatry research, 259, 514-519.
  • Bredeson, J. V., Lyons, J. B., Prochnik, S. E., Wu, G. A., Ha, C. M., Edsinger-Gonzales, E., ... & Nauluvula, P. (2016). Sequencing wild and cultivated cassava and related species reveals extensive interspecific hybridization and genetic diversity. Nature biotechnology, 34(5), 562-570.
  • Chotpitayasunondh, V., & Douglas, K. M. (2016). How “phubbing” becomes the norm: The antecedents and consequences of snubbing via smartphone. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 9-18. Chotpitayasunondh, V., & Douglas, K. M. (2018). The effects of “phubbing” on social interaction. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 48(6), 304-316.
  • Elhai, J. D., Levine, J. C., Dvorak, R. D., & Hall, B. J. (2016). Fear of missing out, need for touch, anxiety and depression are related to problematic smartphone use. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 509-516.
  • Franchina, V., Vanden Abeele, M., Van Rooij, A. J., Lo Coco, G., & De Marez, L. (2018). Fear of missing out as a predictor of problematic social media use and phubbing behavior among Flemish adolescents. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(10), 2319.
  • Gerber, J., & Wheeler, L. (2009). On being rejected: A meta-analysis of experimental research on rejection. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 4(5), 468-488.
  • Gökler, M. E., Aydın, R., Ünal, E., & Metintaş, S. (2016). Sosyal ortamlarda gelişmeleri kaçırma korkusu ölçeğinin Türkçe sürümünün geçerlilik ve güvenilirliğinin değerlendirilmesi. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi, 17(1), 52-59.
  • Gürbüz ve Şahin, (2016). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri felsefe, yöntem, analiz (3. bs.). Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Gürbüz, S. (2019). AMOS ile yapısal eşitlik modellemesi. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Hales, A. H., Dvir, M., Wesselmann, E. D., Kruger, D. J., & Finkenauer, C. (2018). Cell phone-induced ostracism threatens fundamental needs. The Journal of social psychology, 158(4), 460-473.
  • Hetz, P. R., Dawson, C. L., & Cullen, T. A. (2015). Social media use and the fear of missing out (FoMO) while studying abroad. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 47(4), 259-272.
  • Karadağ, E., Tosuntaş, Ş.B., Erzen, E., Duru, P., Bostan, N., Şahin, B.M., Çulha, İ. & Babadağ, B. (2015). Determinants of phubbing, which is the sum of many virtual addictions: A structural equation model. Journal of behavioral addictions, 4(2), 60-74.
  • Kline, R. B. (2015). Principles and practice of structural equation modeling. Guilford publications.
  • Kuss, D. J., & Griffiths, M. D. (2017). Social networking sites and addiction: Ten lessons learned. International journal of environmental research and public health, 14(3), 311.
  • Lai, C., Altavilla, D., Ronconi, A., & Aceto, P. (2016). Fear of missing out (FOMO) is associated with activation of the right middle temporal gyrus during inclusion social cue. Computers in Human Behavior, 61, 516-521.
  • Morgan, G. A., Leech, N. L., Gloeckner, G. W., & Barrett, K. C. (2004). SPSS for introductory statistics: Use and interpretation. Psychology Press.
  • Nuñez, T. R., Radtke, T., & Eimler, S. C. (2020). A third-person perspective on phubbing: Observing smartphone-induced social exclusion generates negative affect, stress, and derogatory attitudes. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 14(3).
  • Oberst, U., Wegmann, E., Stodt, B., Brand, M., & Chamarro, A. (2017). Negative consequences from heavy social networking in adolescents: The mediating role of fear of missing out. Journal of adolescence, 55, 51-60.
  • Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Lee, J. Y., & Podsakoff, N. P. (2003). Common method biases in behavioral research: a critical review of the literature and recommended remedies. Journal of applied psychology, 88(5), 879.
  • Pontes, H. M., Szabo, A., & Griffiths, M. D. (2015). The impact of Internet-based specific activities on the perceptions of Internet addiction, quality of life, and excessive usage: A cross-sectional study. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 1, 19-25.
  • Przybylski, A. K., Murayama, K., DeHaan, C. R., & Gladwell, V. (2013). Motivational, emotional, and behavioral correlates of fear of missing out. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(4), 1841-1848.
  • Reagle, J. (2015). Following the Joneses: FOMO and conspicuous sociality. Retrieved January 07, 2016, from
  • Roberts, J. A., & David, M. E. (2017). Put down your phone and listen to me: How boss phubbing undermines the psychological conditions necessary for employee engagement. Computers in Human Behavior, 75, 206-217.
  • Wang, X., Xie, X., Wang, Y., Wang, P., & Lei, L. (2017). Partner phubbing and depression among married Chinese adults: The roles of relationship satisfaction and relationship length. Personality and Individual Differences, 110, 12-17.
  • We Are Social. (2020). Digital in 2020,
  • Wegmann, E., Oberst, U., Stodt, B., & Brand, M. (2017). Online-specific fear of missing out and Internet-use expectancies contribute to symptoms of Internet-communication disorder. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 5, 33-42.
  • Williams, K. D. (1997). Social ostracism. In Aversive interpersonal behaviors (pp. 133-170). Springer, Boston, MA.
  • Williams, K. D. (2009). Ostracism: Effects of being excluded and ignored. Advances in experimental social psychology, 41, 275-314.
  • Yasin, R. M., Bashir, S., Abeele, M. V., & Bartels, J. (2020). Supervisor Phubbing Phenomenon in Organizations: Determinants and Impacts. International Journal of Business Communication, 2329488420907120.

Sosyal İlişkilerde Gelişmeleri Kaçırma Korkusu Sosyal Dışlanmayı Etkiler Mi? Sosyotelizmin Rolü

Year 2021, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 64 - 77, 28.02.2021


Çalışmanın amacı, gelişmeleri kaçırma korkusu ve sosyal dışlanma ilişkisinde sosyotelizmin durumsal aracılık rolünü tespit etmektir. Araştırmanın verileri 260 üniversite öğrencisinden elde edilmiştir. Çalışma verileri çevrimiçi anket kullanılmış olup, hazırlanan anket kolayda örnekleme yöntemi kullanılarak uygulanmıştır. Toplanan verilerin analizinde, betimleyici istatistikler, doğrulayıcı faktör analizi, korelasyon ve regresyon analizleri kullanılmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda, değişkenler arasında pozitif ve güçlü ilişki bulunmuştur. Ayrıca, gelişmeleri kaçırma korkusunun sosyotelizm üzerine etkisi pozitif yönlü ve anlamlıdır. Son olarak, gelişmeleri kaçırma korkusunun sosyotelizm vasıtasıyla sosyal dışlanma üzerindeki dolaylı etkinin anlamlı olduğu tespit edilmiştir.


  • Abeele, M. M. V., Antheunis, M. L., & Schouten, A. P. (2016). The effect of mobile messaging during a conversation on impression formation and interaction quality. Computers in Human Behavior, 62, 562-569.
  • Abeele, M. V. (2020). The Social Consequences of Phubbing. The Oxford Handbook of Mobile Communication and Society, 158.
  • Andreassen, C. S., Pallesen, S., & Griffiths, M. D. (2017). The relationship between addictive use of social media, narcissism, and self-esteem: Findings from a large national survey. Addictive behaviors, 64, 287-293.
  • Arbuckle, J. L. (2016). User’s guide. IBM SPSS AMOS for structural equation modeling, Version 24.0.
  • Baumeister, R. F., & Leary, M. R. (1995). The need to belong: desire for interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation. Psychological bulletin, 117(3), 497.
  • Billieux, J., Maurage, P., Lopez-Fernandez, O., Kuss, D. J., & Griffiths, M. D. (2015). Can disordered mobile phone use be considered a behavioral addiction? An update on current evidence and a comprehensive model for future research. Current Addiction Reports, 2(2), 156-162.
  • Błachnio, A., & Przepiórka, A. (2018). Facebook intrusion, fear of missing out, narcissism, and life satisfaction: A cross-sectional study. Psychiatry research, 259, 514-519.
  • Bredeson, J. V., Lyons, J. B., Prochnik, S. E., Wu, G. A., Ha, C. M., Edsinger-Gonzales, E., ... & Nauluvula, P. (2016). Sequencing wild and cultivated cassava and related species reveals extensive interspecific hybridization and genetic diversity. Nature biotechnology, 34(5), 562-570.
  • Chotpitayasunondh, V., & Douglas, K. M. (2016). How “phubbing” becomes the norm: The antecedents and consequences of snubbing via smartphone. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 9-18. Chotpitayasunondh, V., & Douglas, K. M. (2018). The effects of “phubbing” on social interaction. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 48(6), 304-316.
  • Elhai, J. D., Levine, J. C., Dvorak, R. D., & Hall, B. J. (2016). Fear of missing out, need for touch, anxiety and depression are related to problematic smartphone use. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 509-516.
  • Franchina, V., Vanden Abeele, M., Van Rooij, A. J., Lo Coco, G., & De Marez, L. (2018). Fear of missing out as a predictor of problematic social media use and phubbing behavior among Flemish adolescents. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(10), 2319.
  • Gerber, J., & Wheeler, L. (2009). On being rejected: A meta-analysis of experimental research on rejection. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 4(5), 468-488.
  • Gökler, M. E., Aydın, R., Ünal, E., & Metintaş, S. (2016). Sosyal ortamlarda gelişmeleri kaçırma korkusu ölçeğinin Türkçe sürümünün geçerlilik ve güvenilirliğinin değerlendirilmesi. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi, 17(1), 52-59.
  • Gürbüz ve Şahin, (2016). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri felsefe, yöntem, analiz (3. bs.). Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Gürbüz, S. (2019). AMOS ile yapısal eşitlik modellemesi. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Hales, A. H., Dvir, M., Wesselmann, E. D., Kruger, D. J., & Finkenauer, C. (2018). Cell phone-induced ostracism threatens fundamental needs. The Journal of social psychology, 158(4), 460-473.
  • Hetz, P. R., Dawson, C. L., & Cullen, T. A. (2015). Social media use and the fear of missing out (FoMO) while studying abroad. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 47(4), 259-272.
  • Karadağ, E., Tosuntaş, Ş.B., Erzen, E., Duru, P., Bostan, N., Şahin, B.M., Çulha, İ. & Babadağ, B. (2015). Determinants of phubbing, which is the sum of many virtual addictions: A structural equation model. Journal of behavioral addictions, 4(2), 60-74.
  • Kline, R. B. (2015). Principles and practice of structural equation modeling. Guilford publications.
  • Kuss, D. J., & Griffiths, M. D. (2017). Social networking sites and addiction: Ten lessons learned. International journal of environmental research and public health, 14(3), 311.
  • Lai, C., Altavilla, D., Ronconi, A., & Aceto, P. (2016). Fear of missing out (FOMO) is associated with activation of the right middle temporal gyrus during inclusion social cue. Computers in Human Behavior, 61, 516-521.
  • Morgan, G. A., Leech, N. L., Gloeckner, G. W., & Barrett, K. C. (2004). SPSS for introductory statistics: Use and interpretation. Psychology Press.
  • Nuñez, T. R., Radtke, T., & Eimler, S. C. (2020). A third-person perspective on phubbing: Observing smartphone-induced social exclusion generates negative affect, stress, and derogatory attitudes. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 14(3).
  • Oberst, U., Wegmann, E., Stodt, B., Brand, M., & Chamarro, A. (2017). Negative consequences from heavy social networking in adolescents: The mediating role of fear of missing out. Journal of adolescence, 55, 51-60.
  • Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Lee, J. Y., & Podsakoff, N. P. (2003). Common method biases in behavioral research: a critical review of the literature and recommended remedies. Journal of applied psychology, 88(5), 879.
  • Pontes, H. M., Szabo, A., & Griffiths, M. D. (2015). The impact of Internet-based specific activities on the perceptions of Internet addiction, quality of life, and excessive usage: A cross-sectional study. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 1, 19-25.
  • Przybylski, A. K., Murayama, K., DeHaan, C. R., & Gladwell, V. (2013). Motivational, emotional, and behavioral correlates of fear of missing out. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(4), 1841-1848.
  • Reagle, J. (2015). Following the Joneses: FOMO and conspicuous sociality. Retrieved January 07, 2016, from
  • Roberts, J. A., & David, M. E. (2017). Put down your phone and listen to me: How boss phubbing undermines the psychological conditions necessary for employee engagement. Computers in Human Behavior, 75, 206-217.
  • Wang, X., Xie, X., Wang, Y., Wang, P., & Lei, L. (2017). Partner phubbing and depression among married Chinese adults: The roles of relationship satisfaction and relationship length. Personality and Individual Differences, 110, 12-17.
  • We Are Social. (2020). Digital in 2020,
  • Wegmann, E., Oberst, U., Stodt, B., & Brand, M. (2017). Online-specific fear of missing out and Internet-use expectancies contribute to symptoms of Internet-communication disorder. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 5, 33-42.
  • Williams, K. D. (1997). Social ostracism. In Aversive interpersonal behaviors (pp. 133-170). Springer, Boston, MA.
  • Williams, K. D. (2009). Ostracism: Effects of being excluded and ignored. Advances in experimental social psychology, 41, 275-314.
  • Yasin, R. M., Bashir, S., Abeele, M. V., & Bartels, J. (2020). Supervisor Phubbing Phenomenon in Organizations: Determinants and Impacts. International Journal of Business Communication, 2329488420907120.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Seyhan Özdemir 0000-0002-3530-6689

Publication Date February 28, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Özdemir, S. (2021). Sosyal İlişkilerde Gelişmeleri Kaçırma Korkusu Sosyal Dışlanmayı Etkiler Mi? Sosyotelizmin Rolü. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 3(1), 64-77.